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Posts posted by sbguy01

  1. Maybe they want it doubly clean?

    Here's what their sheet said:

    DIAL ANTIBACTERIAL LIQUID SOAP (or similar product): This is a skin cleanser that you will use the evening before surgery and the morning of surgery. It helps reduce bacteria on your scalp. Wash your hair, head, face, and neck. You DO NOT need a prescription for this. You can purchase this at most stores. Check the hand soap aisle. 

  2. Thanks to all the useful info on this board, I've decided on Dr. Konior for my HT procedure.  Going for the best!

    My 2000 graft FUE with is 3 weeks away in mid-April.  I've been waiting for 6 months now!  I'll be sure to document my journey and pay it forward.

    I've made this packing list based on what I've learned here and Dr. Konior's instruction sheet.

    Any other things I should back for my procedure?  

    -    Tape (taping icepack to forehead)
    -    Icepack (small)
    -    Ziplock bag (ice pack)
    -    Surgical cap (for airplane travel)
    -    Neck pillow (for sleeping upright – Melvin’s tip)
    -    Dog pee pads (for wrapping neck pillow – Melvin’s tip)
    -    IBUPROFEN 200 mg
    -    DIAL ANTIBACTERIAL LIQUID SOAP (washing scalp before procedure)
    -    ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT – Neosporin
    -    ROGAINE FOAM 5%:
    -    Gauze Pad
    -    Vitamin C
    -    Aquaphor Ointment Body Spray (hydrate the graft zone)

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, ciaus said:

    You can get some benefits from taking them in the months before and after HTs, in terms of helping to limit shock loss and maximizing blood flow and nutrients to the newly transplanted hairs. But its best to stay on the meds for life in terms of minimizing how many transplants you're going to need down the road. Unfortunately some guys are just not going to have enough donor hair for transplantation to make up for what they're going to lose. When you stop taking Finasteride the DHT levels flowing through your blood rise back up to their normal levels, which leads to more of it binding to your hair follicle receptors causing miniaturization until the hairs are so small you can't see them. Minoxidil is less important because it doesn't actually halt or slow your hair loss, but it does extend your hair growth cycle lengths and makes your hairs thicker while they are visible, helping to give you a fuller head of hair look.

    Thanks Ciaus.  I'm not sure I want to be on meds for life.  Will discuss this on my next consult with a doc as well.  

  4. @Egott92 Congrats on your awesome hair and thanks for this very helpful thread!  I'm considering a HT and one of the things that scared me was the FUT scar because I'd like to wear my hair relative short (3-4 guard).  Your clean "linear" post-op scar looked amazing and random graft locations looked very natural.  You must have good genes and a good doctor to boot 🙂  I'm going to book and consult with Konior.


    • Thanks 1
  5. Looking for US only.  Not single anymore, can't just take off for a couple of weeks on some medical vacation 🙂

    So why are you not a fan of Diep.   Did you get work done by him?

    @Melvin, I'm not spreading false information about Diep.  I'm just repeating what I learned on this site.  And of course if I'm not confident about going with Diep I'll find someone else, which is why I'm on this site.  To learn and make an informed and confident decision. 

    I started reading this thread today.  It started out very negatively.  In fact he said half of his forehead was done by an experienced tech, the other half was like grapevine by a non-experienced tech.  The thread is a like novel.  I jump to the end and his result seems to look pretty good.   


    Then, there's this other novel of a thread, where he almost went to Diep but ended up with Shapiro.   Look forward to reading that whole thread too.


  6. @Melvin- ModeratorNothing suspicious here, all true.  Perhaps a bit ill-informed as I am just starting the process.  Diep's the first doc I consulted with, mainly because of his abundance of youtube videos showing his great results.  I read part of your original post and you are a happy Diep client.  But you must admit, the reviews on this forum have been love or hate, especially more hate in recent years, granted I just found this site a few hours ago.  Perhaps you lucked out and got him at at his prime? Thanks for the reference to Cahustler.  Will check it out!

    @JDEE0 You're right.  It was unfair to say that he's an HT money machine, especially when he recommended FUT to me.  I just thought that maybe FUT was more efficient for him/staff.  FUE is more revenue, but also more cost to him as well.  I will create a separate thread, now that I'm broken in here, and see what people say about my situation.

    Thanks for the pointers!


  7. I just found this website this morning.  What a great resource!

    I'm a late 40s Asian male and just started my research as well. After a 2 month wait, I had a video consult with Dr. Diep last week.  He quickly recommended 3500 graft FUT.  I said "But you're the FUE king!"  He said, "That's right. I am and I'm telling you FUT will work for you with better results.   It's less expensive, one session, more density, don't have to shave your head, the linear scar is not that bad if you don't shave your head.  You can do FUE too but you'll have to visit me multiple times."  I thought I hit the jackpot with an honest doctor, with 1000s of Youtube videos.  

    However, after reflecting on the consult, I recalled that he suggested FUT right after he ask where I was coming from and found out that I was coming from out of state.  I didn't get a very good feeling then, and my feeling just got worst when I asked his back office (Allison) to direct me to some normal follow up pictures of FUT patients showing the linear scar.  She said they don't have any, aside from the clinical videos where the hair is taped up to expose the linear scar. 

    Really?!?  Are they hiding something, or are guys so excited to have a hairline that they are blind to the FUT linear scar?   

    I then noticed that all of Diep's videos are about the beautiful natural "hair line."  I'm thinking to myself "Dude, what about the back of the head, how visible or not visible is the FUT scar?  Other doctors do that!"  On top of that, most of his Youtube videos of Asian patients had FUE

    After reading messages on this website, it sounds like his best days may be behind him?  He's now running a HT money making factory with 2 patents at a time, using less-experienced techs, pumping out cornrows? 

    I'm beginning to think that he only recommend FUT to me because I was out of state and it fits better with his schedule, etc.  Meaning it was better for him, not necessarily for me.  That's the feeling I get a week after the video consult, interactions with his disorganized back office, and things I learned on this awesome website.

    Any "recent" fans of Dr. Diep that want to share their stories, or direct me to some other relevant posts?  

    Asian FUT patient story and wears their hair short (1/2") are more useful for me.  Not making a social statement asking for Asian stories, it's just more relevant because Asian hair is different than Caucasian, Afro or other hair.

    Many thanks! 


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