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Everything posted by BaldingEagle1

  1. Has anyone heard of this brand? One of my friends apparently is telling me its good. Basically its topical minoxidil lol I was like wth is the difference between this and Rogain.. Was hoping members on here could shed some light? I have no damn clue lol
  2. The talk of the party is my HT lol.. thats the issue right there.
  3. Hey all, How long post HT do you guys use topical minox? Also is there a particular brand that you use? Or is Rogaine the best?
  4. and... its still 4 months. take a deep breath.
  5. Thanks man, that’s why I made it. Tried making it as detailed as possible. I know I was looking for those when I was searching haha nice! For my crown I’ll probably be going that route too via Dr Das!
  6. FIrst pic looked like the Avengers were going to avenge your hair.
  7. So its been 3 weeks for me. Got a nice message from Eugenix to send some pics. Feedback is that hair growth is good. I should experience shedding phase which lasts until 90 days of surgery. I have been shedding like maybe 10-15 hairs in shower when I apply shampoo for the past 2 days. Nothing drastic. But everything is going smoothly, I guess. Will post pics at the 1 month mark. No fin yet, not sure when to start Topical Minoxidal (Rogaine) or if there is a better topical minox, please let me know.. No vitamins either, just eating my usual high protein diet which I guess gives me enough Biotin.
  8. And I’ll be about 3 weeks post OP HT. Any thoughts on what I should do to try and conceal crown or am I SOL?
  9. What if ur 36 like me lmao csn I do rogaine and take fin after 2 years since I’m planning a kid
  10. I would say his support system could've and should've done a better job. I know my friends get ruthless with these types of things.. its a sad story, but information and medical help would've played a par in avoiding this, but no matter what help or info you get, if your friends rip on you for a bad HT constantly, no amount of counseling can repair your fractured confidence. And Im very thick skinned, but I could see my whole world get shattered by that.
  11. Damn and it was in Delhi too.. Dude did the procedure by watching Youtube smh
  12. Hey if youre confident you wont hit your head or fall to the floor with an impact, then thats good! I play volleyball and american football. I started playing volleyball, but laying off of footbal until maybe 4-6 weeks. Only been 2 weeks post for me.
  13. You’ll be bumping that head a lot. Would definitely speak to your doc
  14. I did that and I highly recommend NOT doing that lol. it gets way too tiring. I advise staying there for 7 days get that wash and leave.
  15. Do you think dr das would be capable of that? debating about going with her for crown this time 🧐🧐
  16. Yup. I do think the hair will shed so definitely not getting too excited about it.. I expect it to shed but would be glad if I’m one of the few who are able to skip it really confident in my choice. I am glad I got educated on worst case scenario items including shock loss. So I’m just chillin as worried free as I can be with a boost in my confidence. And I’m sure once my crown gets done, it’ll shoot up the confidence factor even more so!
  17. Thank bro, hopefully it does. So far I’m really digging it. of course the fun begins once the shedding happens 🤣
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