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Dr. Scott Alexander MD

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Posts posted by Dr. Scott Alexander MD

  1. M&M,

    This Patient combs his hair just how you see it. The new grafts do hide his previous work. We did not remove any of the old transplants because we were able to come far enough forward to hide them. I will get a photo with the hairline combed up next time he is in. You would be very surprised of how poor the transplants are that I see on Patients that have been performed over the last 2-3 years. You become very spoiled by looking at the work on this website.

  2. This a 38 year old middle Eastern patient that had a poor hair transplant a few years ago. He now presents to us for a revision and a desire to repair the previous hair transplant. Because of his significant balding we had to give him decreased density and transplant more on the sides to blend in to his existing hair than we would like. This type of patient I am posting because he's very border line of whether to transplant or not. Because his previous grafts look so bad he was ok with the hairline and the decreased density that we offered him. The quality of donor hair was good along with the elasticity of his scalp. We were able to get decent coverage after the first procedure. He now comes into our office 7 months post op extremely happy with the result he has gotten. Because his elasticity was so good at this point and since he was going back to the Middle East, we were able to transplant him again with another 2600 grafts to cover the top of his head.










  3. 16-inch: You need to go to a hair transplant doctor you trust have him show you exactly which hairs to have removed and then go to a laser clinic and have them laser those hairs. It is not possible to do this from a photo because it is 2 dementional, not 3 dementional. If you know which hairs you want removed, you can draw the line yourself and then have them laser that area.


    MikeTheDane: Glad I could help.

  4. 16-inch:

    I would definitely not extract the hairs of your hairline because it would cause way too much scarring. If it bothers you that much, I would look into removing them with a laser because it leaves no scarring, and they can actually laser off just the hairs you don't like. Remember that laser only works well with darker pigmented hair. Without seeing pictures, I'd suggest to look into that route.




    Here are some samples of hairlines I have done. I tried to find some as close to your circumstances as I can. Here are two patients, both at 1 year post op:


    Patient 1 had 1500 grafts:












    Patient 2 had 1820 grafts:










    I would also suggest looking at Osidekid's web blog as well. Osidekid's web blog

  5. I am writing today to try and clear up some misconception and a few misinformed comments. You will see the value of quality photos that show closer to the actual result. I have posted pre-op photos to show you exactly where we placed the grafts (2516 grafts) Then you can look at the 6 month photos. These photos are very telling because you can see many very fine light colored immature hairs that are hard to see . This result is not what I like to see at 6 months, but this is where the patient's physiology kicks in and takes over. All of my surgeries are performed exactly the same; great care is always taken when we perform these surgeries. This is why I only do one surgery a day. Some patient's are slow at growing and others grow and mature very quickly. These are obviously the type of patients we like to post and every patient would like to be one of them. Unfortunately, everyone is different. Some people heal faster, some people form no scars and others widen not matter what you do. It's also unfortunate for doctors in the cosmetic field, that some patient's don't like to admit if they are one of those with poor physiology. Since the 6 month period, I have told Taking the Plunge that his growth was ok; the hairs were just very fine and needed time to mature. This is the difference when the doctor is looking at the patient with loop magnification vs. you all looking at pictures that are not the best quality. When you look at the 9 month photos you can see a great improvement with many of those hairs improving. You can now see that he is a very slow grower, but is headed in the right direction.

    Severn- Please think about all facts before making comments like you have. The patient still has some very fine hairs that do not show up in the photos. That is why I am telling him to wait at least 12 months before we give up on these hairs. Doctors must become very patient people and use good judgement in treating patients. We like to think things through completely before rushing to do something unnecessary to a patient.

    Hair Hope- The suggestion to do FUE's is a bad idea for this patient. He has already demonstrated a tendency for his follicles to be very touchy and grow slow even after dissection under a microscope. If you traumatize them by hand extracting them, they might not grow at all. FUE is much more traumatic than microscope dissection. It would help if everyone would let the guy wait his year out and let the transplant mature. At that time I will discuss with the patient what options we need to follow. I am a doctor that likes to keep discussions and decisions with a patient between doctor and patient.






    immediate post-op














    9 months








  6. Heelz,

    Since you are only 26 years of age, and already a Norwood 3 I can guarantee you that you will need more work in the future. There is a good chance that you would need more grafts than 1800 if it is dense packed for a Norwood 3. If you have your surgery done by the right doctor the strip scar should be almost as invisible as the fue's. The FUEs will feel better quicker in the back than a strip. Most strip surgeries feel fine at one week. You are only talking about a few days difference. There is a good chance that you will have numbness in the donor area after both procedures. The difference between FUE and strip at this point would be tiny micro scars throughout your donor area vs. a normal scalp except for a fine line scar with a strip. I think it would be much better as thanatopsis stated that you protect the rest of your donor area for future surgeries with a strip method now and once you are tapped out you'll always have the option for FUE. You need to be sure and look at the overall transplant quality of the doctor's work as opposed to if he just does FUE or not. I do FUE, but not as frequently as others.

  7. It is definitely easier to transplant into areas that we shave. Unfortunately a lot of my patients prefer me not to shave. I try to accommodate them the best I can. That is why we did not shave the crown area because I was able to do those grafts well without shaving. Shaving really has nothing to do whether you are going to have shock loss or not. Shock loss is obviously going to occur more frequently between miniaturized weaker hairs. About 75% of the time you see no shock loss where the hair is strong and healthy.

  8. Here is a patient who had a weakening hairline with recession in the temperals. We went through the existing hair, dense packed 2049 the front area to give quality hair into his good existing hair. There was mild hair loss in the crown area in which we transplanted 500 grafts in amongst his good hair wherever we found weakness. Now he has great improvement without worrying about his hair loss any longer.













  9. It should be fine. Unless the slits were extremely large, the grafted area should be totally healed, and the transplanted follicles should be protected under the skin. What happened was that the hairs shed with the scabs, which is a common occurrence and should not affect the growth of the transplanted follicles at all. The worst thing you can do by removing scabs too early is cause scarring on your scalp down the road.

  10. This patient came into the office 4 months post op with tremendous growth. After a strip procedure was performed with 2891 grafts I thought these pictures would be beneficial to show the newly growing fine hairs that should begin to have after 1 months growth (after 3 months dormant period). You can see by the amount of hair, that he is going to have a tremendous result that will manifest itself in around 4 more months when the hairs become strong and at their mature caliber. You can also see how well his scalp has healed with no signs of pitting or cobblestoning.









  11. This patient had a face lift and brow lift leaving scars along her hairline. We previously transplanted hairline and upper temporals. At this time we transplanted and touched up temporals and side burns. We wanted to show the results of the trichophytic closure along the full length of marked area from previous surgery. The other photos are immediate post op pictures.


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