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Posts posted by Smacias15

  1. On 5/20/2024 at 3:06 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    If you can take oral finasteride without side effects, keep using the oral version, its more effective. I have only tried one topical (Xyon). For me, it has worked really well. It's more expensive than the others, but that's because it has a higher concentration of finasteride and dutasteride. If you were worried about side effects, I would recommend topical dutasteride. 

    Does the efficacy matter where you get oral finasteride? I get mine from Kaiser. I heard it doesn’t matter where you get minoxidil tho. Just curious 

  2. On 12/15/2023 at 8:31 AM, Melvin- Admin said:

    There’s no difference in the lighting that’s why I made this video. There’s only one light in that bathroom. 


    There is obvious lighting difference not just by looking at the neck but the color from th design on the wall is brighter in the before picture. Not saying you’re manipulating the pics but the lighting is different. Although I do still see really good improvements.

  3. 13 hours ago, Mauricio said:

    Talk your Dr about an oral dose of 0.5mg Dutasteride maybe once or twice a week. You can even take it daily if you don't get side effects. That will prevent your high T from being converted into DHT (what really causes hair loss)

    Got it thanks. She just prescribed me oral finasteride like a few days ago, hopefully she won’t make me wait for those pills to be finish before she can prescribe me oral dustasteride. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Kaiser is a pain. They don’t want to retest my levels because hair loss isn’t medical. I may just have to pay out of pocket 😔

    Got it. Well I got my testosterone levels results and it was 1043ng/dl. The normal range is between 240-871 so I’m extremely high in testosterone. I Heard high T can cause hair loss. I emailed my doctor my concern and waiting for a response. What are some was to reduce my testosterone either b medicine naturally ?

  5. On 10/7/2023 at 3:49 PM, forgotpassword said:

    if you're feeling a positive change then that's what matters; happy to hear things are going well. ref the 2nd pic: how does your hair look when it's dry?


    I received my package a few days ago and have just started using the xyon dutasteride; starting oral minoxidil next week

    I wouldn’t try oral minoxidil. I was on it for 9 months and no change other then tired looking eyes and some crows feet, so I went off it. Gonna try rogaine foam and maybe Xyon dustasteride.

  6. On 8/16/2023 at 6:29 AM, Jayson1361 said:

    Soft water is water that has reduced minerals in it, hopefully dramatically reduced… usually achieved through an ion exchange with sodium charged resin beads in a tank. The reduced minerals exchanged for sodium creates a water that dramatically reduces the amount of minerals that build up on the hair or scalp which usually cause irritation, itchiness and drying. Soft water is significantly better for your hair and scalp and helps hair retain more moisture. The effect is immediate with good soft water vs hard water in my experience. If you wash your hair with soft water even once, you’ll be like yeah that dude was right. 

    Edit: If your hair is dry..I’ve said it before in these forums try some Living Proof 5-1 before blow drying it’ll help smooth it out. I’m curious to, have you thought that some of the dry frizzy hair could be regrowth of terminal hairs just weaker because the follicles were dormant due to taking oral Min? It’s possible🤷‍♂️

    How do you get soft water ?

  7. On 8/10/2023 at 2:01 AM, Sunset Dune said:

    I honestly wouldn’t mess with any other topical dut other than XYON they seem to be the most reliable/safe product out there. 
    Also this topical dut promotes hair growth so it’s kinda like minoxidil I’ve also noticed my hair has gotten thicker and longer in a short amount of time the stuff definitely works I’m using it everyday without any sides 

    Since Xyon works like minoxidil  by thickening the hair, would it be ok just to use Xyon by itself with no minoxidil? Because I’ve been in oral minoxidil for 8months with no change to my hair thickness and topical minoxidil was no better 

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