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Everything posted by MeetYourMaker

  1. I live in Turkey and just want to visit the best Turkish option to be honest; EU prices are really high especially when you consider Turkish Lira against Euro
  2. Thank you "In addition, stick and place (in most cases) is not carried out by the surgeon and for years, even before the climax for FUSS, technicians would have the sole duty of making the incisions as well as placing the grafts thus giving complete control of the final outcome to the technicians and not the doctor." Is this true for HLC?
  3. never head of Dr. Bicer, This is going to be my second operation and when i was getting first one there were "Three Big" of Turkey : Dr. Keser, Erdogan and HLC. That's why i needed to compare two of them.
  4. do you think Erdogan's channel openning and his assistants' transplanting equal to HLC?
  5. Which one is superior one at the moment? I already had a transplant (2000 grafts) and this one is really important for me, probably will be my last major surgery so i want to pick the best option between these two. ASMED was the best since late 2018 right? Now it has mixed results, how does HLC do at these days? Thank you.
  6. It's more like inflammation pain / itching, some balding people feel it, some don't.
  7. You know the feeling i mentioned. Like itching, DHT surging on the hair roots. Sometimes painful. Is this a normal feeling on the transplanted areas? (i am at 11th month) and please note that there was not native hairs; all transplanted.
  8. It was almost total shave. I see what you mean tho, voxman.
  9. I got a haircut after 8 months of hair transplant. My crown / vertex looked really thin after the cut. It was 2 months ago. Now I am waiting for my hair to grow up again, but confused on how to calculate my days / months about transplant. Should I say I am at 10 months or 2 months? Does hair grow faster after haircut?
  10. It gave my receded hairline back too. Filled winow peaks. You cannot care about these results when it gives you the sides i mentioned earlier. Wrecked me physically & mentally. Still, i consider myself lucky only TMJ stuck with me after dropping it.
  11. First photo : November 2016 - starting fin 1mg / day only Second photo : May 2017 - stopped taking it after 1 or 2 weeks after this photo. Merck needs more people like you, keep defending this s.hit and take it like a candy, boys.
  12. I said 7 months, not weeks. Yeah, you look like a stupid guy, Legend007.
  13. 1) Side effects are real. I have experienced : - Bloated face due to excessive estrogen ratio against T - TMJ (the only side effect that stuck with me after discounting the drug) - Female type weight gain, lost my jawline - Losing facial hair, beard, eyebrow - ED - Slurred speech - Brain fog - No sex drive - Gyno Did Propecia work for my hair? Hell yes. I was NW4 when i started, it made me NW1.5 in 7 months. Vertex / Crown was totally bald, it filled %70 of it. Receded hairline came back. I had an extended blood test and results showed my endocrine system is wrecked by this poison. 2) PFS is real. Luckily i never experienced it. 3) If you call someone "douchebag" cause he warns people about Propecia, you are the real douchebag here. You cant tell people "take it like a candy" you should ALWAYS warn people that consider to take it. 4) Propecia's long-term effects are still unknown. Merck can add a new side effect in 2025 and just keep selling this. 5) Propecia's effect on neurosteroids are still unknown. Everyone talks about sexual sides but you cannot know what this drug does to your brain. You. Cannot. Know. Period. Experiencing no sides in your penis does not mean this drug does not harm your endocrine system. Read the VICE / TONIC's paper before making comments about this poison : https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/gqywem/the-medical-mystery-behind-americas-best-selling-hair-loss-drug
  14. Sorry, you are right. I hope your transplant will go well. There are good IOH results too, but they did a mistake and left their patients with bad results, did not offer refund, basicly they acted like an amateur brand. I could not let them act here like everything was fine for local turkish patients. As i mentioned, i hope your transplant will go well. Just update us monthly (or every 3 month)
  15. FTFY : "we cannot bring a proper statement about this and try to scare you out with an imaginary legal strike"
  16. the good old "they are trying to harm our brand" card is pulled out again. how do you plan to defend yourself, IOH? do you prefer to make me share your all "bad" transplants here? don't push your luck. these guys are popped out of nowhere in 2015 with a "we are ex ASMED / koray erdogan staff and we will bring same quality with a lower price" motto, made a lot of hair transplant to local turkish patients. Many people had high hopes for IOH but after 12 months they started to ignore their victims, did not answer the phones, did not mention "refund" too. They are shady and have a really bad reputation in Turkey right now. I wanted to warn you since local Turkish patients are not good with English so they might not able to express themselves here. IOH, i am not one of your victim but believe me, i will chase you and hunt you down wherever you go.
  17. Sorry, had to register just to post this. I would stay away from IOH. They are taking advantage of "ex-ASMED / erdogan staff" rhetoric and there are many RAGING turkish patients that got hairtransplant from IOH. Their photos look crisp, results not much. bad IOH results One of the IOH victim created this site (ONCE : Before / SONRA : After) just to show how bad IOH results are. These are the worst ones, their other results are mediocre at best though. Note that, there are active lawsuits against IOH and IOH victims are trying to act together. Just wanted to warn Hairrestorationnetwork family about them. They smile to your face until the money arrives to IOH bank account. IOH is a shady company and using fake / manipulated photos to lure new foreign patients since they have a REALLY bad reputation in Turkey right now.
  18. Sorry, had to register just to post this. I would stay away from IOH. They are taking advantage of "ex-ASMED / erdogan staff" rhetoric and there are many RAGING turkish patients that got hairtransplant from IOH. Their photos look crisp, results not much. bad results from IOH One of the IOH victim created this site (ONCE : Before / SONRA : After) just to show how bad IOH results are. These are the worst ones, their other results are mediocre at best though. Note that, there are active lawsuits against IOH and IOH victims are trying to act together. Just wanted to warn Hairrestorationnetwork family about them. They smile to your face until the money arrives to IOH bank account. IOH is a shady company and using fake / manipulated photos to lure new foreign patients since they have a REALLY bad reputation in Turkey right now.
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