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Everything posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. It will lose effectiveness in case you dont use Finasteride, if you combine these two you have a lifetime to lock those hairs for good. People may start Finasteride and wait for a year to see the results. If they are not happy then add Minoxidil to it.
  2. Usually you would start Finasteride/Minoxidil 1/2 years previously to the surgery and reevaluate later but with topical meds I would do the same as your user said.
  3. Traditional medicine suggests that after 10 days aprox (I think) the hairs should be well secured so anything you shed is more likely to be just hairs but not the folicles themselves.
  4. Yeah, uggly duckling is right at the door, stay strong mate. Hopefully in a few months you will be getting better.
  5. This is the "foul me once, foul me twice" kind of situation. If this was a reputable doctor I would give it a go since they have a reputation to defend. On this case its just not worth it, I know it sucks to take the L but I guess op will have to accept that the clinic didnt give him the results he needed, this is why reesearch is very important.
  6. See a derm ASAP, in case of MPB start Finasteride ASAP. You got good coverage at this stage so stopping it on its early tracks would likely settle you for the rest of your life if you have MPB and are willing to commit to medications.
  7. Congrats for your transplant. Its a bit early to say, wait a few days until the scabs are out and you may be get a better view but as I said you should be ok. Bicer has a good reputation and its probably one (if not) the best doctor(s) in Turkey. Would be a surprise not to have a good result.
  8. As my Uni tutor used to say, its about the journey not the results. One will define the other. And it looks good even at an ugly duckling stage from the way the hairline is constructed I wouldnt be surprised if you got great results.
  9. Both Pinto and Ferreira are off limits for now but said they would be opening consultations soon.
  10. I am on the same situation as yourself. Started on early 20s, currently 27. I honestly think you had two great doctors in there for the proccedure which IMO are a few leagues ahead of Bicer. I think you could get away with Pinto having a similar price if I aint mistaken. But I still think that Bicer is a good doctor herself so hopefully you will be ok. BTW portuguese myself, currently residing in the UK, its good to see some portuguese people around these parts. Boa sorte
  11. Is there any place to see Villa's results? I know she has been involved with Lorenzo in the past howeaver I can't see much photos around here. I just reeched out to both of them today to see if I can get evaluated.
  12. Il second that. Just be mindfull that they have been both facing a lot of trafic lately so you will need to be wiling to wait for a while before you get a consultation. I know that because I am in a similar situation, remember to do your reesearch as well
  13. True, even those doctors arent even on pair with De Freitas, Bruno Ferreira,Bruno Pinto, Lorenzo, Couto and so many besides costing a lot of money. Its not really worth it going for a surgery around here though I will give you that it is a great place to spare money in the first place if you can get a decent job. This was my main reason for veting the return to Portugal, because I knew here I would have conditions to earn for a great transplant.
  14. Also, consider the currency, paying in Euros has its advantages too making it cheaper for a better result in a lot of cases. So in theory you could be paying lesser money for better doctors for better results if you search wisely. I consulted a local surgeon here and honestly he was a great guy and seemed very ethical, howeaver its not just about ethics. Its also being able to show that you can pull out great results consistently for which there aint much evidence unfortunately. I remember being very desesperate and looking to go directly for a transplant but he stopped me from doing so and suggested to start medication before even thinking about it which could have very well have saved me from a disastrous result.
  15. I live here in the UK and I thought once just as you do, howeaver after doing further reesearch and finding this forum I realized that you cannot restrict yourself to just your location for this kind of surgery. Trust-me, there are enough repair patients because of this.
  16. Thanks Rahal, that was very informative. I will add this to my notes as it is important to start understanding each proccedure for what it is instead of having misconceptions before booking a surgery.
  17. Sorry, I didnt properly read your coment. Yeah, I always contemplated doing it, it just scared me making things worse because of possible inflamation but doing it once a week should be fine hopefully. I was thinking about using a normal Dermaroller or Dr Pen from Ebay but will see if I can find the derminator.
  18. I know alot of the majority of great results with minoxidil come with Microneedling, howeaver from my understanding it seems like there wasnt enough cientifical evidence that could put Microneedling on the same page with Minoxidil and Finasteride so I holded it off. Is there any specific dermaroller that I should use?
  19. I did have some thickening using Minoxidil for almost a year, could Dermarolling add Regrowth to that if combined with the Minoxidil?
  20. Thanks for answering this. And yes I do agree that transection is bad, howeaver if there is a slight chance for the folicle to grow then it should be placed back, unless its completly damaged beyond growth then I guess discarding its the only choice.
  21. I believe DHI is when the surgeon makes the extraction and the implantation, in FUE techs may get involved with at least one out of the two. Please correct me if I am wrong but this is my understanding. But yeah, I would guess that it would still be a waste to just dump the transected folicle instead of trying to put somewhere were they might see use for it. I mean, good clinics are supposed to try and maximize the results of a transplant so placing a few folicles in places where it might fit would only make sense.
  22. So obviosuly I know that when opting for these proccedures surgeons extract the folicles either manually (DHI) or through techs (FUE depending on clinic), dissect them before placing it back on the recipient area. Since there might be a transection between extraction and implantation is there a way that the surgeon or techs are able to identify possible transected folicles? If so, are they still planted back to the recipient area or do they get simply discarded? I have done some reesearch on this and there is some evidence that corroborates that even if there is some damage to the folicle there is still the prospect to grow back so logically doesnt really make sense to discard it, unless its really bad and even then. Obviously different clinics have different guidelines howeaver I am just looking for the general consensus.
  23. Its funny that I always had this wrong idea that the majority of top clinics used DHI when performing the extractions/implantations. Reality is that things arent what they seem and after doing some further digging, only a few surgeons seem to be comfortable doing both extractions and implantations manually such as Ferreira, not sure if Pinto is doing the same tough. I think its also important to make sure that the techs are good enough to perform the implanations and I believe that the majority of them are possibly capable of following the surgeons instructions leading to good results, I guess this is why De Freitas is really good as he seems.
  24. Thanks, I have just noticed that they do indeed have an email, might be worth a try sending a message to see if it is possible to get an answer.
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