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Dr. Scott Alexander MD

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Posts posted by Dr. Scott Alexander MD

  1. The hair that we are using for an eyebrow is very fragile and not condusive to FUE. Also, the dots made from an FUE are much more unsitely on the back of her neck than a fine line scar that is on the border of her normal hairline. She can now wear her hair in a pony tail and not see any scarring on her neck. You would have been able to see the scar from the FUE.

  2. This young girl had trauma to her eyebrow a few years ago that left a scar going right through her eyebrow. It caused a lot of emotional pain for her and she was always self conscious.

    We transplanted 88 grafts into her eyebrow 6 months ago and she is doing so great and feels so good with her result. We took the donor hair from her lower neck, just a small strip.






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