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Posts posted by Hair4Days

  1. 10 hours ago, TheDarkHour said:

    Just re-checked my report from Bisanga and it states that there's "higher levels of miniaturisation in the donor". More details from the report below:

    Hair Character - Slight Wave

    Thickness - Medium Fine

    Density - 50/50/60 (In 3 different areas)

    Miniaturisation in donor - 20% / 10% / 15% (In 3 different areas)

    Dermoscopy - AGA and dry scalp

    • Low density within the donor - below average 
    • Diffuse pattern of loss with a larger surface area of scalp experiencing decline
    • Younger patient 
    • Higher levels of miniaturisation present in the donor area which presents concern regarding candidacy of surgery and makes any potential surgery hazardous. When miniaturisation (decline in quality of hair in the process of loss) is present, this can have an effect in success of any transplant effecting yield and growth and also the longevity of the result. At most we would prefer this to be in the 10 - 15% range. As levels in some areas reach 20%, this presents concern for candidacy.

    This is what i figured. Density is lower than average with miniaturization present. If you take meds to strengthen those hairs in the donor it wouldn’t make sense to then harvest them. You’d be required to take the meds forever essentially. Alternatively he could harvest the non miniaturized hairs but if your density is 50 you’d probably only be able to take like 10 fu per sq cm. Anything below 40 it starts to look thin. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, TheDarkHour said:



    I was told my donor area was a little below average. 

    Below average donor density is one thing, but to take medication to strengthen donor would probably mean he saw miniaturization in there. But even if you strengthened miniaturized donor hair i don’t see that as a reliable source to harvest. Should only go for strong follicles

  3. 14 hours ago, cheesy1986 said:


    Thanks, I have quite a large forehead but my hairline is basically as low as it has ever been in my life so that is what I am finding quite difficult. 

    I have what I consider to be a flat and lowish hairline and a completely bald crown. I have been burned by this whole process and don't think I can do a second procedure for the crown and just want to shave and move on.

    But now I am worried about the fact I'll have a youthful hairline and empty crown which just looks completely unnatural. I've put myself into a really difficult position. Hence why I was inquiring about getting the transplanted hair lasered off.

    It isn't that common is it for a man to retain his hairline and have a bald crown?

    Having just a bald crown is a comment balding pattern. If you have enough donor to transplant into the crown i would do it. I personally have been looking up cases where people have had a HT right up to where the crown begins. Sometimes a slick back can blanket the crown pretty well.

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  4. 3 hours ago, cheesy1986 said:

    I stupidly went with their recommendation based on facial measurements. I said I think it's too low and they said it's where it's meant to be it'll look good. Plus the doctor didn't speak good English and the whole thing was rushed. 

    I feel like I've ruined my life and there's no way to resolve the issue. 

    I had a combover before and when they shaved it at the clinic it felt like a weight had lifted and I actually looked good. But then I was there and 20 minutes later they're extracting grafts from my head. 

    I feel so full of regret it's really hard to deal with right now


    To be honest with you, it doesn’t look bad. The height is age and future age appropriate. If anything, i can see what you mean by the flatness but grown out it won’t look that flat. I think it’s solid

  5. 17 hours ago, Archan said:

    As most of the people who posted here..i regret the same thing..i should have started the medication earlier...and should have tacked this issue properly and sincerely when i started noticing excessive hair fall...

    As @Gatsby mentioned its better to shave off...i evn shaved off and kept the bald look for around 2 years and i looked good in that...but again as most of the people have the thng called "hair greed" which pushed me for a transplant and here i am one month away from my surgery ...

    Same question i asked @Gatsby 

    Would you still pass on surgery in 2023 if you’ve never gotten a poor surgery during a time that HTs weren’t done well? I can assume one would opt to shave it off if you’re comparing it to going through a rough experience and needing repairs. I could also understand the mental effects it could have on someone. But if you were someone who has an untouched scalp in todays era of Hair Transplantation, would you still have the same opinion to just shave it off? I

  6. 5 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Because I get sides from finasteride firstly. Secondly, back when I had my first hair transplant, punch grafts were the main form of surgery (and there were others like Juri flaps, scalp reductions that were equally barbaric) and the results looked terrible. Thirdly, MPB is progressive and I had no idea back in 1985 that eventually having a good body and a shaved head would look not only ok but also great unless you were ugly to begin with (sorry 😬). Finally, the amount of anxiety, depression and not to mention a small fortune that I would have now would be huge.

    Well understood Gatsby. I’m glad someone like you who’s been in the game for a while can provide feedback. With that being said, if the question was changed slightly and someone asks you with everything you know today, and if you had a virgin scalp and could start from scratch with a good surgeon, would you still pass on surgery considering the industry advancements since your first surgery?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    We’ve all heard of it. It’s one of the big names in Turkey. I’m not really seeing the same thing you say you see on their Instagram to be honest. Firstly there’s no HD close ups of the hairlines, and secondly I’m seeing a certain plugginess & linearity that would probably be more obvious with better quality photos, which is exactly as I’ve always know with NHT. 

    Like many of the big hair mills, they’re pretty adept at getting hair from A to B, and achieve good density. That’s about it though really.  

    Famous people are not experts in HT’s or any more knowledgeable that anyone here. Usually quite the opposite in fact. 

    I agree some of the results on their IG have that pluggy “doll hair” look. Im assuming they have multiple surgeons. I personally wouldn’t go to Turkey, but I’m curious if there are any clinics there that challenge the stigma of poor quality. Many people still believe Turkey is the HT Capital of the world. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Ok. And with the designs… Are you seeing high definition close ups that demonstrate the use of microscopes to identify and implant soft single hairs? Are you seeing micro & macro irregularities in the hairline for breakup and naturalness?

    Yes. That’s why i said the results look well done. I know a garbage result when i see one.

    The point of my post was to see if anyone has seen or heard of this particular clinic, based in a country that people immediately turn down due to poor quality..yet was chosen by a few famous people

  9. Your lateral humps are the upper sides of your donor. When they drop, that’s when you classify someone Norwood 7. Along with the loss in the crown dropping deeper into the donor area and widening. I circled the areas that I’m referring to. Not saying what they did was wrong, but I’m curious if eugenix mentioned an any alternative game plans such as rebuilding the first half first, including the lateral humps, and then working back towards the crown as much as possible. But what it looks like they did in your situation was work front to back mainly on the top of the scalp while those thinning areas underneath will still need work once your grafts grow out. I’m wondering how that will look compared to the alternative i just  stated about loading the front half first and leaving the crown for the second procedure.  

    the reason i ask this is because i can see my laterals also thinning a bit and I’m wondering if it would be wiser to include them in the restoration as you work front to back, or disregard them and stretch the grafts out in a more narrow pattern reaching the crown 



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