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Everything posted by hairgrower

  1. Hi I had my HT done on Jan 29 2018...my scalp completely healed and the shedding phase almost seems to have ended. I did PRP using 1-2mm intradermal meso gun after 7 weeks of my HT. The nurse injected plasma and of course there was some blood. My question is could this have damaged my transplanted hair follicles? I have no pain redness or anything over my scalp but in some places little bumps where needle was injected. I am really concerned and now thinking if I should have really gone through PRP.
  2. Hi I had my HT done Jan 29 2018 in India. After 7 weeks I decided to have PRP to expedite the growth process. The nurse injected plasma through tiny injections about 1 to 2 mm deep...my question is will these damage my transplanted follicles? And will I see faster better results?
  3. Hi does having PRP post HT after 7 weeks cause any damage to follicles?
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