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Everything posted by Gfbeurope

  1. About me 41yo, German-Turkish, have been living in Turkey, Istanbul now for 3 years, grew up in Germany I think my crown started to get thinner in my earlier 20s and got completely bald a few years later. It bothers me the most. Later, also the frontal hairline started to recede but fortunately the bridge remained in place - except some slight thinning. Since I always had a high forehead it doesn´t bother me too much and the focus will be on the crown area. Little work is planned for the hairline. In 2001, I had a pretty severe car accident, which may have triggered some hair loss as well. In my earlier 20s, as soon as the hair loss started, I used to wear a cap or applied lots of chemicals like spray and other styling products to my hair. This may also have contributed to the hair loss. Difficult to say. At that time, I was already having some thoughts about hair transplantation, however financial reasons stopped me :-) Another reason that I didn´t do it was the strip technique, which, to be honest, frightened me and still frightens me. FUE is the technique I go for. Doctor Dr. Gökhan Gür (Turkey, Istanbul) I have been working for Health Travels (Medical Tourism Agency) for 9 months now and take care of their foreign patients coming to Dr. Gür for a transplant. Therefore, I had a great chance to see his work and results, which convinced me to finally do it 😊 Planning Together with Dr. Gür we analysed my donor area. Approx. 3500-4000 grafts are possible. It will be a two days session. Approx. 1600-1800 to the hairline and 2000+ to the Crown area. After one year I may add a small session to increase the density. Approx. 1500-2000 grafts (depending on my donor area). I would like to be able to wear my hair short at the donor area. Dr. Gür will extract all grafts personally and create the recipient sites. 2-3 nurses assist him. He only treats 1 patient per day. Medical treatment I won´t use Finasteride, but Minoxidil 5%. Some PRP sessions are planned as well. Especially for my slightly thin bridge area. Photos Attached
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