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Posts posted by SWdan

  1. I looked at the scar pretty closely, and there seems to be hairs growing out of the middle of it, making it almost undetectable. Even though I would have went as high as 5000 grafts, I have to say that Dr. Wong really found a balance between maximizing grafts and minimizing the potential for a noticeable scar.


    Wow..I hope my scar turns out that undetectable. You can barely see it. Can you feel an indentation when you run your hand over it..?

  2. I'm really concerned with Dr Diep ethics. I've been looking into him but almost $9 a graft is ridiculous and his office peoples manners seem quite rude. They sent me an email quoting me for a lower price and as I'm about to pay it I call them and they raised the price on me. When they sent me a quote for the higher price they even changed it to a sooner due date and refused to accept the price they sent me in email.


    Sorry you had a bad experience. I found Dr. Diep, and his staff to be nice, polite, and professional. Price wise, it's probably supply and demand. He's backed up about 7 months for FUE.

  3. The line is thin , it’s the indentation of the scar n ur shaved head makes it look worse than it is .. it probably will get better in time .. I can’t even see ur previous fut scar .. so that’s good news ..


    I think you can't see the previous scar because he cut right over it.

  4. Yeah I don’t look bad ,, i just look my age with thinning hair n a receding hairline .. but just two years ago I had good hair n looked young .. cuz I have a baby face .. always done well with the girls. Always looked younger than my age .. but now don’t feel good looking anymore , I’m just doing a combover to cover my receding hairline .. but if I can improve my hair a lot by just fixing the hairline , n I have the funds for it .. I might as well ..I’m going to be 39 next month , what am i waiting for ? I did wait too ,, I was going to do a hair transplant with two other doctors in December 2017 , but canceled n now back on it ..


    ... I’m kindly iffy now about the Fut , gosh the scar kinda sucks .. getting doubts bout it . I’m kinda scared about it actually ,, getting a piece of ur skin ripped out .. people with good or bad FUT surgery’s please enlighten me n let me know if it was worth it n not too bad not too bad , Cuz I’m nervous bout it , might chicken out n pay the money n the waiting time for the fue


    Watch some of Dr. Diep's YT video's on the FUT scar. After it's healed and the hair grows in, you can barely see it. In most cases it's actually hard to see, IMO. The pictures of mine are only right after surgery , when things still look bad.

  5. When ur hair grows back will u still be able to cover the scar ? Right now it’s thin , not wide n not bad but it does look like a scar.. Keep us updated k


    I think it look's more like a scar now because of the shock loss. Once that grows back in, and my hair grows out, nobody'll see it.

  6. Yes, I created a thread about my procedure. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/189083-my-feb-12-fut-dr-diep.html


    I had about 5700 hairs in 2673 grafts. I was at his office at 5:30 am, They give you 7 or 8 pills, and they put you to sleep, so I slept through all the FUT part, and placing the holes for the grafts. He bought me lunch, they gave me some more pills and I fell asleep for a couple more hours. Things are little fuzzy, because I was sort of out of it. I think I was done around 5 or 5:30. He gave me a couple shots for swelling. No pain at all at any time. You lay in the reclining chair, and they have a big flat screen in front of you. Didn't get to watch too much though as I konked out pretty quick.

  7. I think most people would be hard pressed to notice any hair loss on you at all.

    That being said, Dr. Diep did my FUT 3 1/2 weeks ago. I'm in the shedding phase..not too much fun right now. Dr. Diep uses sutures, not staples. I had mine removed by my local Dr. at the 14 day mark. If you can get the clots off, I recommend doing it at 10 days. Some of mine were kinda stuck and he had to pull hard to get them out. If you're only two hours away Dr. Diep can remove them.

    Also Dr. Diep will ask you if you want A Cell treatment, and if you do it costs another $500.

    When he asked me if I wanted it, I told him I did several hours of research and couldn't find any scientific studies on it. So for me it was inconclusive whether it works or not. All he said is I would probably heal quicker with it, but I opted out and didn't get it. He didn't try to sell me, and didn't say anything else about it. When signing the papers I didn't sign the ok to shave my head. But he convinced me it would be easier for him to see where to place the grafts, so I said go ahead.

    The donor incision is still tender to the touch, but it doesn't hurt at all. I slept sitting up for about 8 or 9 days. In my case there's been no pain. For a couple days the donor incision had a dull ache then it went away. The entire back of my head above the incision is numb. A little numbness in the recipient area. That's expected to return to normal in a few months. I also have some shock loss in the donor area. That's also expected to grow back.

  8. On Monday, day 14 post op I had my Dr. remove the sutures. It wasn't easy, as he had to pull pretty hard on some of them. Which means it wasn't too much fun for me. It took him an hour, but he got them all out. He said it's possible the scar tissue had built up around them.

    I wanted to go in a few days earlier, but had some trouble getting all the blood clots off.


    Pictures taken on day 16.



