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Posts posted by jooeey

  1. 1 minute ago, JDEE0 said:

    You’ll be absolutely fine, you’re worrying for no reason.

    I would imagine you’d have to seriously damage your skin deep into the dermis to affect the hair follicle. More like severe burns that would lead to scarring rather than a hot scalp from a hair dryer.

    Think about even when you burn yourself badly in the sun - the hair on your arms, legs, chest or whatever doesn’t fall out and the follicles are left completely undamaged even though you’ve actually caused quite a bit of damage to the skin. 

    Just got more worried because the next very day of my hair wash and I see around 40-50 Hair Strands in the Bathroom that was unprecedented !! I never ever see or have seen so many hair strands on my hair wash day. So was freaking out and was trying to draw a correlation.

  2. 3 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Use the blowdryer on cool next time.

    Hi Melvin,

    Yes I do get that, but what about the incident that has already happened ? Can such a one time incident pose any potential threat ? I did see some hair in the bathroom sink when I washed my hair, not many around 40-50 hair strands but those maybe also from my daily telogen hairfall that even a normal person has. I am not suffering from any aggressive hairloss last few years because I have been on Minoxidil and Finasteride/Dutasteride on and off.

    So I don't think the 40-50 Hair Strands that I saw in the bathroom sink were actually androgenetic alopecia hairloss. But you never know.

    So can an one time incident of getting scalp burn because of blow drying cause any immediate hair loss ?

  3. Hi Guys,

    I have had transplant in the past I just had a quick question. I was trying to style my hair using blow dryer and I am a little new, I am beginner, a new starter as far as blow drying and using hair dryer for styling hair is concerned. I think by mistake I kept the hair dryer a few more seconds at one spot, instead of keeping it moving and that kind of gave me a hot burning feeling on my scalp my question is could this one time incident cause any hair loss ? This was just one time incident that happened with me there was no visible or evident injury, or mark or anything that I can see. Just the hot burning feeling and sensation on my scalp. Could this cause hair loss?


  4. Hi Guys,

    I wanted to know from people here who have knowledge in this and who have themselves undergone and experienced the Hair Transplant Journey and Experience. So My question is, I got my Hair Transplant Some days back and on the 9th Day after my Hair Transplant I had my first complete Head Wash. So I had kept my Head unwashed for 8 complete days. My question is unlike for others where the shedding only takes place after the 3rd week or the Fourth week. In My case a lot of infact most of my Hair were gone they shed after my First Hair wash which is on the 9th day. Now the Transplanted area looks as if nothing has been done there !!  I am getting worried thinking that since it just shed on the 9th day is there anything fishy going on with my Hair Transplant. How and why  did my Transplanted Hair shed so early unlike others. Does this mean my Hair Transplant is a Failure. are these signs that the Graft did not survive ? and they died while extraction ? or a dead hair graft was placed and so it was just lying their artificially which just came out with the hair wash !! There are whole lot of negative thoughts going on in my mind, on why did my Hair shed on the 9th day unlike other for whom it sheds starting from day 20 or so ? Will my Transplanted Hair grow from areas where it has been planted but right now looks like as if nothing has been done there.

  5. 2 hours ago, LaserCap said:

    You start washing from day 1.  Typically using the pour method.  Pour shampoo into the area and just rinse off with a cup of water.  Do not let the shower hair water hit your head. It is important to keep the area clean.  You can gently massage the donor, sides and back.  Do this for 6 days.  On the 7th day you can start massaging the top of the head with the tips of your fingers.  If you still have any crusting by the 9th day, get in the shower and let everything soak in warmer water and scrub away.

    If you live near the clinic, you can have them do the wash the first few days.

    The first three days are critical.  Very hard to hurt anything after that.

    You did not wash your hair for 9 days? What clinic did you go to?

    Yes i did not wash my hair for 9 days ! Just kept spraying Saline Water on the recepient area.

    A lot of people say it is only by the 7th days the Grafts are locked and loaded !! Nothing to fear after that. So i don't know who is to believe.

    By the way I've one additional question so when the hair Grafts are secured does the blood supply to the Grafts also start during that period only ?

