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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. just 3 months in on OM yes, I was on Finasteride for nearly 2 years and saw no improvements, I was pretty much as bald as I have been since early 20s and the hair pattern is the same in all the males on my Dad's side so I doubt anything will change drastically, so I decided to stop it, had no sides though, but don't see the point in taking something thats not helping, hoping in a few months I see some benefit from OM
  2. work all looks great, and judging from my own experience and how its turning out this is going to look amazing with the fact you have all that thick native hair behind this new hairline
  3. Thanks buddy, it's easy for me to spot all the bad bits but then when I look through progress and I am calm and not overly judgemental with myself it think it is looking good! I can't wait to see your update
  4. Thanks dude, at some point soon ill probably need to get a proper hair cut as I have been doing it myself atm and its all a bit lob sided
  5. just a week or so over 8 months, not seen a big difference over the last month or so, hair is now just shy of 2 inches long so kind of in a weird spot for how I style it, not long enough or heavy enough to go forward properly, doesn't go to the side properly, but to long to spike up, so its kind of fell naturally into managing to comb it back if I use a hairdryer to force it to stay down as it just tends to do its own thing. Not used any products as tried hair powder I had seen other go on about but it left my hair feeling very greasy and tacky to touch so not used it since, might try it again at some point as it did look thicker when it was on near 3 months on oral minoxidil so hoping in a couple of months time I might start to see some benefits from that from the front and sides to me its looking great if I style it right, my OCD of course always finds the worse bits and where it's see thru on top and sides etc, but I am getting better at just letting it be also and have had a lot of great comments where mates who have known me for years think I have just grown my hair and can't remember if I was bald or not until I tell them I got it done ha my only gripe (and its a small one I guess) is the beard hairs are annoying, they do what they want and the texture compared to my head hairs is quite sharp and like wire compared to the others, but like I say its only a small thing and hopefully overtime they might calm down like others have mentioned? tried to capture it facing the light head on and away from it in the office to give a true reflection on how it looks So its
  6. Looks great but personally I think this is far too young to be thinking about HTs, he has no idea how his future losses might pan out? already looks like he is thinning a bit on top on some of the photos, for his sake I hope he doesn't. But loos good and natural though.
  7. nice, I might look into some texture powder, I am just around 2.5mths on Oral Min and hoping it can help me out in a few months, looking great
  8. do you have any product in it? it looks amazing, total new man!
  9. I came over to the farm house whilst you was there, they threw that bit of a gathering that night, was good to meet you and this looks like it turned out well for you, do you have more pics, of the procedure, different angles etc?
  10. for the first two surgeries I had 3000 each time and only scalp hair, this time at Eugenix I had I think around 2700 scalp and 1800 beard
  11. Thanks all, very nice to be reassured as my OCD finds all the bad bits sometimes, but over these last few weeks I have started to mellow out a bit with it and actually enjoy it and embrace it more!
  12. Surely there was some sort of conversation about the approach? But saying that I asked Eugenix to solely just give me density across my whole head and they choose to load the hairline, yeah it looks good but tbh it was not what I asked for or wanted, but I am where I am This is not a bad result and can be easily sorted for sure?
  13. But surely HLC have planned to hit the key areas, hairline and humps to reinforce the illusion and get a good style to run with? I have looked through all the thread and am struggling to see what the problem is? he has great density around the hairline and humps and like GN pointed out the mid scalp was not really touched, but reading through I agree maybe the clinic should of stated their intentions! This is not a failed HT and there is nothing wrong with the final result My hair is super thin and now after my third surgery and more bald than this have had around 10500 and only just started growing it 7 months into my third surgery and now with 1.5 inches in length I am really surprised how well the thin hair on top is hidden and how good it looks And I totally agree that if the intention is to keep the hair short then your never going to look in the mirror and think this looks natively thick, it just can't happen? HLC for me have always had quite stand out results and I don't think they have done a bad job here at all
  14. I would not despair mate, I had two surgeries at a local clinic to have a combined 6000 grafts and was probably in this state (I am slightly more bald than you as your sides are higher) and then only earlier this year when having 4500 again from Eugenix has it started to come good, yes Eugenix are great but also it was not that the first place did it wrong, more that your hair is similar to mine and its never going to cut it with one pass, tbh I probably need one last pass on my mid scalp but lets see Your left temple has lost some grafts for sure but won't take many to correct! But for what you have had done its looking good, its all growing etc, but I do agree with your assessment, and I never attempted to grow mine until this recent surgery because I was in the same boat as you and I don't think I would of been happy having a very thin mop on my head, but with another pass you will be in a really good place for sure
