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Everything posted by HairNTear

  1. Redness still remains strong after 3 months, has anyone else experienced this? What is the timeline for it to go away completely?
  2. 3 Month Update Hi Guys, Hope everyone is having a great summer so far! Thought I’d do an update now I’m just passed the 3 month mark since my surgery with Dr Cooley. To be totally honest there isn’t really that much to report in terms of changes but that is to be expected at this stage. The Hairline is improved from where it was previously of course but I’m still waiting for the new finer grafts to grown in to help soften some of the double and triple grafts that remain on the hairline. In addition I think that once the redness disappears the hairline will look far less straight and appear more naturally zigzagged. Anyway as always I appreciate any thoughts on the pics below. Cheers, George
  3. Thanks @HairRun ACell is used to promote healing in wounds and Dr Cooley uses it to help speed up the recovery process. I’m not sure why those 30 had to be destroyed. My thoughts would be that the graft was so poorly transplanted originally that it wouldn’t survive replantation
  4. Of course I look forward to following your repair journey
  5. Hey @bw77 thanks for your comment and sorry for my delayed response, I’m only seeing this now. Dr Cooley was involved in all aspects of the procedure including extracting and implanting. To give you an idea of just how hands on Dr Cooley is, he was actually the one who shampooed and cut my hair. Most Doctors in my experience would see such tasks as beneath them but not Dr Cooley.
  6. Hey @FkdUpHairline seems like we got our transplant done at a almost the same time as I’m also one week away from 3months. I look forward to following your progress.
  7. Cheers @shami26 im gonna post an another update next week which will be 3 months since op
  8. I know right lol, it’s even better than that now
  9. Cheers @Egy ! I think it looks better on photos than on here. In person it is more stalky with a lot of gaps. I’m hoping once the growth starts it will give an overall softer look
  10. 2 month update Hi everyone 👋 Thought I’d post my 2 month update for anyone interested in having their hairline repaired. As you can see from the pics there is not that much to report at this stage as a lot of the finer hairs have not yet come through. This leaves the thicker grafts exposed and the hair unnatural as it clumps together when styled back. Anyway that is to be expected and I am hoping as the new finer grafts grow it will conceal and give an overall softer appearance. I also think the redness is a big reason why I feel the hairline is unnatural at this stage. Anyway having been through this process several times before I know that results don’t start to come through until 3 months so I’m looking forward to what happens in the coming weeks. Hoping everything is ‘downhill’ from here as always I appreciate any thoughts, questions or comments! cheers
  11. As a reminder here is what the hairline looked like just before surgery. Photos taken by Dr Cooley. you’ll see I actually trimmed down the right hand side because it looked very bad and was impossible to style
  12. Cheers Melvin, I’m still wearing caps but think I’ll stop next week
  13. Thanks man, I don’t think I have a photo but it was a case of slight recession with an already massive forehand that I was born with
  14. Cheers @Parasol ! 😂 it does feel more natural already just from removing some of the most offending multi grafts in hairline.
  15. 6 Week Update Hi Guys, thought I’d drop a 6 week update, not a huge amount has changed but definitely can feel stubble coming through and, if you look closely you can see the hairs starting to sprout. I appreciate the hairline seems fairly dense but please bear in mind that I have already had 2 transplants in this area and the goal is to repair the unnatural ness. Any comments or questions appreciated. Also I had a quick question regarding shedding, does this typically stop now or should I expect more? pictures below of hair dry and wet
  16. I think it can be slightly misleading as the hair that remains is previously transplanted hair. There has been a lot of shedding of the new hair so I’m looking forward to that starting to come back in 2 months time. I strongly believe the minimally invasive technique of Dr Cooley is the reason why I haven’t experienced any shock loss.
  17. 1 month update guys, coming along really nicely and the redness has begun to fade which is nice. It’s strange having a hairline that isn’t unnaturally straight as I’ve been used to that for the past year lol but anyway I’m excited to see how this pans out. Let me know what you guys think!
  18. Great point mate, I've always thought of it as taboo before
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