  6. 12 hours ago, gillenator said:

    IMHO the best docs use a combination of both saggital and coronal slit incisions to accomplish the right angulations and visual end result.  Everyone has their own unique hair characteristics and will require their own individual approach to best meet their goals.

    So what should be done now ? Should I look to do anything about the already transplanted hair, or just leave as it is. I do not want to take risk of them getting damaged during the procedure again or not growing or any risks associated with a Hair Transplant Surgery. I have had people who say, It is not looking very bad, Not ideal but is not looking bad either.

  7. 10 hours ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Hi @jooeey

    can you kindly share some photos? Difficulty in styling is not likely to be whether you had lateral or saggital sites made. It might be the exit angle itself or other technical issues. In fact, I find lateral/coronal incisions great for areas that need a fairly flat angle (temple points, eyebrows etc) as you can have the blade flushed more easily with the skin. Let me known in all cases.

    Thank You Dr @DrTBarghouthi  for your expert opinion, I am pretty sure it were Horizontal Lateral Slits that were made. I am not comfortable sharing pictures, (I can share it to you in PM) but I will still see if I can because do not want to upset the Surgeon who did the procedure on me. I just wanted to have an opinion here, is it now advisable to do anything about it ? And in the first place what can be done about it now ? The Hair which have already been transplanted and have grown well, though not in the direction of my liking !! Do you think adding density around that ear even if by little say 50-100 Hair Grafts will create a illusion, camouflaging effect ? By the way this is on my Hair line !!

  8. 4 hours ago, Aftermath said:

    I’m not saying he duped you, lateral slit isn’t an easy technique to perfect so it’d be down to the surgeons skill how well he performed the technique. I’ve been to a (so called) top surgeon before H&W and had a similar issue after my first procedure. Do you have pictures? 

    Is it not all too risky now ? to do anything about that ? Remove the already transplanted Hair Grafts a couple of them may not survive and then to again make them go through the process of placing in a newly made slit and waiting for them to grow and not let them die !! It all sounds very risky and scary !!

  9. 1 hour ago, Aftermath said:

    I’ve had lateral slit and I can style my hair anyway I want to, combed back, side part, combed forward, spiked, messy, whatever. I think the question is, did you have true lateral slit or did your surgeon just call what he did lateral slit? 

    Ok, So going the Lateral slit was the right approach right ? Which is what I am told has been done in my case. I wouldn’t think that my Surgeon told me something else and he actually did something else on me, I wouldn’t think that he indulges in any Malpractices, appears to me a Surgeon of Ethics and Principles so I would dismiss this possibility of being not delivered what I was promised. So but why the hell my Hair just falls apart like a Horn of a Bull !! Could my texture of hair also have a role to play in it ? Just thinking wide ? lol !!

  10. Hi Guys,

    I wanted to know form you guys and the experts here on what should be done in such a case. So I did my Hair Transplant (First) in 2013 and when I got it done in India there were very few hair Transplant Surgeons which were recommended here. so I took my best wisdom call and went with a surgeon. Without taking any names just to not to upset the respected surgeon. It was decided to do a Horizontal Slits on my Scalp. Every since then I have also had small touch up jobs done. the Hair have come and I am pretty much happy with the results (Results concerning Regrowth of hair) but the problem is, ever since the Hair have grown fully it is almost impossible to style them, they just keep falling in other direction other than what they should be, just like a Horn on a Bull’s head.When I recently met one another surgeon he said the reason for your hair not getting styled in correct direction, and falling on the other side as you say, like Horns on a Bull’s Head is because the slits have been done wrong, you as a Patient maybe happy that you have got new hair on your balding areas, but they are far away from being styled, which is a fact. I just cannot style them, because they just do not stay there. So I am made to believe by this another Doctor that the Slits were made wrong, and hence the hair is just growing in other directions.

    I have two questions to the community here.

    1. Is (Lateral) Horizontal slit an Industry Standard or (Saggital) Vertical slit is ? What do more Hair Transplant Suregons prefer doing ? Horizontal or Vertical Slits ? How much does Horizontal slit or Vertical Slit play a role in hair growing in certain direction, I know it does but is the conclusion made by this another Doctor who I met lately that the slits should have been Vertical and not Horizontal  correct ?