  15. So it’s been seven months and getting a lot of compliments on the hair. To me it looks great sometimes and still see thru at other times. But I know this will get better and it’s not the case that I’ll ever get that natural density. I just mean my OCD is made for finding flaws haha I have took pics in the natural light in my studio and tried to show normal viewing angles vs more extreme when you can see how thin it is across the midscalp. My hair is not really long. About an inch and a half in length now so I know with more length this will help again I think later this year I will definitely book in for a final pass next year with the hope to flood the midscalp and lateral humps as I am very happy with the hairline and crown. I just would love some actual sort of density across the middle I am just over 2 month on OM now and hoping that might thicken my hair strands up at some point too fingers crossed 🤞🏻 But overall I am happy atm
  16. From HGC in Manchester? He was a lovely doctor and was very approachable and was good at what he did. What they do really is not that bad. I still follow them on IG and they produce some good results and all mine grew apart from a mega scab area which I realise was down to me not wetting it as much as I should have. And a bit on them with bleeding I guess. But when I see a lot of results on here from top companies. Honestly a lot of the results are not different the only thing I will say is they seem to have a hard limit on grafts and just get through what they can on that day of surgery. For me it was two sessions of 3000 when in reality I have had that and another 4500 and still probably need another 3000 to cover midscalp to get some density etc but even tho they are classed as a hair mill I honestly thought they was alright considering what I see on here. If you speak with them just be armed with knowledge from this site. As I wasn’t and might of got my hairline done diffferently in hindsight
  17. Thank everyone, tbh looking at y photos now from where I started and how its progressed I am actually amazed, its really shaping up, its to easy to be disheartened from what seems like a lack of progress, but by constantly taking photos and having to them to reflect on really gives perspective to it all
  18. Thanks mate, looking at it in pics gives me a good perspective on where I am properly as its to easy not to notice what's happening, I started full blown NW6 since 20 in 1997 and shaved to the bone for 25yrs, and then 3 HT later it looking good, the latest HT at Eugenix is leaps and bounds above the last two, but I would not discount the first two as they setup the ground work I guess, my hair is just naturally straight and very fine, so hoping oral min can help a little to thicken it up maybe, but tbh at 6 months I am happier than I thought I would be even with it being this short
  19. @Velberti Saiiter I have not seen a bad case from him yet so I would not worry, it was merely an observation
  20. @BeHappy agreed, and I am trying to grow it but sounds daft but finding it hard as it looks weird after 25 years of constant to the bone shaving. Once it gets to a few inches long ill have a better idea of what's happening with it I think
  21. Six months Been a bit of a slow month from 4 to 5 vs 5 to 6, but I have noticed small improvements when I look at photos side by side, my hair is still really short, I was letting it grow and then tried getting it all the same length and ended up chopping half of it off doh! but just gave myself a home done fade cut on back and sides and hair is nearly 2cm on top, so very short still. Like I said I am noticing small improvements but still lots of small gaps around the mid scalp area, and as my hair is super dry, thin and lifeless atm I am using a dry texturing gel to spike and style backwards. Been on Oral Minoxidl for 4 weeks now so hoping in the following months that can help with maybe adding some thickness to my super thin hair, lets see! Tried to take photos with a couple of different angles and lighting to give a good view of where it's at. Overall happy atm, tho I am super self conscious also that I look like I am going bald and trying to keep my hair (rather than shaving it) vs having a good head of hair! Maybe all that is in my mind as old mates I have bumped into thought I had just grown my hair vs actually having it transplanted, so maybe its more in my head, but still can't get over the bathroom light making it look like I have nothing on my head haha, it kills me ha
  22. I am going to sound a little negative and I don't mean too as its nothing against this case, but I always see the same hairline design and also the same amount of grafts regardless of baldness pattern, and I can't help but think what about a backup plan? But that said all the other cases seem to turn out well so no doubt this will too! Sorry didn't mean to sound negative as its not meant to be, more of an observation
  23. Its always possible, you only have to look at @Gatsby and @Bandit90 to know that there is always a way, just not always an easy path though, I myself was not far off where you are and I made the mistake of going to a cheap place for first two procedures and got lucky to a degree, lost a few grafts but then just had my latest op with Eugenix which is growing in atm not far off six months, and its looking good, not as thick and as dense as I would like but also better in ways than I imagined. I think I am now around 10.5k with I reckon 300 lost ones looking at the first surgery etc -
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