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Everything posted by alex84

  1. Since all of my pictures disappeared from my thread and i cant insert them in the original posts i am going to post them again.
  2. I just had a haircut so here is an update. I got the same haircut as always, very short on the sides and it looks good to me. Also i do see a lot of new hair growing everywhere, especially on my temples and hairline...so i am hoping to report only new hair growth from now on.
  3. Hello, does anybody know why did all of my pictures disappeared? I am using postimage and it still works. thx
  4. It's been 3 months since my HT... for now i don't have anything to say about transplanted hair growth. It is very difficult for me to notice small hair because of my diffuse hair loss, but I do see some new hair growing... Donor does look better than a month before, right?
  5. This was my donor three years ago, before i had any operation done... i think that i never had thick donor hair and my donor zone was never dense like it is with some other people with hair loss. Also, it seems that diffuse tipe of hair loss is always accompanied by weak donor hair/zone. Not sure but i think that i never saw diffuse HL with a dense and thick donor.
  6. Just as a reference point, this was my donor a year ago
  7. So, today i had my first haircut after my HT. I asked the girl if she noticed any difference in hair density or scaring on my donor (she only shaved my sides). She said that she honestly doesn't see any difference, and she would know, she cuts my hair for the last 6 years or so. Personally i do see the difference, but that is because i know that i had a HT To me the donor area looks very good with no visible difference from before, and i am guessing that it will recover some more in the next few months. Before haircut After haircut
  8. Hello Tucuyunubor,i am not sure what are you worried about...if he can harvest a weak donor and thin hairwith no visible scarring than he can do even better with good donor or/and thick hair. You probably see more results with weak donor from him because he is not that selective with his clients as some other doctors; you dont have to have a finger thick hair with a donor capacity of 15ooo grafts for him to take you as a client... as long as you have realistic expectations you will be satisfied.
  9. No i am from Croatia or as you call it Hrvatistan. Yes i know; i even tried to count the grafts and came to the same conclusion as you. They told me that they implanted the maximum amount of grafts considering my hair density. So my hair was so densethat they couldn't plant more :) This is hair perfection for them! First img 1month after 1st HT, second is 40 days after 2nd HT
  10. :D:D Listen to this man! People are exploiting other people's weakness for their benefit, and turkish people, no disrespect, are born to sell. You don't want to be made an example like me. There are many solid HT dr and clinics in Turky, but only a few of them are great at their work and you can get them for 1/3 of the cost of US or UK dr.
  11. Hahaha, it is good for your health that you never heard about Sante Plus Aggressive marketing strategy, that is how i heard about them...we don't have any HT clinics in my country, also we don't have any real knowledge about HT... i never heard anyone mention HT, not even a doctor. Sante guys knew this and opened up two clinics not far from me and started advertising over internet, facebook and our national hair loss forum. Sante Plus Aesthetic | www.santeesthetic.com & P.S. the guy in the FB photo is the one that operated on me :mad:
  12. Dont be scared, give it your best and choose carefully and it will be ok. I just posted my 45th day update,you can see how everything is going or should i say growing on my second HT thread: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/188759-hair-transplant-ahd-dr-hakan-doganay-2.html At this moment my hair is as it was before the second HT.
  13. I am guessing that all of my transplanted hair has fallen out, it is hard to tell...also i am not sure if any new hair started its growth. Anyway it is a waiting game from now on. This pictures are 45 days after the HT without any haircut since.
  14. People are right when they say that you need more dr. opinions so try to contact some other HT doctors, maybe some over mail. Your donor is very limited and another thing to be careful about is a chance of some shock lose to your hair, but i would say that with one good op you could have your looks back.
  15. Hello, i just need to say that i understand you... i had exactly the same tipe of hair loss and i know how it feels. To some it looks like you have enough hair but it is so thin and weak. I don't think you need to wait any longer, you are 34 and you want good looks.
  16. Hhahah, you didn't count grafts that they transplanted to my crown, it is at least 50 or 60 grafts. The whole irony is that i chose to go to sante+ in Istanbul over two closest sante+ hospitals in my neighborhood countries (Bosna & Hercegovina and Macedonia) for two reasons: 1. I tought that they would be more professional and more experienced 2. I wanted to use the oportunity to see Istanbul First, my friends who had HT in B&H or Macedonia had solid results, and second i didn't see no Istambul because i was there when thay had that military coup, and whole city was under army size so i was locked up in my hotel... At least i got out of there alive
  17. Hah, it is easy to say that now, but in retrospect it was hard to accept that i was getting bald and that i did such a bad mistake with my 1st HT... it did take some time to accept that and move on. Now if i get some good result from my 2nd HT great, and if not also ok,because at least i tried.
  18. My hair loss (diffuse) went down like this: always thin hair getting thinner with NO hair falling out until 30 years of age. After that thinning continues along with hair falling out in two major areas, temples and top middle part of the scalp. But my hair was never good, thick, anywhere (not even donor), like it is with other people on this site that have male pattern HL. It is so hard to explain to other people...this is the photo from up close and from distance taken a second after...it looks like there is some hair but it just isn't good for anything because it is so thin. And no, i din't get any refund, they never answered any of my mails or calls.
  19. Thx, do the results of 2nd HT look good so far? As for my shock loss i am not sure either...i came to conclusion that i had many dying hair that did not recover after shaving and HT. Few doctors agree with that and i do have some evidence of that; i took pictures of my temples where you can see that some hair is growing 10 times slower or not growing at all.I was able to notice this because after my first ht i shaved my head every 30 days. I am guessing that was the case all over my scalp. This photos are from left to right 20days after 1st HT, 50days, 80days after and 25days after 2nd HT
  20. So, my shedding has started...i see hair falling off every time i wash my hair. Other than that everything is ok. I started using alpicort F and some hair growing serum,but still holding off from exercising. It doesn't seem that i had any native hair loss, but i will know for sure after all my transplanted hair sheds.
  21. Great job and excellent understanding of HL (planing). As you said it is visible that he lost plenty of his native hair in his frontal patch but because of smart graft placement his looks are still intact...if i could have that kind of hair my whole life i would sign it now. Also, great job on not lowering his hair line, because, let's be honest, every HL patient would havehair growing out of his eyes, but that is just not realistic. Many doctors show of with HT on pattern loss patients, and it does take a good doctor to fill completely bald areas, but in my opinion it takes an excellent doctor to perform a good operation on diffuse HL patient. You can't simply make a pattern and plant hundeds of HF in straight line with same spacing between, you need to change your line with every HF you plant, working around native hair without damaging it and understanding which hair is kind of weaker or dieing... It was not easy for me to find a doctor with many good results or even any results on diffuse patients. I got some idea that the doctor who can operate on a patient without cutting his hair is a doctor that can do great results on diffuse HL HT. Does that make any sense to you?
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