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Posts posted by Gokuhairline

  1. 3 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    To be fair, you could say the same thing about anything. My main goal is making sure people are fully informed. Given the efficacy of topical fin though, I’d much rather use that, as opposed to the oral version.

    yes and no....more no actually. maybe something like crack or heroine....theres many cases of people reporting their lives turned upside down just after 1 finas pill.....that is 1 one mg pill....check out this kid damon and his testimony , look at the comments, many report similar things, they all cant be wrong. and again i think many just do not want to come clean for feeling embrassed or shamed....just saying this is not something i'd risk no matter how small the percentage is....hair is NOT worth your life.



  2. On 10/26/2021 at 8:50 PM, Kjdrapeau said:

    Was going to start a new thread but found this while searching and thought it would be better to post here rather..

    I’m curious about shedding stages too, is it good to “accelerate” the process by massaging the scalp, etc? Gently of course. I’ve been using sea buckthorn oil and washing hair every other day or so. Also curious about cutting my hair/native hairs around during shedding, is it a good way to camouflage just buzzing it with a 1 or 2 every week until shedding decreases (I’m a month post op, so not sure how long shedding stage will last?) also I’ll be posting a new topic about my procedure with Dr Nader, it went very well! 

    i was talking about shedding in general not necessarily the shedding associated with post FUE....i think it can range from a couple to 10-20? not sure, thats how mine went...how was you experience with dr nader? make a thread about it. 

  3. Curious to see what’s been the fastest anyone has seen grown post fue ? Obviously not talking having hairline back but seeing new hairs sprout here and there.....I think there was someone who saw some nice results at 2nd month , I’m 6 weeks post fue today and seeing some new hairs along my hairline , it’s uneven growth however and the outline of hairline is kind of visible...it will be 2 months in 19 days. 

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