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Everything posted by LowerEastGuy

  1. Amazing result. I think my pattern is similar to yours and I'd be 100% satisfied with this result - going to throw Diep on the list to consider.
  2. Not a long term solution but are you using Toppik fibers in the interim? Since your hairline is still pretty good, you should be able to get excellent concealment for when you want it.
  3. Spray I'm in the same boat as you (few years younger) and looking to get an HT asap. Also not on fin and also likely a NW3 at the moment. Also work in a professional (finance) setting and wondering about how much time to take off and get through the recovery. Where are you located and how'd you narrow down your choices to Hasson? And are you considering FUE at all?
  4. Pretty awesome post! I know how you feel but with regards to LASIK. I used to have beyond bad vision and had to plan whether each day was a "contacts or glasses" day. Years later, I can barely remember what it was like to have bad vision. This is one of the factors motivating me to really get this hair transplant figured out as soon as possible - knowing that a year later, 2 years later...this whole issue can be behind me forever and I can move on with life. If only I could just snap my fingers...
  5. I'm still new here and getting up to speed on what procedure makes sense for me but it seems like every clinic either specializes in one or the other. Is there a clinic that is objective about both procedures that you'd recommend / would trust? Or do I need to see an FUT specialist and an FUE specialist separately? I'm NYC-based by the way if that's helpful.
  6. Shera - thanks a lot for the response. Sounds like you know exactly what situation I'm in. I'm including donor pics here: Let me know what you think. Also - what do you guys think about FUT vs. FUE for my situation? I do like to keep my hair pretty short on the sides (like in the photos) which would lend itself better to FUE but, again, creating a good hairline while keeping enough of a donor reserve is the more important goal. Also - as always, any advice would be appreciated on which doctors would be best to consult with for my particular case!
  7. HT thanks for the response. I looked through your thread - congrats on taking the massive action earlier than me! I wish I did this a couple years back and had more of my "prime" years to enjoy but hey better late than never. My goal is to get the best natural looking hairline possible while keeping enough in reserve for future work. I'm guessing I will need additional future work to fill in the top due to not using fin, but I'm much less worried about density up top and in the crown than I am in the hairline. Like you said in your thread, it's all about balance - hairline is the most important in my mind, the rest I can style and conceal around as needed (same as what you're doing). What do you think I should be realistically expecting?
  8. Hey all - I'm new to the forum and figured I'd introduce myself and welcome any advice on my situation (mods - if I'm posting in the wrong place, apologies in advance). I'm 30 years old (31 soon) in NYC. Hairline has been receding since age 19 and the top of my head is thinning as well. I've used Minoxodil on and off from the beginning (started with Rogaine, now using Lipogaine daily). Never tried finasteride and would most likely not consider it at this point. I've toyed around with the idea of an HT for years but have only recently become serious about pursuing one. I'm hitting an inflection point with my hair loss where I need to decide whether to go the buzzcut route or get an HT; the "in-between" is just not working anymore for a single, in-shape and otherwise (except for the hair!) good-looking guy my age. I've tried the buzzcut before and while it looks OK, it doesn't reflect my self-image (I'm a well-built / athletic guy with pale skin and the buzzcut just makes me look too aggressive / unapproachable). Last year, I discovered Dermatch and Toppik fibers and have been using them with some success on the weekends - they basically allow me to achieve the illusion of a fuller (though still receded) hairline. It's not perfect but it has boosted my confidence when going out and dating. The problem is I don't use these during the week for work (so it sometimes feels like living a "double life") and there are always the usual concerns around whether it is styled perfectly and whether other people are noticing. It's not a long-term solution... I'm including pictures for context. Here is my hair out of the shower (can clearly see the advanced receding and thinning - not sure of the exact Norwood type): This is the regular day-to-day appearance at work (can clearly see the recession). Note the reason I keep my hair this long in the front is because it works better with the Toppik (otherwise I'd cut it much shorter - also part of the problem of living a "double life"): And this is with Dermatch and Toppik (I like to think it at least hides the thinning): If you guys made it this far, thanks for reading and I'd love to get some feedback: - Does anyone have a similar case / age / pattern to mine? Would love to connect. - Any doctors you'd recommend I consult with (esp. those who have good results with cases like mine)? - What kind of hairline can I realistically expect from an HT? - How bad will it get down the line if I only use Minoxidil to maintain? - Any other tips / advice / / next steps to consider Like I said, I'm based in NYC but am willing to travel. So far, I've done one consultation with a doctor in the NYC metro area and was completely unimpressed (won't name names but he basically rushed me through the process and drew a hairline that I thought was way too low and unrealistic). Cost is not a priority here - my goal is good aesthetics that are appropriate for my age and that I can maintain going forward. Thanks guys - good to finally get the ball rolling here!
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