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Everything posted by deeside81

  1. I’m guessing that there is many emails in his inbox that he may not see them all.
  2. As you said it looks a bit red/rough. I have had these concerns for a while and if the ht fails I’ll just shave and get on with my life, so if my skin hasn’t healed properly it will look horrendous. As you can imagine I’m not so confident about the outcome after having the infection in the donor area and all that worrying during the 6 weeks had left a bad taste in my mouth. 8k spent makes the worrying worse. I flew from London although I live in Scotland but it was the only option at the time due to covid. I had to be at the clinic at 8am Overall experience is a bit mixed. The surgery went really well. No pain, comfortable (aided by sedatives), very clean, after care instructions clear and the technicians were fantastic - made you feel completely at ease. Dr Ferreira was professional. First week or so after surgery he asked me to send daily photos and his responses were immediate and he followed up with my questions extensively. After a couple of weeks he didn’t really engage in any concerns and for the infection I had to prompt him to reply via the coordinator on WhatsApp. I guess he might be extremely busy.
  3. What do people think? Does it look ok? Getting a tad paranoid now. 😬. Dr Ferreira always leaves me hanging and it hard to decipher his 2 sentence emails. Doubt I’ll get a response to my reply. It seems like he’s too busy.
  4. He’s not mentioned that before. Yeah I did have concerns with the redness but I think it’s just blood vessels. When I press on it it goes white. 🤷‍♂️ It should fade. Rolandas had the redness for 6 months I believe.
  5. Some photos of today. Some wee hairs coming through I think. I was asked my dr Ferreira to wash more thoroughly although I don’t know why he asked. Could it be because of the stumped hairs that look like it was the original transplanted hairs that might of not shed? Maybe to remove them? I did ask why but he may not reply or might take a good while to reply from my experience.
  6. Maybe it has changed slightly since the last 2 photos taken a year ago. I know he did take some hairs from that region just below the occipital bone. FYI I had a wee tidy up at barber a couple of weeks ago.
  7. Photo showing hair loss at nape. Kinda looks a bit weird. Someone even commented at my work.
  8. Yeah i'll update with the images as soon as i get them. Dr Ferreira said i could start minoxdil but to be very diligent as it could cause more problems if not. This put me off using it tbh. Some times i miss using it and sometimes I would only apply once daily. This was when i used it last year. do you think i should start using it? The nape of my neck hair line is definitely higher these days and i wonder if min will help this area. FYI i'm on 1 mg Fin now religiously after getting a telling off lol
  9. I had a bad case of folliculitis on the donor area of my scalp. Not on my recipient area at all. I was put on a few antibiotics over the last 6 weeks and I still get the occasional boil. I have persistent redness in the recipient area. Area still quite numb. Getting a tad stressed that the redness could be permanent and would look horrendous if the hair transplant fails. Cause if it does I’ll want to shave it and get on with my life. Also I have seen Rolandos hair design and it looks pretty symmetrical. Mine really isn’t. Anyway I guess the infection has put a lot of doubts in my head.
  10. Day 19. Some shedding I think especially on the left side. What do you think of the design? It goes up a bit at one side and the peaks are a bit different. I brought the asymmetry up with Dr Ferreira and he said that having wider side was perfectly normal and it’s to accommodate my own asymmetries and not force symmetry as you’d use more grafts that’s usually not beneficial. He also said that I shouldn’t scrutinise the design (which was more of a line at time) yet as some areas are single hair grafts or thinner hair and that those make a big difference to the design and be patient. Obviously I will have little nagging doubts along the way and I realise this will be a roller coaster. I’ve had a bad experience from 2 other different surgical procedures so that doesn’t help. 99% of the time I’m trusting the process as I had a really good feeling after picking him after reading the great reviews
  11. Cheers! Yeah I’ve already started the whole head wash as instructed. Im terrified my hair will be rejected and won’t grow back. Really shouldn’t be googling as I always catastrophize 😬. Will keep you updated at crucial steps.
  12. I’m 40 in July. Yeah I’ll try and get the photos from the clinic after weekend.
  13. No but I will get them from Alexandra after the weekend.
  14. What do you think of the hairline? I trusted Bruno and all I mentioned was how I hated my huge forehead.
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