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Posts posted by bayern11

  1. 3 hours ago, LaserCaps said:

    It is evident - whatever you are doing, it's working.  But let's address the Minoxidil issue.  People tend to expect.  If I do something, I expect to get something in return.  When people do not "see," results, frustration kicks in and they stop the med all together not understanding that the med is not intended to grow anything.  It is to help you retain what you have so you don't get worse.

    It is a fact that there is synergy when modalities are combined.  Given your results, I would encourage you to add Minoxidil.  Take photos so you can keep tabs on what's happening.  Give it a good year.  People tend to forget what they looked like originally and are very surprised by the results months afterwards.  

    Good job.

    Thank you for your advice but i already stated that i tried the topical minoxidil for 3 years but it didn’t work for me. It din not regrow or maintain any hair. I switched to oral minoxidil and i’m seeing good results. It’s very effective and convenient. Why would i add topical if i’ve already tried it and it didn’t work for me and not convinient at all!?

  2. 37 minutes ago, Russ said:

    Thanks for the response. I’m thinking about starting oral minoxidil at 1.25 and then going from there. Do you think I’ll see a difference from that dose? I think @Melvin- Moderator might have said it’s equivalent or better than 5%foam

    Start where you and your body feels comfortable and increase the dose with time to at least 2.5mg.

    Just don’t overthink things because when your mind starts to play with your body your chance of getting side increases dramatically.

    Try to take the pill and forget about it and reassess after every few weeks.

  3. 5 hours ago, Russ said:

    Did you everywhere else improve overall or just the crown? Did you see a difference between 2.5mg Vs 5mg?

    I would say that it improved the hair quality everywhere but the most noticeable difference for me is crown because it was thinning the most. My mid scalp also got better.

    In short every hair looks far better than before.

    I can’t tell the difference between 2.5mg and 5mg because i only took 2.5 for a short period of time and then upped the dose because the data shows 5mg is the best dose for regrowth.

    And i shedded a lot for 2 months and i still shed miniaturised hair when i wash my head but it’s far less than before.

  4. First 40 days on 2.5 mg and then  50 days on 5 mg.

    I’m also taking finasteride 1mg daily from last 3 years.

    No sides except more body hair which is not a problem for me or most of guys. You’ll feel some heart palpitations for the first few days but don’t quit because after that it subsides.

    Everyone should give it a try because oral minoxidil at 5mg is the best drug for regrowing your hair and relatively safe. There is a lot of fearmongering about this drug and try it yourself and then judge it.




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  5. I’m already on oral finasteride 1mg daily  for 2 years and oral minoxidil 5mg daily for 3 months. I think my crown improved a little bit since starting oral minoxidil.

    How many grafts you guys think i’ll require for a decent coverage if i opt for a transplant but before that i’ll give oral minoxidil a year to see the full results of it.

    No sides from finasteride or minoxidil.

    It looks worse in photos according to my family and friends and decent in reality and also depends on lighting and angles.

    These photos are in very harsh angle(birds eye view) and bathroom lighting.

    Any advise will ne valuable. Ty.



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