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Everything posted by JP28

  1. Keto shampoo stopped my shedding, it’s so underrated…
  2. JP28


    Although I do get my topical from minoxmax I’m thinking to order their topical spiro actually.
  3. JP28


    If you’re in the us there is happy head and strut and in Europe there is curemyhairloss.com that write prescription for Parati and you can literally add anything on the topical.
  4. Yeah! I thought I would share here since so far the only source in the US was strut.
  5. Hey guys just wanted to share with you, I found out on IG that happy head was now selling topical Dutasteride at 0.25 with minox and other stuff on it and also another formula “kitchen sink” with duta and fina. So that’s a pretty good news we now have strut and happy head that sell topical and oral Dutasteride in the US! Maybe oral minox soon!
  6. I agree with weak spot pretty much all hair transplant need a touch up anyway, disagree with the Spanish hair since it’s not a thing just like there is no Italian hair or French hair… got 7 brothers all have different hair texture and color… Antonio Banderas looking people aren’t the majority in Spain although that’s what Hollywood want people to believe.
  7. Men are as sensitive as women I wouldn’t want my face on any social media or website, it’s all about personal preference nothing to do with the person sex, 2022 time to evolve those kind of comments are getting really old…
  8. Pubic make a lot of sense to me too but one thing you gotta think about is ingrown hair cause that can become an absolute nightmare, I think that is more likely to happen to someone with curly hair but also has to do with the skin like someone with a thicker skin maybe if that makes any sense? Exemple I got some nap hair taken to do my temple points which are actually not curly although I do have curly hair but I was left with so many ingrown hair and huge huge pimples for at least 9months now it got better but I got 2 new pimples last week in the nap again, so that’s one thing to think about but beside that I really don’t see any reason not to harvest hair anywhere, I was actually looking at the hair on my feet few days ago and realized I could definitely use them in the future to replenish my donor if need be. but yeah I would say -beard -pubic -chest
  9. I wish you good luck and hope you’ll have a great result! Although I feel the need to ask you that question, why going with a surgeon that is pretty unknown when the forum has a list of so many reputed surgeons that operate all over the world? I mean no offense at all just curious.
  10. Lol anywhere we just want to see it! It’s so exiting man love all your threads!!!
  11. Always a pleasure to read you man! Totally understand, I think you did well to play it safe with SMP and kind of do a test to see if you’d like it, that being said I really like the color of the pigment mirko used on you it was like a medium brown and I think it will do well to hide the white dots, can’t wait to see sessions 3 and 4!
  12. I see got it! looking at your last pictures I can’t see the smp you got done by Mirko anymore, did it fade away or something? thanks man
  13. Out of curiosity, have you ever tried a skin fade? Cause this way your donor wouldn’t matter since it would be completely shaved, I’m saying that because I noticed that you keep your hair very short on the side.
  14. So at 10 days the grafts are safe basically, is it ok to restart working out after 10 days?
  15. Wth are you talking about man??? Did you read my post correctly? I actually recommend a keto shampoo juts not nizoral. Nizoral is a brand! keto is the active ingredient! so you can choose from any other brand that contains keto.
  16. Why getting nizoral which is absolute crap for the hair when you can get a good shampoo with keto on it?
  17. I think you could first regrow a whole lot of hair with the right medication, duta ED, oral minox 1.25 twice a day plus topical minox ED,some micro-needling and last but not least the most underrated a good keto shampoo not the nizoral one obviously. do that for 6 months and reassess but I bet you that you gonna have some much regrowth and then you can have an ht to fill in the gap if need be. check out@captaincalicoand @PelazoVenAMi. you can also add a topical AA or some topical duta on top of the oral version.
  18. Never did to me and been taking em for over 15 years. Duta increases libido like crazy on me, kinda makes sense since it increases testo by 15-20%.
  19. That’s super messed up, I feel so bad for you man. You should definitely name the clinic so people know who they are dealing with.
  20. Hmmm imo I think you should switch to topical, the good thing is duta increases libido quit a lot so that gives you a balance I guess.
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