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Everything posted by CosmoKramer

  1. You’re welcome! I do see a slight improvement in your 1st post from these photos so stick to it, even if you don’t gain much back you’ll retain what you have.
  2. Hey man IMHO, I don’t think it looks too bad, my hair loss started similarly to yours at your age, so I wouldn’t stick to believing that’s is totally stabilized as mine hadn’t. My advice would be give it another year or 2 to see if it worsens and in the mean time stick to your topical and add Nizoral shampoo 1-2x a week + microneedling with a roller or Derma pen for at least an additional 6 months to see if it improves your situation. But to answer your question, I looks like you’d need 1,000-1,200 grafts to shore up your receding temples.
  3. No worries. And I agree, although I’m no fan of censorship, so is fine with me to let things be and just move on. 👍🏻
  4. @Portugal25 I’m not arrogant enough to disagree with your comments above, 😉, I don’t go on name-calling attacks unless someone else initiated it and provokes it, and I agree, with your comments above, but at times it’s hard not to get upset or “passionate” with our differing opinions when we all collectively just want this bullshit to be over so we can get back to less worry about world issues and back to the HT discussions...and it’s inching back that way. PS this was the first occasion I chimed in on politics with this situation...believe it or not I truly am an independent, I’m not in the left or rights pocket. Thanks for your last words too!
  5. Awe how sweet the comment police has arrived...thank goodness! 🤨 Just for the record, the other member initiated the name calling first and called me a moron, twice...
  6. I agree. It’s sad how easily people get offended and also project upon others their own assumptions, then they hypocritically cry foul when checked. I’ve said from the get go on here I’m blunt and honest with my comments/opinions when someone ask for any, and it’s always been in the vein of sharing/being helpful/being positive not suger-coating things and and I try to keep it unbiased as possible ...after all what’s the point of living in a bubble where everyone agrees with you and all the answers are the same...that’s dull and boring and doesn’t help anyone, nor do we learn anything new. I’m guilty of the name-calling but only after it’s been initiated first, does it make it okay, probably not. My engagement on this thread came from worry that this whole situation would harm so many people panicked with fear, my concern for the consequences of, in my opinion, the overblown actions of some leaders that has lead to tens of thousands of preventable deaths, preventable panacea, preventable loss of 34 million & counting jobs, the destruction of small mom & pop business, the toll on desperate elderly, the lasting mental health consequences, the desecration of civil rights and liberties...and it just shocks me how some individuals just kept wanting wallow and cower in fear and panic and death and just accepting it and at times defending it. I have found many positives in all this carnage...the focus on who the Helpers are and what they really do for us and how they need to be recognized and not just in an “emergency”, the other thing, I’m happy to see people in the real world helping people, being charitable, showing concern for their neighbors and acting on it....it shows that no, government can’t save us and keep us safe...we do that collectively.
  7. It’s always been that way and will always be...no way of avoiding it.
  8. Exactly! If all of a sudden the paychecks of the First responders stopped coming...and that of the state and local gov employees as well...the politicians would be running for the hills to their bunkers and things would be opened up real quick.
  9. Of course it’s going to be turned into a political issue...we have a major election in less than 6 months and both the left & right are using this as an opportunity to gain leverage...that doesn’t mean I agree with it, like I said, in a post prior, helping people and saving lives should be devoid of politics even if something may remotely help, it should be considered no matter whom it came from. I think it’s very good how Portugal/Spain/Sweden and other European countries have handled it.with the obvious exception of Italy...but we have skyrocketed unemployment now due to the imposed destruction of the economy...do you not think this will affect Europe? If we hit another Great Depression do you think Americans will travel to Europe for business or vacations? Nope. Then what will happen to the tourism $$$ that many European countries depend on?...So, you can brush off what happens here economically and politically... but the repercussions will no doubt affect you or someone you know and care about. In regards to the photo above, I think that good of him....I personally have not worn a mask when out in open air public when getting exercise with walks and hikes...but I do put it on when entering a business or shop...I do this to be respectful of the business and employees since I know they are in an enclosed location and in a tough and scary position both with constant fear from the media & the virus for themselves and it saddens me when I see young employees at the grocery store and elderly shoppers with the look of anxiety and fear frozen on their faces so if it helps to just ease their mind I have no issue with this policy...but once I walk out I remove the mask for my own health sake, oxygen is vital after all.
