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Everything posted by jc80220

  1. I've asked my clinic (Hair Dr) and they say only scissor cut it for the first six months, but I read in lots of other places it can be clipped after a week. Thoughts, guys? 🙂
  2. I've been leaving the shampoo on as advised by the clinic then trying to gently massage the scabs off, but they're not coming off so easily. However after I've rinsed my hair with water I can pretty much gently glide my hand over my head and the scabs come off. Is this okay to do, or is it bad to remove scabs from a wet head?
  3. I had 3000 grafts from the hair line moving upwards. Threw up twice due to the anesthetic, second time so badly I popped a graft 😄 Spent the surgery in complete discomfort due to my sinuses being aggravated by the positions I had to remain in. Crawled out the clinic on my hands and knee's. Everyone is different. For people reading this that have never had the surgery, the surgery itself was a breeze. Pain wise, only when they jab you with the anasthetic needle, but it's mild and brief. Even sitting in the same position for so long wasn't an issue. Just my bodies personal reactions. Hair Dr team was first class and completely looked after me, would've been way worse with a lesser team taking care of me.
  4. That is so, so true. I feel like it's completely underplayed how significant it is. People posting for selfies with the surgeon afterwards, fun videos of themselves on the plane home. I could barely tolerate an hour home in the car afterwards, let alone being stuck abroad.
  5. Oh, yeah. It's sucked, very little sleep. I wanted to wait until today, day ten, before laying on my head again, slept like a baby this afternoon.
  6. Thanks a lot. I was taking some, I believe one of them was contributing (something with Penicillin in it) but have been off them all since Tuesday. No jet lag, a quick hop, skip and a jump from Hull to Leeds, one hour 🙂
  7. Hi, guys. Had my operation last week at the Hair Dr. I still feel quite fatigued, lack of appetite, upset stomach, is this normal?
  8. Thanks, mate. I spoke with the director when I first made the appointment and told her about shaving it, and she was very forthright and said minimum was a three or four I could shave it on, can't remember. It's the Hair Dr at their Leeds hospital, so I assume Dr Arshad or Hamza, or both? This forum alone gave me enough confidence in going to the Hair Dr. I'd like to shave it for the first year and a half, until I can have the second operation and fill the crown in. After that I'd regrow it. If the regrowth is not good enough, then I'd like the fall back of just being able to shave it and move on with my life.
  9. That's good advice, thanks. I don't mind so much how low it is, as long as it's a hair line I'd be happy to have shaved. As posted before, this guy seems to have a high hair line but it's a nice, not too straight shape. It's SMP but you get the idea.
  10. I kind of thought that was just the guy's natural hair line, I don't want to be getting it lined up and such, I understand now. The lad in this photo'd be a natural straight hair line?
  11. Hello, lads, I'm having 3000 grafts, and I'm told this is to cover the front and mid area, a second transplant would be needed to take care of the crown. I have a good donor area. My plan up until now was to focus on getting a hair line I'd be happy shaving long term on a three or four guard and more if I can eventually re-grow a decent head of hair it'd be more of a bonus than expectation. I've lost a large portion of time to this hair loss situation and I don't want to spend anymore worrying about growth, more operations and the rest. So my aim would be a balance, a nice hair line but giving me a chance of a full head of hair. I think 😄 I'm just a bit unsure about being able to obtain that, that maybe I need to focus on getting the hair line correct at the cost of more density on the rest of the head. I guess I'm beginning to confuse myself, so I'm hoping getting some thoughts out here and some input will give me some clarity. For a forty two year old, are either attached photo's suitable for a hair line? I guess older guys don't have such hair lines as the guy in blue? The second guy is the more ''balanced'' idea I had in mind. The photo directly below isn't myself but he has very similar hair loss to mine. Thanks for any thoughts.
  12. Thanks, everyone 🙂 I have done extensive research and really like the place I was set to go, so want to stick with them. That being said, if I had an extra five grand laying around I would just pop over to Leeds an hour away and get it done there 😄
  13. What shampoo/s are best for hair care after a transplant? I assume something gentle is important. Would using Capasal be detrimental? I use it daily for Psoriasis.
  14. Thanks, Macho. You went with HLC(?) though which is obviously top tier. For those of us paying less it is a concern. Can I ask the forum, would Dermisoy require cash only payment?
  15. Thanks, both. I already knew about those sums, but it still says you have to declare a ''large amount'', which I assume 3k is.
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