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Everything posted by jc80220

  1. Sorry, Doron, your post showed up randomly so I missed it. It all sounds good but 2.5 per graft is out of my price range. I'm going to contact Dermisoy, which sounds the best option. Resul Yaman too, though still reading upon him. I do want to read more about Esma Serkan Tetik too, the nurses Portugal has mentioned, once that Turkish website is functioning again. Read a Cinik horror story on ****truthtalk, and I think I'm likely ruling out Cosmedica and their ilk now. This forum helped with that, so thanks very much to all for your advice.
  2. Sorry you're disappointed so far, Egy. For what it's worth, I've seen many photo's of bad transplants, and I definitely wouldn't say yours was one. I agree with what others have said, I believe you're being too harsh on yourself. Have you thought about cutting your hair a bit shorter? I think it would look even better.
  3. Thanks, both. Melvin, I apologise if I come off as rude or confrontational at times. I have a lot of frustration in me, mostly due to the hair loss, and sometimes it's hard to keep it in check. I do really appreciate your comments though and despite how it may seem 😄 am hearing every word you and the other guys are saying. I've heard of clinics posting their own reviews before, its why I haven't gone anywhere near whichclinic (?) and only use actual people's experiences as a guide. And the ones that seem iffy I disregard. Edit: Forgot to add. Last week I was due to go to a consultation for SMP but backed out when I got to the drawing a hairline thing, as it was just a stark reminder of how much I hate having a shaved head. Like I've said, no Fin, so the only other option to a transplant is a hair piece. But that would have to be with someone doing everything for me, as I tried going down the DIY route with it two years back and hated it. But having my own hair is obviously a much more appealing option than somebody else's stuck on my head 😄 Egy, I only go on here, hairlosstalk and hairlossexperiences, which all seem fairly ethical. Lots of negative reviews on those sites, but then maybe not all the negative ones?
  4. Thanks, all. Naakmuka, I've seen lots of people getting good results spending less than 3.5k so yes, I thought that was realistic. Gatsby, I'm not sure I'd agree with you that good results are the exception, but this is just basing it on reading peoples experiences, and you never know who's word you can trust. I do accept though that it is a bit of a lottery, which is obviously wrong, as it's a serious operation. I am taking onboard what's being said here, even if, if I'm being completely honest, there does feel a bit of a bias on this forum towards pricier transplants. Aaron, No, I'll never take Fin. The risks to the average person are enough to put me off but I have Generalised Anxiety and I don't think the two things would be a good mix.
  5. 😄 No, that's true. I can't pay 10k though. I'd say maximum of seven, but that'd be for two transplants, with a year in between.
  6. I mean, I wouldn't pay 2k. I appreciate it has to be a certain amount. But the reason I've never considered a transplant before is because of how prohibitive the UK costs are. Then I see guys in genuine forums (hairlosstalk and hairlossexperiences) paying 3, 4k for 3500 grafts in Turkey and getting great results. 3 or 4k is acceptable, to me. Doron had 2500 grafts and paid 6500 euro's. I'm assuming I need in total something like 6000 grafts so that'd be, what, 16,000 euro's? I'm confused too. One of the three people I'm considering is a guy this forum vouches for, Resul Yaman. Isn't that the same thing as Arenamed?
  7. Thanks for the link, Melvin. I appreciate what a minefield it is, I've spent hours the past week reading other peoples journey's, good and bad. I read a recent story from a guy that only had 3500 grafts at Cosmedica, which is one of the places I'm considering, and they badly over harvested. Thanks, Doron. I'll check out your links. The reason I'm considering Turkey is that even though I know it's frowned upon here, there is a budget where I'm concerned. Even if I had a spare 10k to use one of the more expensive surgeons, I don't know if I could justify it. I think hair transplants are overpriced across the board.
  8. Cheers, Melvin. No, I'm sadly seeing that one session is unlikely. I got excited when I first started researching transplants last week, seeing other guys pop over to Turkey and come back with a full head of hair, but this hair loss crap is never straightforward, is it. I'm not willing to do FUT due to the scars but thanks for the suggestions. Most likely plan right now is to get the middle and front done and keep it buzzed until I can get the crown done a year after.
  9. I don't have a decent camera (going to get a friend to take a bunch of photos to send to whichever surgeon I decide to go with) so am using a photo of a guy with similar hair to mine. I'm thinking about a transplant. I'd like to try and avoid a second op if possible. Not just the additional cost, but more because I'd want to avoid spending a year watching just the front of my hair (hopefully) grow and nothing happening on my crown. I'd also not be able to even attempt to start dating again as the bald spot would look terrible. I'm wary of doing a ''mega session'' and ending up with scars. Is getting a ''safe'' amount of grafts, say, 4000(?) from my head donor to cover the front and middle, and taking 1000 (a safe amount?) from the beard for the crown a realistic game plan to achieve a good result? The second photo is a crown I'd be fine with, it wouldn't have to be perfect. At the moment it's slick bald. Thanks, guys.
  10. Maybe it depends on where you are in life. I'd had a hard time up until that point and even though I didn't realise it then, it was the final straw and I gave up for a good while.
  11. Thanks, John. Sorry if this is an obvious question, but is there a way to find out how that compares to other surgeons?
  12. I'd tell him having a bit of a thin crown isn't the end of the world. I'd then tell him to stop feeling sorry for himself and get finding a solution, otherwise you're in for a bumpy ride.
  13. I just wondered if someone could give me an idea. The only forum I've ever read on this subject is hairlosstalk and they don't seem to be as picky about clinics as you are on here, so I always assumed it wouldn't be too hard to find a decent clinic at a ''discount'' price, as that's a big factor as to why I'm considering a transplant, as I always believed you had to pay close to £10k to get one done. But I obviously don't want to go someplace that's going to do a bad job. I see that Dr Yaman is the only one on your list of recommended doctors. How does his pricing compare to the rest? Is he a bit more expensive or a lot? Could anyone answer as well why he only has one review on whatclinic?
  14. Are you talking to me, Melvin? I mean the whole thing, I guess. Just keeping the hair presentable.
  15. Thanks, guys, very helpful. I doubt I'd be brave enough to buzz it. Just have it super carefully tidied up, as little as possible, with scissors, and by a trusted hair dresser. Definitely wouldn't go to someone randomly.
  16. In the process of researching a FUE. I've been reading about other guys experiences, and one thing I've noticed is how messy their hair is once it starts to grow back. I know you can't buzz it but could you or a hairdresser you trust at least carefully trim some of the hair with scissors to make it neater? I don't understand how these guys can go to work and everything else with such overgrown hair? 😄
  17. Gatsby's post confuses me. I thought generally Turkey was considered the place to go and English clinics are garbage? Only forum I've ever used is hairlosstalk and only just found this one. And to the OP, you look to me like you have the kind of hair most guys are would be thrilled to have after a transplant. Definitely seems too soon for you.
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