  10. At least here’s some good news....it seems like those testing positive a 2nd time shows the virus is possibly weakening and being “shed” People who recover from COVID-19, test positive again not contagious, Korean study suggests https://abc7ny.com/6199005/
  11. Fair enough, Ill try and refrain from name calling...but that’s a two way street. By the way it’s not some strange online coffee website its a data driven site: https://ncov2019.live/data
  12. Melvin, this moron troll doesn’t know his math.. Sweden’s population is 10.3 mil Infected rate: 1/3rd if 1% Death rate: 1/30th of 1% They never fully locked down, they never fully cowered in their homes petrified, they didn’t allow their society and economy to be destroyed...but this idiot knows better. Lol.
  13. Hmmm...funny thing...I posted this fact along with the actual CDC link to their “guidance” on mislabeling deaths...but obviously trolls yell “conspiracy theorist” no matter the direct evidence. oh...and now states are being shamed for their rigging of the data... https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2020/05/16/colorado-changes-how-coronavirus-deaths-state-counted/5198485002/
  14. I personally along with family members have been taking Zinc & an HCQ-like zinc ionophor for months now, none of us are sick not even a cold, and been out and about amongst many...not saying it’s a “cure”, but it’s maintained our health and possibly improved protection.
  15. Trolls keep trolling.. Direct from the bozos at the WHO: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S3UUw9CqG88
  16. It’s sad that such ignorant people like yourself are the reason people are steered away from anything helpful and positive. As, a life long NYer and following trump in the tabloid news over the decades I never cared for Trump before he was president nor am I fond of him now...but it’s truly sick how some sick minded people will do all they can to push hatred for anything he may suggest may be helpful... I understand that much of the world hates him and many here as well but to purposefully ignore and propagate falsely something that may save lives no matter the politics of the person is truly disgusting....and it’s these type of people that if they were in dire straights themselves they’d beg to be treated with this to potentially save their life but hypocritically not admit it. https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/04/30/coronavirus-exclusive-meet-the-doctor-behind-the-hydroxychloroquine-treatment-for-covid-19/amp/ PS. If you think that whatever country you are in is “opening up” again and won’t go back into lockdown in wave 2,3,4,5...you’re kidding yourself...cower away.
  17. I have a good friend that is an RN in Long Island...he would always tell me that each year per protocol he had to get the flu shot and usually felt a bit ill afterwards and this time after and catching this virus it did such damage to his immune system that he was also close to death, in the hospital for 2 weeks (same one he works in)...I asked his wife why did they not give him the Hydroxychloroquine + Zpack + Zinc medication cocktail, that a doctor in Brooklyn gave his sick infected patients that they all recovered within a few days....my friends wife didn’t have an answer as to why they didn’t give him the combo...and I even have another friend and she was sick with the virus and she received the combo and recovered well...but the fear from the bullshit media narrative that this cheap medication is “unproven” and “unsafe” is truly sick as it could and could have saved so many more lives. Thankfully my RN friend recovered, and I’m not suggesting the Flu shot did him in...but likely it slightly weakened his immune system then him coming in contact with a covid infected patient made it worse.
  18. I DO see it...I’ve been in the fucking “epicenter” of it...I’ve had a relative and a good friend die...I have many friends and family that work in the medical field...but doing and accepting the same bullshit for weeks and months is insanity.
  19. Keep your head in the sand and your ego safe....and you’ll reap what you sow.
  20. Listen man, I’m not trying to say you personally are not doing your best to save lives, that’s not my motive...I’m just fed up with all the bullshit inconsistencies, mismanagement, sheer lunacy that is going on...and almost non of it based in logic nor science. We have to admit that and not have our head in the sand if we all want to get through and past this.
