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ITA last won the day on February 7 2022

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  1. yes, the extraction technique they used was very strange.
  2. @salsazio Don't worry, the obvious regrowth will begin between the third and fourth month and in any case, something is already starting to be glimpsed.
  3. It looks nice, but the next pics, take it in the sunlight, not in the cockpit of the car, so we can better admire the beautiful result at 7 months.
  4. @Stanley N. the shock loss generally falls between 4 and 6 months, be patient.
  5. You have to look for experiences of real patients, who have posted their progress, not her YouTube channel or her website, where she uploads photos of patients that might not even be hers.
  6. I agree with @Hairwolf, it could be shock loss, wait a little longer.
  7. The assumptions that you are making, particularly that of the inexperienced technician, may occur in the hair grinders, the OP said it was operated on by a surgeon with a good reputation here. Many of us think he went to H&W, which until recently were among the best in the world, but I don’t think they made mistakes like the ones you mentioned, maybe the only mistake was to estimate 3000 grafts for a degree of baldness like this.
  8. Many dermatologists have no experience in the hair field and even trichologists often cannot understand if there are autoimmune diseases that can cause a hair transplant to fail. Before undergoing another hair transplant, you should see multiple dermatologists and trichologists, order complete blood tests, and also have a biopsy of your scalp. How do you feel it? Do you see it red or feel burning/tingling?
  9. If I had the doubts you have, then I wouldn't use it
  10. I think yes, La Serenoa Repens (saw palmetto) is basically a specific natural food supplement against male androgenic alopecia formulated with the best concentration of plant extracts that contrast the DHT, regarding the Minoxidi, is a blood vasodilator and you could opt for the foam one to be applied to the scalp instead of the one to be taken orally.
  11. In reality, with 3/4K available and your degree of baldness you don't have much chance of finding a good surgeon, you have to play Russian roulette in Turkey.
  12. minoxidil e finasteride hanno funzioni diverse, il primo non può essere preso in sostituzione dell'altro, At most, one could advise @Yabala to replace finasteride with Saw Palmetto, which has a much milder efficacy than finasteride.
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