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Posts posted by Motorleza

  1. 1 hour ago, ciaus said:

    I'm assuming you mean the little hairs like the ones I've circled here. You can see similar ones down on your forehead, those are just little vellus hairs, we have them all over our body, minoxidil will thicken some of those up a bit and make them more visible, but they won't grow out long like your scalp hair.



    And that one pretty strong hair growing out of the higher up mole made me think of this recent topic started by our moderator, pretty funny pic in the first post. :D



    Yeah but the thing is , i’ve never had any of these growing until i started the treatment..

    and yeaah it’s pretty funny 😆 

  2. 3 minutes ago, ciaus said:

    Yea finasteride and minoxidil can work on the front part of your head, but most guys don't see much re-growth there because they wait until their hair loss has progressed significantly for a number of years before they try to do anything. By that time the DHT has  often permanently damaged those hair follicles beyond recovery.This is why the pharmaceutical companies developing those drugs targeted the more resilient crown area in the back during their research/FDA trials/marketing. If they did advertise that it helps the front hairline and temples, alot of guys past the point of no return would be complaining, generating bad press/ etc.

    Most of what you are seeing their is probably more due to the minoxidil than the finasteride, one if its side effects is more hair on your face and other body parts too.

    I’ve been losing ground since 4 years . Before that ! I was a full head of hair ! Do you think there still time to fix it ?

  3. 8 minutes ago, TorontoMan said:

    Harvesting simply means extracting the grafts. I think you mean to ask if you will be “over-harvested”, so will your donor area look really depleted. And I don’t believe it would, on average you could extract 5-6k, so I don’t see why bringing your total closer to 3,500 would leave you looking depleted. 

    Thank you for your response 

  4. 8 hours ago, aaron1234 said:

    Sure, I'll name some reasons....

    1) You still have a lot of native hair left.  If you transplant around that it is very possible they will be shocked and your hair will look worse.

    2) You're 22 - so you will lose more hair!  Even if the transplant has a nice result, it'll eventually look thinner when the native hair inevitably falls out and you'll want another transplant.  I guarantee it.  It's in your longterm best interest to wait. 

    3) Your hair is not bad! In the pictures you wet your hair, so it looks thinner.  Blow dry it and apply some dermmatch and no one will be able to tell that you are thinning.

    Get on finasteride, keep an eye on things, and enjoy life.

    What if i started fin after the ht

  5. 12 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    @Motorleza you should follow  @Gatsby advice and stay away from Turkey. Cinik is a hairmill where tech teams do surgeries on up to 12 patients per day so your results depend on getting a good team to do your surgery. 

    You should start on Finasteride 1mg but take it just 3-4 times per week instead of every day (this is what I’m doing). This will stop your hairloss and strengthen your hair.

    I also suggest you to spray minoxidil 5% every night to strengthen your hair and promote growth.

    Should you wish to proceed with another surgery I advise you going somewhere where the doctor is involved in the whole surgery like the most expensive package at Eugenix where the Dr. Sethi does the whole surgery 2.9€/graft or @Dr. Bruno Ferreira in Porto doing a highly skilled technique for 2.5€/graft. If you are on a tight budget go to Dr. Demirsoy at 1.25€/graft but he has technicians do the implanting. 

    Guys . I know what ur saying is the right thing to say ! But imagine!! Not going out with my friends cause my hair doesnt look good , always wearing a hat when seeing my girl friend ,! Going to university with hat ! Imagine 100 guys in a gathering and im the only one wearing a stupid hat ! Iknow im young , and i will almost definitely lose hair in the future! But ! Guys ! I would like to have that one year ! Where i can live with totally confident about my hair, im good looking ! Got green eyes with perfect shaped eyeshadows and eyebrows ! But if you take out that hat ! I may turn from good looking to accepted in a matter of a seconds,, my question is , if i did the hair transplant will it really be a good results regarding my balding spots and hair line . And would my donor area be okay ? Not looking depleted or stuff ! Because really i’ve been living in everyday struggle with my hair ! It’s just too much to handle “ i study computer science “ cyber security “ and itS really hard ! So in another words i want to get this thing behinde me at least for a ***** week ! I may have the best week in ma life ! Please can you answer the question . Besides if i did the ht ! I surely would consider using fin and minox for rest of my life . Cause i dont want to keep stuck in this cycle 

  6. 8 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I would say at 22 don’t get an HT, you’re a perfect candidate for concealer. Give it a fee more years to see how you develop in hair loss.