  21. I’ll just leave this here... Nothing to see here...move along.. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-crime/us-charges-target-alleged-chinese-spying-at-harvard-boston-institutions-idUSKBN1ZR23V https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741 Coincidence?..sad.. https://www.pix11.com/news/coronavirus/researcher-on-the-verge-of-making-significant-covid-19-finding-dead-from-gunshot-wound Also sad.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8258519/New-York-City-EMT-23-commits-suicide-three-months-job-working-COVID-19-hotspots.html Mental Health Status Among Children in Home Confinement During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak in Hubei Province, China https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2765196 Certain Politicians are responsible for the destruction of the healthcare system and healthcare cut backs and job losses from their “overwhelming” bans & executive orders....but Hospital Corp groups received $175 BILLION from the CARES Act...why layoffs and furloughs?...where did that all that money go??? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-physician-assistants-furloughed-coronavirus/?intcid=CNI-00-10aaa3a#app https://www.npr.org/2020/05/08/852435761/as-hospitals-lose-revenue-thousands-of-health-care-workers-face-furloughs-layoff https://www.pix11.com/news/coronavirus/health-workers-that-volunteered-to-come-to-ny-during-pandemic-have-to-pay-state-income-tax-cuomo If hospitals were “overwhelmed” as the politicians claimed..why were the emergency overflow built facilities not utilized? Why did certain politicians whom cried wolf go against utilizing them, leaving them empty and forcing pressure on hospitals and staff? https://www.npr.org/2020/05/07/851712311/u-s-field-hospitals-stand-down-most-without-treating-any-covid-19-patients It was never about “saving lives”....Facts show otherwise as he forced, using executive orders, nursing homes and elder care facilities to accept sick infected patients and staff without providing any ppe or support and ignored allowing the sick to instead be transferred to the empty facilities....and now 6,000 dead because of his Insane actions...all criminal...They ignored the ones most at risk and fueled their demise to instead go after petty “social distancing’ infractions and other bullshit. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/07/ny-gov-cuomo-says-he-wont-sacrifice-human-lives-to-reopen-the-economy-the-argument-is-absurd.html?__source=facebook|main When an elitist hypocrite technocrat gets caught and exposed: https://www.thedailybeast.com/neil-ferguson-uk-professor-who-spearheaded-national-lockdown-quits-after-meeting-lover-antonia-staats It’s never about our “safety”... https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/05/20/facial-recognition-firms-pitch-covid-19-immunity-passports-for-america-and-britain/ https://www.minds.com/TruthTheory/blog/snowden-warns-the-governments-are-building-the-architecture-1096189182290219008?fbclid=IwAR2y-1Wlr0KRHC_o4zJWPZhxrmcviiZzbsHbT4MNLG1zLQsyQRcOvsbH8qM https://punemirror.indiatimes.com/news/world/tanzania-president-queries-kits-after-goat-fruit-test-positive-for-covid-19/articleshow/75529018.cms How stats are cheery picked. Yes, they saw a high of 1801 positives. They also reported 32,000 tests today. That's 10,000 more than the day before when the total was 1347 positives. Overall, their positive percentage has fallen to 4.6%, from 7.5% one week ago. BUT shhhhhh I wouldn’t want to ruin their narrative with FACTS. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/individual-states/texas https://www.cbsnews.com/news/texas-coronavrus-largest-single-day-increase-covid-19-cases/
  22. How dare you tarnish the image of Dee Snider, Melvin! 😂 Shes more:
  23. This is what happens when sociopaths are elected to office. Yes, I’ve read about the insane and unconstitutional lockdown extension, how the people there haven’t yet swarmed the Governors mansion and city hall en mass is perplexing. I’ve also read of your Health director and her $470,000 cushy taxpayer salary and love this meme of her..
  24. Exactly. it’s hilarious to me that the governors that decided to do these insane lockdowns have destroyed their own economies and holding their own constituents hostage and now want the Fed government to bail them out for their unconstitutional and potentially criminal actions. One thing that’s come out of this whole thing...is that this has exposed all the weak nanny-state hypocrites whom need to be told what’s “safe” for them and how to “live” and they moronically attempt to shame others for not being as scared and obedient as they are. Such utter weaklings they are, that accept everything they’re told and told to do...natural selection will weed them out sooner than later...so there’s that.
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