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Posts posted by Gokuhairline

  1. 17 days post fue and tomorrow and the next day I have some meetings and even tho I don't need to its expected to join others in a few drinks....obviously I am not getting bombed but any safe time one can resume drinking ? also does it make any difference on what it is i.e light /clear type spirits or darker/ beer ? ty

  2. so i will begin a 2 maybe 3 month bulk phase and plan on adding 12-15 lbs in that time period.....i am 17 days post FUE.......I was thinking about getting on creatine again, I used to take it on and off over years ago and definitely saw gainz however at that time i did not know about the potentials in hair loss so i didn't really even think about it, i also had a full head and no recession .....so now I am thinking of going back on and taking 5g 3x week mainly on days a lift along with my normal protein shakes and increased calories overall....i know theres some that say yes creatine causes hair loss/ raises test and eventually dht etc etc and then there are those that do not subscribe to that thought.....i am on the latter but wanted to know if anyone had any recent experiences ? I also plan to do it for 2-3 months and then off and cut/lean out. 

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