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Posts posted by SeanT1

  1. 2 minutes ago, Egy said:

    Yes, it is as you say when you point out that the front part has held up, but not when you are talking about the crown, not many follicular units have been grafted in the vertex, the transplant mainly concerned the front and the middle scalp , I lost most of them from here.

    I see, thank you for clarifying; what are your next steps sir? 
    Are you planning for SMP or transplant?

  2. 9 hours ago, Kashnw7hope said:

    A lot of those are fine hairs , it could be that they are about to begin their new cycle as stronger hairs . As long as visibly you are progressing and hair getting thicker you should be on the right track . 

    I hope so. :)
    However I do have thin hair as is.

    It's just concerning seeing a solid 40 hairs each time I get a shower too.
    I have recently used hairspray I wonder if that's cause of concern.

    My scalp has also become more itchy than it has been.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Egy said:

    At six months it was doing very well, then from the eighth month onwards, they started to fall out, but as you can see from the photo, it was not only my native hair that was falling out, but also the transplanted ones, which were thicker.

    I was just looking at your topic, noticed a lot of your hairs that fell out were from your crown area.
    It looks like your hairline didn't thin though.
    I didn't get any work done in the crown, from my understanding the crown is more difficult to keep. :)


    30 minutes ago, Egy said:

    It happened that I lost many in the end.

    How was your hair looking at 6 months? Was it as thick as mine sir?

    1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    Yes everyday people shed 100 hairs or so. I wouldn’t be alarmed. Stay with the Finasteride seeing you are on it. 👍

    Thanks @Gatsby

    This is a statement that doesn't sit well with me.  In my late teenage years people also said this to me yet I needed a transplant by the time I was in my 20s.

  5. 2 hours ago, Egy said:

    These were the ones that I saw staying in my comb, in the eighth / ninth month, after I washed them (so every two / three days) and then counted them in the sink, many members here said that it is normal to see up to 100 hair fall out per day, but for me it wasn't.  I hope it's not the same for you, because it didn't end well for me.


    Hi sir, what happened for you in the end?

  6. Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well!
    It's been 6 months (almost 7) since I got my hair transplant.

    Thus far I'm very happy with the results,
    However I'm growing more and more concerned about the hair falling out in my recipient area.

    Tonight alone I rubbed my hands through the recipient area and around 40 hairs fell out from the transplanted area (they're around 2/3 or 1/2 the size of my longest hairs).

    Is this something to worry about?  I know a lot of people say that you loose up to 70 hairs a day but you'd think this would add up over a short period of time!

    I've attached images if they're of any use; these are the hairs that fell out into the sink.
    I've taken Finasteride 1mg for over a year now. :)



    (Double sample)

    (Image of my hairline for reference)

  7. Hoping to get SMP on my crown also, booked in for May. :)
    The crown & sides are the most common places to get SMP, there are several very convincing SMP videos on YouTube demonstrating how it gives the illusion of more density in the crown area.  When it comes to getting more grafts done in the future, I'm sure some doctors will turn away anyone who has SMP as it makes the procedure more difficult for the surgeon.  But many doctors still will do surgery after SMP, especially if you go to a trusted doctor.

    Out of curiosity, can you share an image of your blended frontal SMP

  8. Your hair situation reminds me of mine prior to an operation.
    All my life I've also had a willows peak, so the team made sure to give me a hairline that kind of matches what it was like before I lost my hair.
    I personally prefer it over 'straight hairlines' that some people get, each to their own. :)


    3500 grafts in one day for reference.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    If you feel that your hair has now stabilized from finasteride then SMP can be excellent in supporting the illusion of more density (after all that's what a hair transplant is - an illusion of full hair). If you do choose this though ensure you do your research for an SMP artist who is excellent in creating hair density as you would when researching for a hair transplant surgeon. All the best.

    Thank you Gatsby, as always!

    I'm going to arrange a consultation with DotMicro, they won 3rd place prior to lockdown at micropigmentationuk.
    Their result samples & Instagram looks quite promising. :)


    I think my hair has stabilised.  I do lose 3-4 hairs each shower from the crown but doesn't seem to be too much of an issue.
    So you feel that my hair isn't too thin and SMP should do the job?

    • Like 1
  10. Hi!
    I'm six months after my FUE hair transplant, very happy!
    I only got work done at the front, not crown area.

    I was wondering if I should get work done on my crown,
    Which do you think is better for my situation, another hair transplant or SMP? :)

    The crown looks ok in the right light conditions, but awful in the worst (ie. direct sunlight).
    Taking 1mg of finasteride every day for one whole year now.  I'm 26 years old.


    (Worst case lighting from above)



    (Frontal hairline six months result for reference :) )


  11. @RecedingSebs

    Excited for you! :)

    Yes, pull the trigger, it will change your life for the better.
    You look to be in a similar hair situation that I was prior to a ht operation (heck, your hair is even thicker).

    I went to a 'hair mill' in Istanbul and my transplant thus far has been deemed successful. 
    So I've no doubt you'll do well with Dr. Turan.

    (Six months after operation for reference)

  12. 10 hours ago, MachoVato said:



    Wow! If you're final result looks like that second pic, you should be excited! 

    Hi, Thank you!

    Being honest, I'm worried that my hair will be too thin.  

    I'm at the six month Mark and honestly it seems a lot of people do not have any change between 6 months and 12 months.  The hair only gets longer.

    What are your thoughts sir?

    Great result by the way. :)

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