    Guys . I know what ur saying is the right thing to say ! But imagine!! Not going out with my friends cause my hair doesnt look good , always wearing a hat when seeing my girl friend ,! Going to university with hat ! Imagine 100 guys in a gathering and im the only one wearing a stupid hat ! Iknow im young , and i will almost definitely lose hair in the future! But ! Guys ! I would like to have that one year ! Where i can live with totally confident about my hair, im good looking ! Got green eyes with perfect shaped eyeshadows and eyebrows ! But if you take out that hat ! I may turn from good looking to accepted in a matter of a seconds,, my question is , if i did the hair transplant will it really be a good results regarding my balding spots and hair line . And would my donor area be okay ? Not looking depleted or stuff ! Because really i’ve been living in everyday struggle with my hair ! It’s just too much to handle “ i study computer science “ cyber security “ and itS really hard ! So in another words i want to get this thing behinde me at least for a week ! I may have the best week in ma life ! Please can you answer the question . Besides if i did the ht ! I surely would consider using fin and minox for rest of my life . Cause i dont want to keep stuck in this cycle 

  7. Guys . I know what ur saying is the right thing to say ! But imagine!! Not going out with my friends cause my hair doesnt look good , always wearing a hat when seeing my girl friend ,! Going to university with hat ! Imagine 100 guys in a gathering and im the only one wearing a stupid hat ! Iknow im young , and i will almost definitely lose hair in the future! But ! Guys ! I would like to have that one year ! Where i can live with totally confident about my hair, im good looking ! Got green eyes with perfect shaped eyeshadows and eyebrows ! But if you take out that hat ! I may turn from good looking to accepted in a matter of a seconds,, my question is , if i did the hair transplant will it really be a good results regarding my balding spots and hair line . And would my donor area be okay ? Not looking depleted or stuff ! Because really i’ve been living in everyday struggle with my hair ! It’s just too much to handle “ i study computer science “ cyber security “ and itS really hard ! So in another words i want to get this thing behinde me at least for a  week ! I may have the best week in ma life ! Please can you answer the question . Besides if i did the ht ! I surely would consider using fin and minox for rest of my life . Cause i dont want to keep stuck in this cycle 

    10 hours ago, ciaus said:

    My young friend -yes your hormones are raging now and the opposite sex at your age is peaking in the looks department too. That's the way evolution/god/whatever you believe has setup the hunter-gatherer game that we started with. Back then you were lucky to live to 25 before you were killed by a sabertooth tiger, etc.  So yea we are wired to go sex crazy right out of the gate. LOL

    But we live in modern societies now, life expectancy into the 70s,80s. I'm 43, take good care of myself and can't tell much of a difference from when I was in my mid 20s. We got some guys on here getting hair transplants that are in their 60s. Your making a big mistake by discounting how good life can be in your middle and later years.

    Be smart and put your nose to the grindstone in your 20s, starting with the time in university and find something you are good at, that you enjoy, and that you can get well paid for. Get your career and finances (and hair) straight first, there will always be 20-something girls as you get older if you get an itch for some of that, and they loooooove guys that are a little older, mature, financially well off and able to provide them the nicer things. ;)



  8. 10 hours ago, ciaus said:

    I hear your pain and understand the desire for an immediate solution, but you really need to slow down as far as additional hair transplants go. I know its harder to look down the road when you are so young, but you literally have your whole life ahead of you after university. These people that you have went to school with, that you will be going to university with the next few years -they seem like the world that matters now and forever, but the vast majority of them you will never see again after you graduate, when you go out in the real world and start living real life. Making rash, rushed decisions now is only going to prolong the pain through your adult years.


