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Everything posted by ArochaAngel4247

  1. This patient came in for a restoration of his hairline and to increase density in the frontal temple areas. Dr. Arocha and team did a 2500 graft FUE procedure using a .8 mm manual FUE punch. The after photos were taken 15 months post-op. He is very happy with the outcome. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  2. This patient underwent a 2000 graft manual FUE procedure using a .8 mm punch. He also had a PRP treatment at the same time as his procedure. He is only 7 months out, and we expect to see more growth over the next several months! Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  3. Hi all, Dr. Arocha here. This is a patient of mine. In fact, he has been a patient of mine for many years. Every patient who comes through our doors is different, and we personalize a treatment plan based on what is best for them. We did not do any work in exchange for advertising – he paid full price for this procedure. Due to the patient's spiritual and religious beliefs, he chose not to do the surgery with local anesthesia, and I respected his wishes. It is a personal choice to take drugs or have local anesthesia administered; although the vast majority of patients choose the traditional method that includes the use of local anesthesia. I have a long and extensive experience with pain management, having run a pain clinic for more than a decade in the past. I am always sensitive and looking for non-verbal signs of pain and discomfort. The spiritual and calm that this patient exhibited was impressive. At no time did he grimace, or show any signs of distress. He was 100% relaxed, dozing in and out of sleep, listening to audiobooks and had a pleasant day. While the patient was comfortable, halfway through the surgery, I tapped out. I did not want to compromise his outcome, so I needed to control the bleeding to increase density in certain areas. While meditation is not yet mainstream in medical practice, the power of meditation and mind over matter is unquestioned. There are certain practices across the U.S. who are starting to use meditation, acupuncture, and other alternative techniques in lieu of traditional anesthesia and narcotics. While it is fine to discuss, I ask that you respect this patient and his choice in his care. Wishing you all the best in these trying times and hope that we all can achieve inner peace and freedom. Dr. Arocha
  4. This patient came in to fill in his mustache, goatee, sideburns and wanted doc to create a full beard. This update is just six months after his procedure, and things are progressing nicely. I checked out his beard when he was in the office last week, and it looks so natural up close! Doc used about 2000 for the mustache/goatee/sideburn and beard restoration. Doc used the FUT method. Before: Beard/mustache (after): Before: Beard/mustache after: Before: After: Before: After:
  5. You bring up a good point, Melvin. The transplanted eyebrow hair will grow as it typically would on the scalp. So, the patient will need to trim it a bit. But, the result is a very natural looking eyebrow!
  6. Thanks for letting me post a case like this. Dr. Arocha has been doing lots of facial hair transplants over the last couple of years, and I think it's really interesting stuff to see and share!
  7. Hi Hairloss PA, Excellent question. Dr. Arocha does use the hair from the donor area just like he would a regular transplant. In this case, it was done using FUE because the patient tends to keep his hair shorter in the back. Here is the area just after the procedure.
  8. I thought it might be interesting to show some of the facial hair we've been doing in our office. This patient wanted to thicken his eyebrows. Dr. Arocha performed an approximately 600 graft FUE eyebrow transplant. After images were taken just one week after his procedure, and we look forward to updating as the result grows in. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  9. This patient came to Dr. Arocha in 2019 to begin his hair transplant journey. He had severe thinning throughout the top of his head and wore a combover to conceal the hair loss. He and Dr. Arocha decided on a staged approach to his hair transplant journey. He underwent a 2515 graft FUE procedure to reframe/reestablish his hairline, and doc worked throughout the front third. The after images were taken 15 months after his first transplant. He was back in our office this week for his second hair transplant. This time, doc did an approximately 2600 graft FUE procedure, and we look forward to updating you with his results. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  10. This patient came to Dr. Arocha for a hair transplant. His hair was thinning throughout the frontal third, and he wanted to restore his hairline. Dr. Arocha and team performed a 2500 graft FUT hair transplant on this patient to frame his face and add density throughout the frontal third. Doc also did a PRP treatment on this patient at the time of his procedure. The after images were taken 8 months after his procedure. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  11. This patient in his 30s, has always dreamed of having a full beard. He underwent a FUT facial hair restoration procedure for a full beard and a little extra density in the mustache. Before and afters below: Below: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  12. Hi all! This patient came in this week for his one-year follow up visit. When he first came into Arocha Hair Restoration, he kept his hair super short in an effort to conceal the loss and thinning. He opted to go with an FUE procedure, and Dr. Arocha and team did 2000 grafts on this patient. One year later, he surprised us all when he came in with a full head of curly hair! He looks like a completely different person, and we were happy to restore his confidence with natural-looking results. Before: After: Immediately post-op: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  13. This patient with fine hair came to Dr. Arocha because he was starting to experience some pretty significant hair loss throughout his final third. He and Dr. Arocha agreed on a natural, realistic plan of action. Doc and his team performed a 2506 graft FUE procedure to re-establish the hairline, and he also worked throughout the frontal third to add some density. The after photos were taken exactly one year after his procedure. He has plans to come back in for a second procedure to do some work toward the crown region. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  14. Mycroft, I want to also share some of the "before photos." These are images that were taken before Dr. Arocha did any work on this patient - and when he first came in about 10 years ago. This particular patient had thinning, as you can see in the gaps along the part. Dr. Arocha doesn't require our patients to shave their heads for FUT procedures, as he is able to work within the existing hair. Additionally, the transplant is minimally visible immediately following the procedure. It's also worth pointing out that this patient is in a rock band, and Dr. Arocha gave him some "rock star hair." Immediately after - note the very minimally visible grafts.
  15. That's a great question, Mycroft. In this second procedure, Dr. Arocha worked to increase density throughout the frontal zone!
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