    2. Is it now advisable to remove those Hair Grafts which have been now growing well, and are doing just fine. Mind you, I am extremely paranoid and scared, now to again removing those earlier transplanted hair and again placing them in a Vertical slit. Mind you we are talking about Human body there is no permanent assurance in Surgical Procedure. some would argue why does someone wasn’t to fiddle now with an already head full of Hair. It is like undergoing an open heart surgery where you are opening the Heart again to make some fine adjustments, who knows this may call for some unknown trouble. If t is looking aesthetically ok, (which it is) why fiddle with it ? So Am I justified with my fear, should I be playing around with my already transplanted hair which have grown well ?

    Should I just leave as it is, and not open a Pandora’s Box by fiddling with it.

    Albeit could not be styled ideally !!

  11. On 4/12/2019 at 10:02 PM, Ashishmehta said:


    There is examples of nonsense here on my thread who came to my private inbox and talk any thing 

    I wanted to expose them in community. They just came to make nonsense here.

    @Bill - Managing Publisher @Melvin-Moderator













    So I missed this Post !! I am not too active on the forum lately !! And even If I was, I would not have found this thread interesting enough for my liking to follow it closely, but since you posted my Conversation details here I thought I would reply because it otherwise shows me as a Villain !! First of all good that you have posted the entire chat I had with you, so people here can also judge what led to that Harsh Reply by me. Everyone here reading this, I was just asking this guy what is the cost of HT with Dr. Sethi and this guy started giving me a Snob Talk, acting too smart, and then also went on to tell me

    "Yes thx a lot....

    And don't bother me...

    I am not here to promote any one or get any business for any clinic. Just share my experience.

    I don't care even to entertain people like you. You ask me how much they charge for body hair.

    I do i reply if they didn't use my body hair on me....

    And please don't waste my time as well. 

    I don't have time for any kind of stupid question 

    Relaxed with your fingers.

    I never contacted you. You just jump in any threads that i seen it.

    So please stay away from me."

    So I think I wanted you to be aware that you are not divine here and the only soul on this planet, who has got good results, many get it. But if you start acting, pompous and Haughty ! And Snob, then You for sure are to irritate a lot of people that too on a Public Forum !!

    And I find it really Hilarious when you use words that too in Bold that "Beware of this guy" !! So you mean people should watch you on this forum ! Because you are the New Messiah here ??

    Rest I leave it upto the people If I was being too bully and abusive, Which I am sure I was not !!


  12. 34 minutes ago, HarryHonolulu said:

    I think the only time that you should be careful is two weeks post op. And even then, many doctors invite you to shampoo the recipient area in order to ensure that the scabs fall off quickly. 

    After a month the grafts have been secured into your scalp and they are part of your body. I don’t think they are any different than the native hairs. 

    So no need to be particularly careful - just common sense (like... don’t set your hair on fire or shampoo with bleach)

    So medium, moderate rinsing (which maybe subjective on what is harsh and what is ok and slow and medium) should not really matter after s month right ? No shampoo and rinsing at whatever speed one wants will not excavate the hair roots out of its place ? is it ?

  13. 1 hour ago, Dazed said:

    I probably did over kill for about 2 months, and barely even touched my head.  Even now at 5 months I am still gentle, and pat dry my hair.  I even used a 44 oz. cup to rinse my head.  I am not one of the guys who gives a day by day description of my progress.  My hair seems fuller, but I won't make any judgement until at least a year.

    Ok, that was an attempt to hijack my thread by narrating your personal proceedings. Please don't do that !

  14. Hi Guys,


    I wanted to ask you this, Everytime I have Hair Transplant, I get in this dilemma, lets say after a Month or so when I start Shampooing my Hair everytime I get paranoid am I rinsing it too much and too harshly ? It is that fear of touching it and rinsing which gives me goosebumps. Even while massaging Minoxidil on the Transplanted area, This fear always touches my mind, am I not massaging it too much, or too Harshly ? How does one reach to a relaxed state on this ? What is the actual truth ? Does too much massaging or rinsing after One month of Procedure does it make any difference. Also would like to mention I do not massage or rinse too harshly, I am always gentle, But still get a feeling if is it too Vigorous and too much ?

    is rinsing for a longer period of time while shampooing or massaging too much while applying minoxidil harmful can it lead to Hair Grafts getting damaged after a Month ?

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