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Posts posted by Gokuhairline

  1. 5 hours ago, londonhairlossvictim said:

    I'm exactly 5 weeks today and I feel I have alot of similarities to how yours looks too! I wasn't completely bald so mine's not as bad but I can see small areas of what I am assuming is shedding in my case.

    I wash my hair once every other day, and when I do, I notice like dry white skin getting wet and sitting on my scalp. First I thought it was some shampoo residue but it seems to be some type wet skin flakes that appear then when it dries that disappears and then it gets tangled in the hair. At 5 weeks I still have also a little bit of redness around the hairline area


    nice , i dont have any redness at all, its just the lighting I guess that makes it seem lighter then my hair color...i would try nizoral for the flakes. 

  2. Hello all, today marks 1 month since my FUE at HMR in Tijuana, MX with the Cortez brothers....time did fly by....I thought I was going to be part of that 1% who never sheds since I was holding strong til the 3rd week and then the shedding began lol...I'd say I've lost 75 maybe 80% of grafts, there are still some there so I wonder if I will continue to shed everything or not and hopefully start growing....I also never got to buzzing my hair like I was thinking and kind of glad I didn't cause after wearing a hat my hair gets messy and can sort of hide the transplanted area,...is this the ugly duckling phase or am I about to enter it ? scalp has regained normal sensation about 85%, no shock loss ? from what I can tell, back and looks like nothing happened. Here's to growing and see y'all next month. 







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  3. 2 minutes ago, RandoBrando517 said:

    Seen great stuff from HMR honestly better than Nader


    I agree and that's so awesome to hear man, I really think they are very very under rated and predict they will only get more attention in the future. As far as Nader I am sure hes a professional but good luck getting someone to pick up the phone and respond to e-mails, at least when I was looking I couldn't get a soul...for me that is a red flag.

  4. Just now, JohnAC71 said:

    Pretty much yes, well in particular with us higher Norwoods. The illusion of density in full effect. 

    tbh i don't get this concept of illusion of density and its probably a simple one lol I cant be that dense, can you explain what it means illusion of density ? I mean when I hear and see how the docs are moving hair from donor to the recipient and "dense pack" will that not result in dense-ness ? lol my b

  5. hey OP, i've decided to go FUE with out ANY prior meds such as fin, minas, dutas, etc...only thing i was regularly doing was dermarolling....I am 24 days post FUE so I guess its too early too tell but I did heal up very quick specially in the donor area...in my opinion the sides specially from finas down below if you know what I mean are not worth risking it at all....

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