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Everything posted by Axel

  1. ***3 Month Update*** Not a whole lot going on, but the frontal hairs that were transplanted never fell out for the most part. You can see this, as they are quite long at this point. Not to much going on with the temples. There is some early growth, but I sure hope new hairs start to grow in.
  2. I've had my hair cut short on the sides and long on the top before, so it wasn't a huge deal to go back to that hairstyle for me. However, they did shave the sides way shorter than is ideal for the style. Additionally, I only had the temples done and it was mild-moderate. Not sure what all you are having done. As far as the convo, I wanted to just shave my head to make it easy on them, but they said if the sides were shaved it wouldn't make a difference. The girl there was actually very insistent that I not shave my entire head, which was a good call... Lol
  3. Use Groupon. 6 treatments usually go for $120-$250. That's total, not per treatment either.
  4. I think the more in-depth the better. I wanted every detail when I was looking for a doctor. It's a huge cost and there is VERY little info in this largely unregulated practice. That said, it's really alarming that those actually in charge of the main content/reviews in this forum, have turned a blind eye to the objectively bad behavior by the clinic. This inspires little confidence that this forum is not completely biased, due to sponsorship by the clinics that are so highly touted within.
  5. ***Update Day 47*** Not a lot to update on, but here are some pictures. The temple area has pretty much shed completely. The front area, weirdly, has not and I'm not sure it will. There is still a lot of redness and I am having some issues with dandruff, but nothing too bad. I'll update again at the 3 month mark.
  6. I also went to H&W if you check my page, and they did a dense pack of 2600 grafts on just my temples mainly. So I hope they know what they're doing lol
  7. From what I've read, there's still time for the hair that has grown in to become thicker. However, I was hoping you'd have a little more growth. I also went with Hassan and Wong, but I'm not quite to one month post-procedure. How much donor hair did Hassan say remained?
  8. Oh you already have a nice beard haha, there you go man. It's a good look and you honestly have the head shape/facial structure to pull it off well. I wouldn't worry about it at all, but good luck with whatever you decide 👍🏻
  9. With the amount of hair loss you have and your age, I wouldn't do a transplant personally. I also see ZERO benefit of starting finasteride when you've already lost so much hair. It won't bring it back and the risk of side effects makes absolutely no sense in your situation. If you decide against the transplant, work on other physical characteristics that can help you feel good about yourself. Gain some muscle, start a workout routine etc. Hair isn't everything, but I would recommend growing a nice beard if possible. It can either be well trimmed or longer, but they truly do add a lot of asthetic value when you don't have hair on top. If you do go for a transplant, be careful. Find a doctor that specializes in larger transplants and expect 2-3 procedures to be necessary. I'm not sure if the result would be what you want, but you should first find other patient stories that show similar hair loss to your own and review them.
  10. Yeah my thought is that I'll see where they are in 5-10 years. Mainly I would be focused on the middle of my hairline when it recedes in 6-12 years depending on my luck. Can't have a hair moat out front lol. I assumed a touch up would be needed to the new hairline in 1-1.5 years after the swelling is 100% gone. How many grafts can realistically be placed per cm and survive in one session? If it was 85% that of the surrounding native hair that's fine, but is that realistic with my procedure?
  11. He said the temple points looked good and didn't want to make them look unnatural. You think maybe he should have? I'm thinking next year if the density is mediocre in the main areas, I could have Konier add more grafts, maybe 300-400, and I could also do the temple points if needed.
  12. *** 3 Week Update*** Seems to be healing pretty well, hairs have started to shed. How does the donor area look? I think it's somewhat thin, hoping it wasn't slightly over-harvested.
  13. I don't have too much advice, but I used to have a TON of dandruff. It's really bad for your scalp health and annoying in general. I'd highly recommend using ketoconazole shampoo once every three days for 3-4 weeks. It got rid of dandruff for me completely, didn't even use the whole bottle. All I have to contribute lol, good luck! https://www.amazon.com/Nizoral-Anti-Dandruff-Shampoo-Ketoconazole-Dandruff/dp/B00AINMFAC?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1
  14. Exactly! I actually had my hair transplant by Hassan and Wong as well. I would not say they were bad, but I had some concerns as well, many of which echo this patient's. The results are what matter in the end though, so I can not speak on that yet. If you end up using then or any other doctor, remember the stories you've heard so far and be cautious.
  15. Not only placed against the patient's desired location, but over-harvested. Not sure why there isn't more of a negative response. Concerning, considering this forum is supposed to be an unbiased source of information. Weirdly, there is a "it's better than before!" attitude with the majority of comments. I don't know if this is more indicative of the clientele that hair transplants attract, or a lack of understanding about the transactional aspects of these high cost procedures.
