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Posts posted by Kraistoff

  1. 52 minutes ago, VicTNYC said:

    Hey man, I don’t mean to cause you more worry but to be very honest for the amount of grafts you got all just in your frontal third area and at 7 months there should be more there. You very likely could get another growth spurt since technically this is about 60% of the final result so I think if at the 9 or 10 month mark it hasn’t improved then the clinic has some explaining to do, it wasn’t 1,500 grafts but 4,500 so something could be off by them.

    Thanks for the feedback


    I was wondering if multi grafts took longer to sprout . Seems most singles sprouted 

  2. i cannot really do anything with my hair when left natural. In any kind of light it is see through, with the scalp visible , especially since the rest of the hair is relatively thick


    i have asked the clinic if the fact I have dark hair and light skin will be an issue (contrast) and they have assured me that it won’t , that contrast between hair and skin isn’t the only thing that counts in a result . 


    I was expecting to be able to style my hair at this point, but in the sun it looks worse than before in my opinion. In dim light it looks good, but the density isn’t enough to cover my pale skin. No good when summer is on the way. Trying to find evidence of other results where there’s an explosion of growth after 7 months . 


    I have attached photos of my head in direct sunlight . The left side (my left) is a lot worse than the right . This means i have to comb over from the right and use my middle tuft of hair as a comb over . 


    Below photos show it in direct sunlight. Last few are with a little bit of wax , and then with Toppik. 


    I dont want to have to depent on toppik for the rest the rest of my thirties . The clinic used a computer to calculate coverage values , which worked out the amount of grafts needed so I wouldn’t have thought this would have been an issue . 















  3. 1 hour ago, FarsanUk said:

    Although still early so don't think about it just yet. If they offer you a free touch up that's as good as admitting they messed up. This is a standard thing they do and they think its not a problem well it is a problem they should get it right first time around they have no idea what financial, emotional investment we put into this before during after surgery. How can they honestly make up for the first time when they possible wasted grafts or made an unnatural hair line (not referring to you). Is the doctor all of a sudden going to pay more attention and bring his best team to you? Why not do that the first time? Take every patient seriously! You are a doctor so act like one. Yes alot of people will say there are no guarantees which is true but the growing trend of very dence-less hairlines and not great growth is showing that there is a bit more going on here.

    The doctor needs to step up here and start reducing his surgeries and have a more hands on personal approach to each patient. Money has got the better of him like a lot of clinics. When you see how awesome the new clinic looks and everything he has in it, surely he should be embarrassed when he sees some of the results that come out of it, its laughable. Not to say he doesn't get good results - because he does it's just that the sub par results are becoming more of a regular feature and you just dont know you are getting from one patient to the next. 



    have you looked on the other forums (there’s a French one ) there seems to be a lot of good results there 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Try to grow your hair a little longer. This will help with the layering effect. The shorter the hair the less layering you can do. So far it looks pretty good leaps and bounds better than how you looked before surgery that's for sure. The great thing about ASMED is they stand by their work and want to make their patients happy. If by 12 months you want a little more density they will do a touch-up.

    Cheers guys

    As per my above photo (zoomed in with split pic) most of the hair has grown I believe 

    tinge transplant looked a lot more dense immediately after surgery due to the skin surrounding them and again a lot denser when scabs / crusts started to form. Perhaps people are disappointed when the wounds heal and the hairs don’t have the same effect on the dense look. 

    Fingers crossed. It is difficult to not send neurotic emails to the clinic 

  5. Hello all,

    I’m debating whether to go for a hair cut or not !


    when I combe my hair, I think it looks quite good (a lot better than I did before) 

    i think we have to style the hair after a transplant , and quite often it will look worse if it’s scruffy . 

    Below are photos I took now in the window so pretty harsh lighting , hair combed forward. 

    I can also see many newish hairs with close up. 


    Its tough reading negative comments about other people experiences , it is also tough not to read them. We always feel the need to compare to other people. 








  6. 19 minutes ago, LordBaldwin said:

    Well, yes, that could be true.  Both minoxidil and finasteride have that effect (causing initial shed but overall slowing or even slightly reducing loss), albeit by different mechanisms (finasteride by inhibiting DHT production in the body and minoxidil by unknown processes).  The shed is usually the miniaturized hair.  It probably wouldn't hurt you to use minox, though it, like finasteride, will only work as long as you're using it. 

    Do you have small/fine hairs growing in the thin areas, or are the gaps bare?  

    To be honest it’s difficult to tell. Sure is see some fine hair in some Areas but cannot be sure 

  7. 8 minutes ago, FarsanUk said:

    Well to be honest you probably have 7 to 8k donar from which 4500 have been used. You certainly wont need the same amount of grafts again as there is enough coverage there. The donar looks great as always from asmed so you have plenty of reason to be hopeful.

    Cheers farsan


    still hoping it will get better to be honest . I didn’t expect paying £10k to still be unhappy 18 months after . Perhaps after 5 years I would need another . 



  8. 7 minutes ago, FarsanUk said:

    My coordinator contacted me at 6 months asking for photos. I think they must have just remembered me as they said they follow what I write on these forums. I havnt sent anything to them because well what's the point? They will never write that oh it dont look good or that's a bit worrying. They will tell you like they tell the hundreds of other patients to wait at least 12 months and some circumstances they'll tell you to wait 18 months. I agree with you that in your case they should have better after care communication but let's face it whether your progress is good or bad they will tell you the same thing and if it the end of 12 to 18 months it hasn't changed much they'll simply offer you a free touch up so it's a pointless exercise unless you actually lived close to the clinic and could have the doctor inspect your progress which is pretty useful. What's done is done the surgery has happened and  nothing can change what may or may not be the outcome, all you me and the other guys can do is wait 12 months, re assess the situation and decide what we want done and by whom.

    Cheers farsan


    i reckon you’re doing well though. 

    Hopefully more hair will sprout behind hairline . Most worrying thing for people must be the fact they are using finite grafts , sometimes it isn’t as simple as getting it rectified elsewhere . 

  9. 9 minutes ago, MHR84 said:

    No nothing much of follow up from their side, i must say. But tbh it have n,t bothered me either. As one have to wait atleast 12 month in order to complain or make a claim or any thing else. 

    Last time i spoke to my co ordinator so she told me that doctor thinks most of the hair have grown and need time to mature. I am currently 9 and a half month on my way to 12 month mark. Lets see where i stand in 2 months. I have recently uploaded pictures from 9 month mark. Take a look u havent seen so u can get a idea of ur 9 month scenario. Best of luck

    I was / am surprised by this really. I was told they would want day 10 photos from me when I left but nobody ever asked for these I sent my own 14 day to Seek some advice and reassurances 


  10. Hello all,


    i am 7 month post op today, but don’t think much has changed in terms of density 


    my hair looks good if I keep away from light bulbs . 


    I am asking people including the clinic for examples where hair density is like mine after 7 months but then after 18 months the result looks good. If anyone knows of any let me know .


    here are some photos for those who are interested but like I said nothing new to report 















  11. On 4/13/2019 at 5:42 PM, kw877 said:

    Yes. I can’t wear my hair up anymore as it’s too sparse. Even down its see through. Like this 


    Hey man


    what has your level of aftercare been like? Has the clinic made contact with you (as in they make the first move to check how you’re getting along ? Or is it you that has to make co fact with them? 

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