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Dr. Scott Alexander MD

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Posts posted by Dr. Scott Alexander MD

  1. Personally, I don't like the Norwood Scale to classify my patients. Instead, I draw pictures on my charts of the patient's balding pattern. This patient is miniaturizing on the top of his head, but it's in the early stages. He still has a tremendous amount of hair showing decent density on top. I suggested to him to continue taking medication and wait a year and we will reevaluate at that time. I think it's too early to start thinking about a transplant right now.


    JPmonster, if you have any more questions, feel free to give me a call.

  2. FrankyKnuckles,

    Just to answer your question, I do about 95% strip procedures. It depends on the patient and the yield you are looking for. If you are worried about the scar, I can show you some examples; my patients are very happy with the scars they are left with. With strip you won't be left with small scars throughout the donor area as well.


    We can set up a consultation for over the phone if you'd like and get any questions you have answered. Just give my office a call.

  3. This patient had been transplanted 2 years ago by another doctor and he hasn't been satisfied with the results in the frontal third that he received. He came to us wanting to make his hairline more natural and soft. He also wanted his crown transplanted which had not been done previously. He has very course hair that is white which he dyes dark. We transplanted all the one hair grafts on the hairline to soften it and placed the remainder in the crown. He is a very good grower and at 8 months looks thick and fully mature. Later he might want more added to the front to fill in the thinner areas that were done before. As you can see his scar healed very well and now is very happy with his outcome.













  4. For all of my patients who have surgery on their frontal third and are NOT losing anything on top or the back, I will not put them on any medication after surgery. If there is any miniaturization on the top or back at the time of surgery, I will start them on minoxidil, propecia, or both, depending on how committed they are to taking the medication.


    This patient is currently taking propecia.

  5. Thank you for the great comments.



    This is an Asian patient with straight black hair. He has lots of donor available for him as well and already has great results. I've heard that many people have trouble getting great growth in Asian patients, but mine have always done very well.


    He came in to discuss the procedure for his crown and that is when we took his 11 month photos. Looking forward to more excellent growth after his next transplant.

  6. Dr. Farjo,

    Excellent result. Doesn't it make you feel great to be able to repair work that is so bad? It is mind boggling to me what these doctors were thinking when they performed these surgeries. Nothing about the preop looks natural, from the pattern they used to the hair direction. I just saw a patient today that has the same problem and what these patients are going through is terrible and to add insult to injury they had to pay good money for it. I can't believe there are still doctors today using mini grafts. It is definitely life changing what you have done for this patient. Great work.

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