  16. Yeah, I'd read about the risk of thinning from SSRIs and bupropion as well a long while back. It doesn't seem to affect everyone. But I agree, stress and anxiety probably also cause hair loss lol. Also, congrats on successfully quitting smoking! Here's a link regarding antidepressants and hairloss if interested: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wk/incps/2018/00000033/00000001/art00004 https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=0&q=Bupropion+hair+loss&hl=en&as_sdt=0,44#d=gs_qabs&t=1654575668470&u=%23p%3DbkuVTFBSTqgJ "Compared with bupropion (Wellbutrin), all other antidepressants had a lower risk of hair loss, with fluoxetine and paroxetine having the lowest risk." "Studies have found that all other antidepressants have a lower risk of hair loss compared to bupropion."
  17. I used to be prescribed bupropion for anxiety and adhd and was wondering if anyone had an experience with this particular medication post hair transplant? It's known to cause hairloss/thinning, but my main question would be in regard to its use directly after a hair transplant. I'm two weeks post transplant and wondering if it could possibly affect the establishment of the new hair grafts and their productivity.
  18. Absolutely not man. I've looked into that before and it just should not be done on men. Imagine the attention that your forehead would get with a huge, unsightly scar in your 40s. If you're banking on a hair transplant covering that, that's extremely risky. A lot of women actually like larger foreheads. I would focus on getting a good, natural hairline. I'd also grow a nice, manicured beard if possible and I think you'd be surprised at the effect.
  19. Here's several studies that show a correlation. The science behind all this is always evolving. There are plenty of drugs that cause irreparable damage, look at xanax with tardive dysphoria aka incurable depression. Look at meth and other drugs that cause tardive dyskinesia, uncontrollable tremors and movement. Marijuana with memory. There are many other examples. The effects some drugs have on the brain/nervous system can even be epigenetic. People are so adverse to reading the science out there that details the concerns around finasteride. I think it comes from a place of fear. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515335566 https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(22)01163-8/fulltext#relatedArticles https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1557988314538445 https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0081/ea0081p448
  20. Sorry for the double post. Are some people on here bought and paid for by H&W? Defending them after receiving all this info is utterly mind-blowing. - The patient tells the doctor he doesn't like the outline on his hairline prior to the procedure and the doctor over-rules him. Yeah, hair transplants are his field, but this is a cosmetic surgery and there is no "right" temple or hairline shape per se. It's a $20k procedure and in the end, the patient was, as he thought, unsatisfied with the angles. To think the doctor has the RIGHT to overrule on a cosmetic, personal procedure is idiotic. This is not someone trying to tell a doctor the right way to perform a heart transplant or the like. - The doctor over-harvests the donor, DEPLETES it, and then charges the patient the extra 3k. The soft criticism and even outright defense of this one shocks me. No excuses for this one period. Clinic should have discounted the entire procedure to some degree and inserted extra grafts for free. - No time to check-in on the patient at all after finishing a procedure with all these issues? Shocking that after a huge error, there was no extra personal attention paid to the patient. H&W have a great rep, but you have to be able to look at facts and adjust your opinions. - A side gripe would be the assurance that only one patient is worked on a day, only to find out its not true. Lack of transparency. - Also, to say "well your hair will look better than before, so don't worry too much", is unbelievable. You laid for a specific service, not "better than before". I would hope it would be better, considering you paid $30,000 and now have no donor hair! I do not understand the line of reasoning at all. I can confirm that a lot of the info provided was true with my own procedure at H&W. They had 180 extra grafts, which they asked if I wanted to use. Obviously I wasn't just going to have them throw them away. I didn't think I would be charged for them, but I was, although the extra costs were way less than OP. There was atleast one additional patient being worked on during my procedure. I had zero follow-up by Dr. Hassan. As far as I can tell, my precedure went well, I have few complaints in that aspect. However, I will personally be using Konier for any future touchups. Nordster34, you need to trust your gut with all these concerns you've had. Don't be dissuaded by people on here or because it's easier to just go along with things after such a huge commitment.
  21. I flew in to Vancouver from Texas. I can tell you the anesthetic shots hurt a decent bit, 7/10. There were a lot of them, but the first couple numb you decently. As far as the hat goes at the airport, I just told the guy at the front before the imaging that I had scalp surgery. He told me to tell the guy conducting imaging and that guy was very understanding and told me it was 100% ok to leave the hat on. No big scene at all. I did have to remove the hat for customs, but it was about 5 seconds. I'm used to it now and don't even wear the hat out lol.
  22. How many grafts did you get? Woah just saw you got it May 18th, same exact date as me, by Hassan as well! How crazy. Here's mine for reference:
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