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Everything posted by Fox243

  1. Yes but hoping to market it in 6 months or so if the trials are successful.
  2. We don’t know about anything for Dr Bloxham future plans but he could hopefully use it for his past 3 patients.
  3. HairDAO is an organization that has raised around 3 million dollars and our goal is to cure hair loss. We’ve done a bunch so far such as create a new treatment (that we are putting through trials in the next 6 months), fund various hair related projects, etc. I’m one of the core members of HairDAO. Happy to answer any questions.
  4. No 16th isn’t the trial date – it’ll hopefully be sometime in December but really depends on how long for the trichoscope to ship
  5. Here's the doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s3JkF9woMIebkXbpE_UxrjBfNy9i7AuBclDqn9HGrAo/edit
  6. I only allow others to comment and only I have the ability to actually implement their comments
  7. Unfortunately, I reached out again and it seems like he is no longer interested because he thinks running a trial in this fashion is too risky.
  8. If you could find reliable providers to source to him, that would be the greatest help.
  9. It’s quite hard to source Verteporfin in brazil so been having trouble there.
  10. Hey, I wouldn't say that. Melvin has been so helpful to our efforts and I'm gracious for all the work he's done so far.
  11. I don’t think it’s extreme personally. We know that Verteporfin isn’t harmful and does something – maybe not full regeneration, but at least less scarring and partial regeneration. None of the literature demonstrates Verteporfin can heal old scars so imagine you get a HT without Verteporfin. Then it’s possible you ruin your only chance at hair regeneration and are forced to take meds and have a conservative look for the rest of your life when if you wait for Verteporfin, there’s a chance you could be nw1 without any meds
  12. It’s not 80 mg because we don’t take FUE extractions from every cm^2. It’s also a FUE so probably requires more than an FUT. I had based the initial 10 mg figure on Dr. Bloxham’s trial. Probably ordering like 50 mg or something to be safe. It’s not that expensive so better to order more than less.
  13. So yeah it’s tough – these are all research chemical sites (After doing more research, I’d actually recommend using this one: https://www.targetmol.com/compound/Verteporfin – it was used by someone else in another group I am). Ideally, we’d get either brand name visudyne from Bausch or Verteporfin from a compounding pharmacy. But otherwise, these sites are usually pretty good when their purity is high.
  14. I don't think it'd work with microneedling tbh -- it probably needs to be injected after an excision b/c of its molecular weight. There's another GB going on for a new compound (GNE-7883) that could work with microneedling. Either way, if you still wanted to try with verteporfin, I'd actually buy from here: https://www.targetmol.com/compound/Verteporfin (better purity and has been tested by an individual in a group I am in) and 10 mg should be enough if you assume 0.4 mg/cm^2 and a 200 cm^2 wounding area.
  15. Honestly, I'm not sure though. I still am optimistic about the future. Of course, I wish I were seeing faster results, but even for HTs, the results only start becoming apparent at 6 months.
  16. is it though? i feel like dr barghouthi's 4 month looks pretty decent too?
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