    Have you started taking any meds yet? Start on Finasteride to stabilize and maybe restore some of what you've lost. And minoxidil too, but be aware in the initial weeks with that you may have a temporary shedding phase where some of your hairs fall out as they start on the new longer growth cycle - since you don't go back to university until October might as well get that out of the way now. Give that 6-12 months.


    As far as managing how your hair looks for now -have you cut your hair down to a buzz or shaved before? And if you want to keep your hair grown out and looking fuller in the meantime, look into Dermatch too -you can find it on amazon.com, other places too I would imagine.


    The pictures of your donor area in the back look pretty good, but you only have so much and you have alot of years ahead of potential loss.  Start on the meds and hopefully you respond well, and while you wait research for good doctors here on the forum, and then in 6-12 months re-evaluate with one of two of those doctors you decide on.

    And here's a link below to for info on Dermatch



    Thanks bud for replying , i was on minox for 6 months got good growth but the hairline wich i dont like . That would be fixed only if a did HT .. 

    i mean if not in this age then when should i not worry about my hair . I mean this is the time where i should be looking good , i wont really care about my looks afterwards at least not that much ..

  9. Hi , im 22 years old i’ve had a very bad hair since childhood, i did hair transplant in turkey when i was 19 , i was losing tempels so bad , only transplanted hair line , Now i have almost bold sposts now and it’s literally making my life so much worse , i started wearing hats because i have to put topik on it and comb it in ways that will hide the spots that were bold , it really makes my day worse , sometimes I don’t go out with my friends because my hair doesn’t look good , i have only 2 weeks tp decide because in October im getting back to university, and since first semester is learning from internet i would like to have that chance to hide druing recovery it really makes my day worse ! I think about it every morning.. im thinking about strengthen my hair line also .. they took 2300 grafts last time , doctor cinik now says i need 2k grafts to cover it . , does 4k affects my donor area ??? It’s really important to me that from the back still looks good and not depleted.. i know im at a yong age but guys it’sdestroying my life , it literally effect every daily decision i make








  10. 1 minute ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    The most important thing to ask is are you taking finasteride? If not, you'll be chasing your hair loss for life.

    Dude , i ‘ll start taking fin that’s a sure thing ! Dont want to keep worrying about my hair at least for 10y from now

  11. 16 minutes ago, Taken4Granted said:

    Hey buddy, sorry to hear about your troubles. You def don’t want to keep chasing  this with questionable surgeons and finite donor, but I can see how hard it must be to sit and do nothing. Was your first HT strip or FUE?

    It was fue , not a very good results , what do you think about dr.cinik ?

  12. 23 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Your donor area looks fine. 2000 grafts will really make a difference to the area you show. Are you on fin ? You want to keep the hair you have got, especially at a young age. 
    4000 or so from a decent donor area is fine. 

    Well, i think it will make my life a better indeed.

    im not on fin. But im planning to start using it , i dont want to keep stuck in this hair cycle at least not in this age !!

  13. Hi , im 22 years old i’ve had a very bad hair since childhood, i did hair transplant in turkey when i was 19 , i was losing tempels so bad , only transplanted hair line , Now i have almost bold sposts now and it’s literally making my life so much worse , i started wearing hats because i have to put topik on it and comb it in ways that will hide the spots that were bold , it really makes my day worse , sometimes I don’t go out with my friends because my hair doesn’t look good , i have only 2 weeks tp decide because in October im getting back to university, and since first semester is learning from internet i would like to have that chance to hide druing recovery it really makes my day worse ! I think about it every morning.. im thinking about strengthen my hair line also .. they took 2300 grafts last time , doctor cinik now says i need 2k grafts to cover it . , does 4k affects my donor area ??? It’s really important to me that from the back still looks good and not depleted.. i know im at a yong age but guys it’s destroying my life , it literally effect every daily decision i make








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