  9. Month Four


    Finally! My photos and timeline are on sync. I went for my fourth month post-ops check-up just the other day. Both the doc and technician were happy with my progress. They both said my hair growth is faster than normal.


    - Color around my recipient area looks normal. No discernible redness.

    - My strip scar is healing nicely. It's discernibly less reddish than before. I wonder if there'd be hair that'd sprout to cover the strip more?

    - I haven't cut my hair since my HT.



    My first 3.5 months, I hardly glanced at my head. But the last two weeks, I kept looking/scrutinizing at my hair every chance I got. I even got a cheap USB microscope to check up on areas that look blank - turns out there are hair popping all over. =)


    Wow, you can barely see the scar. Everything looks like it's coming along well.

  10. Hey guys I’m at 6 months post op, things look great depending on the lighting!

    I expect to get 40-50% more density, if that happens then yes I would recommend Dr Diep ;)


    Quite a big difference from the four month pictures you posted. I think it's looking great. The hairline looks completely natural. You're going to continue to add density as you get to 12 months. Dr. Diep really fixed it for you, IMO.

  11. I have a consultation with him next month .. just to my hairline I’m still a Norwood 2. .. what are his costs now ? 8$? Did he do a miniaturization test to see where we would go bald ? Did he measure hair caliber? Stuff like that.. whatever information u have please share .. also did he do the extractions ? Was he hands on n did most of the work or did his techs do it .. I’m nervous heading into my first transplant .


    I had my FUT with Dr. Diep last week. We didn't talk about measurements of hair etc.. As to FUE, I believe he does all the extractions himself. He did the all punctures where the grafts go, and his techs did the placements.

  12. I'm 64 and started losing some hair in my 30's. In 1992 I decided to fly from Michigan to Chicago for a Bosley procedure. I guess back then the doll hair plugs were about all anyone did, and that's exactly what they gave me. In the front, and some in the crown. I was supposed to go back for them to put in a hairline, but I wasn't confident they could give me a natural hairline so I never went. I didn't have internet access until 1995 so that limited my ability to research anyone else.

    In January 2018 I decided I wanted to do something about these plugs. My hair had thinned a little on top and I had lost some coverage. I was wearing a hat more and more, and was always conscious if the wind blew, these things would stand out like a sore thumb. I spent many hours on YT watching hundreds of videos, and decided on Dr. Diep.

    I contacted the office and sent them the requested pictures. They gave me an appointment for a Skype consultation with Dr. Diep. He gave me an estimate, answered my questions, and gave me additional information. He said for FUE he's backed up about 7 months. Because I had a previous FUT with Bosley I chose to go that route. Already had a scar, maybe 6 inches. The FUT appointment was made for Feb 12, 2018, so I only had to wait about 5 weeks.

    I flew from New Mexico to San Jose on Sat Feb 10. I had to be at the office in Los Gatos Monday at 5:30 am and I arrived as requested.

    I brought the forms with me they had mailed, and they were pretty much filled out. I only had to sign a few things. Jennie gave me a menu to choose what I wanted for lunch, then she took me in the operating room. I put on the booties, and the two gowns. About 6am the Dr came in. Jennie led me to his office where I met the Dr. Dr. Diep is a very friendly, nice man. Very intelligent, and I was always at ease with him. Jennie brought me in a little cup with about 7 pills in it, and Dr. explained what each one was. (I only remember the 3 valiums). He drew the proposed hairline, with a couple minor adjustments I agreed.

    Back into the operating room and the reclining chair in front of a big flat screen. She took my blood pressure a couple times. I was watching the news, and the next thing I remember there were two girls, one on each side planting the grafts. No memory of the FUT or making the places for the grafts. Also no pain whatsoever. I was awake for most of the placements and it was difficult for me to remain still for a couple hours.

    I was supposed to go back the next day at 9 am for a wash, but overslept, and had to get to the airport.

    They had shaved just the front of my head. When I got home I decided to shave the rest of my head. It took me awhile, I had to be careful not to cut any of the sutures, so I didn't do a real clean job of it. Oh well, it'll grow out. The wound looks pretty ghastly. I have had zero pain in the recipient area. Nothing but a little itching, but no touching. In the donor area I can't call it pain. It's more like a dull ache, maybe a 2 on a scale to 10.

    It's day five post op as I'm writing this, and I barely feel it. I'm still sleeping sitting up with a towel around my neck, and I'll probably be doing that for another week or so. I've read others saying they had a lot of pain and discomfort, but I truly have not. I was quite anxious about this, but it's turned out pretty well. I took tylenol the first couple nights to help me sleep, and that's it. He gave me a prescription for pain meds but I didn't need them. They gave me a package of anti-biotics, and anti-swelling, which I'm taking. I had swelling roll down my temples to my cheekbones, but it's about all gone now. Dr. Diep had also given me two injections of steroids for swelling.

    Now the healing process, shedding, and regrowing. Lol, the last time my hair was this short was when I was 13 in 1966.





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