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Everything posted by gettingfue

  1. The method of find propecia was the same (i.e. unintended consequence for a treatment unrelated to hair loss), but that is inconsequential for how the drug itself will operate.
  2. What are you trying to prove with your hostility and sarcasm? I was getting notifications about my thread due to your posts that had absolutely nothing to do with my question and were concerning your inability to use a PM function. Go to the off topic, where your question obviously belongs. For your ease, here is the link: Off-Topic Posts - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients This is how forums work. You can't just post completely irrelevant questions in a very specific thread for your own purposes. Furthermore, my length of time on the forum is irrelevant to your misuse of the forum.
  3. Looks to me what you've kind of implied yourself - the scabs bleeding rather than a graft being dislodged. Everyone says by day 12 they're as secure as your non-transplanted hair, so I would relax
  4. From photos you can tell the pattern of baldness (diffusion, temporal, crown etc), but they can't tell the extent of miniaturisation. Like a previous poster suggested - just get back in touch with Erdogan and ask if you can book an appointment. The worst that can happen is he says no.
  5. Thanks to both of you for your replies - both of which are very reassuring.
  6. Hi there, I'm considering flying to Europe to have FUE with Dr Lorenzo. I'm really impressed by his openness to share so many results. I have a question though regarding his technicians. How much training do they receive? I reached out to a German dude who told me a young woman from the UK, Grace, did his extractions for Dr Lorenzo. I tried to search on this forum about her but all the info available on this forum regarding her, positive though it was, does not suggest that she is an extractor (a previous patient on this forum described her as an 'implant loader'). So, does anyone know how long she has been doing it? Generally, how much training do his technicians receive? I've read it's important to know who will be doing the extractions as this is a crucial step in the process - please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks for the heads up guys!
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