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Posts posted by SeanT1

  1. Happy new year everyone!
    I hope the start of this year has been great for you all. :)

    I'm now at exactly four months (not sixteen weeks), 
    Being honest, I do feel a bit behind compared to a lot of other people on this forum at 4 months. 
    It's as if it's only getting longer rather than denser.

    But I've been told that the majority of people would have similar results to this and that thicker results at 4 months is not the norm.
    I'll leave several images in different lighting situations for your honest thoughts!


    4 Months Post Operation:




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  2. Hello everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    I'm one week away from hitting that wonderful 4 month mark.
    However, when looking at my transplant I feel concern, I worry that it should have progressed a lot more by now.
    When looking at other members pictures at 4 months; their hair is much thicker and less patchy.  What are your thoughts? :)




  3. My man, I'm going to be straight with you.  Unless you have a good reason not to use finasteride, you should.
    Don't listen to the horror stories on the internet, the majority of man have no sexual side effects.

    Look into micro pigmentation also.

    But never EVER get a hair transplant if you're choosing NOT to use hair loss medication.
    Hold on to what you have now before you regret it.

    • Like 1
  4. Hello everyone, we've reached twelve weeks which is close enough to three months!

    Being honest, I'd expect a bit more growth than this when I compared to other users on this forum at three months.
    Am I wrong to think this or do you think there should be more growth? :)

    I trimmed the hairs on top as they were getting a little ridiculous in size!
    It's kind of strange to explain but it seems like my hairline itself is thicker then the transplanted area inbetween this and my natural hair is very patchy?
    So it looks like there is a line across my head.

    12 Weeks Post Operation:




  5. 48 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

    I think itchiness in areas outside the donor and recipient areas is not too unusual in the first couple of weeks after the hair transplant. After that it gets more concentrated towards the actual recipient and donor sites. The donor area is usually more itchy than the recipient area, but it varies. How long ago was your transplant?


    Coming up to three months next week sir. :)

    19 minutes ago, gillenator said:

    The sensations of itching is more attributed to the healing process and can be felt anywhere in the scalp...in addition, the scalp can also tend to have some dryness and flaking post-op which also can produce itching...lastly, it can be attributed to severed nerves which can induce itching and also numbing of the scalp.

    Thank you for the information!

  6. Hello everyone!

    This may be a rather silly question;
    After a hair transplant, many report itchiness of the scalp.  This is due to the hair pushing through the skin.
    Personally, I've actually been experiencing itchiness on the center of my scalp which had no transplants.

    In addition, I've been noticing more spots appear on my forehead as opposed to the recipient area. 


    Any thoughts? 
    When people say there head is itchy, are they referring to the recipient/donor areas or is it normal to experience itchiness elsewhere?

  7. 4 hours ago, Fue3361 said:

    It's very normal for one side to grow faster than the other.  Happens to many people.

    Some people have very fast growth while others don't.  I think it is partially genetic, and partially dependent on the clinic you went to (how the surgery was done, the post care, etc.).

    You look absolutely fine for 3 months, it is within the normal expectations.  Myself personally, I seem to be a very fast responder, and have gotten pretty good growth at 2 months 19 days atm, but for other people they see almost nothing at the 3 month mark.  There's a reason the 6 month mark is usually the period that people reserve for making any initial judgements.   That's usually a point at which almost everyone sees some decent growth.  But I've seen people at 4 months have more growth than the average 6 month person.


    3 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    At just over two months you are entering the ugly duckling phase so any judgement at this point is irrelevant. At about three months and on wards things will start to get exciting! I look forward to your future updates. Thanks for sharing!

    Thank you both for the feedback, it's very much appreciated! :)
    Certainly a huge confidence boost, with less worry now.

    Hope the best in both your journeys also!  


    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 hours ago, JDEE0 said:

    Looks completely normal to me; you look to have some grafts that didn't shed and have grown and also some just starting to sprout hairs which is as expected for nearly 3 months 

    Thank you for confirming sir.
    My biggest concern is that while one side you can see hairs sprout; the other side you don't see any at all.
    This is causing that side to look rather patchy (first three photos).   Is there nothing to worry about?

    It seems the post-operation waiting can be more stressful than the operation itself!


  9. 12 hours ago, bori said:

    Thank you, I made those sunglasses myself :)


    I just made an online appoitnment with Dr. Balwi's clinic. My understanding you also went with Dr. Balwi and you are generally satisfied with your experience? Would you recommend this clinic? 

    Thank you sir, I did indeed go with Dr. Balwi.
    However, it is considered a "hairmill" which this forum is very much hesitant against (understandably). 

    I chose Dr. Balwi based on many hair transplant vlogs found on YouTube for Elithair.  I was quite content with elithair's potential.

    I can't say much in regards to the results as of now as I'm only 10 weeks P.O. 
    But the hairline shape is brilliant and they took the care to ensure single grafts are at the front as well as some DHI implantation in addition to FUE.
    I have a review thread in which I post regular updates if you're interested to check that out.

    In regards to the experience in Istanbul itself, 
    It was a typical package; collection from the airport, hotel paid for, transport to the clinic and back to the airport.
    They're a very friendly bunch of people and I was well looked after.  Stayed for a few days more to enjoy the hotel.. they invited me back to the clinic each day for regular cleaning for free.

    In regards to the online appointment,
    You'll be much better off finding a local transplant clinic that you can get a free appointment from as they use microscopes to see how many hairs per graft is in your donor area.  Once you have this information, you forward it to a better clinic/doctor online. :)

  10. I love your sunglasses!


    You definitely need to stick to finasteride, after a year you'll notice a difference in your crown area.
    Given your recession, you'll be needing a BIG transplant, likely two.

    You'll likely need a solid 3500-4000 in the front, then 2000-ish in the back depending on how well finasteride works for you.
    I'm concerned about the donor area, you should go to a clinic near you for a free consultation and they will tell you how many hairs you have per graft.
    Regardless, you'll definitely will need some m.s.p to cover up any scaring at the back after transplanting so many grafts.


    Your hair looks a lot like this users;

    He is in need of two transplants and this is his result of his first transplant on the front.  Very promising results, again similar situation to yours.


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