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Posts posted by parsia

  1. 18 minutes ago, 5BetaReductase said:

    Both are excellent surgeons IMO. Cooley tips the scale for me a bit especially for fue as he is involved in most of the surgery including the extractions. Shapiro has Dr. Josephitis do extractions for fue from what I recall. Not a knock on josephitis just stating my preferences. 

    Thank you for your comment , You're right Josephitis do extractions for FUE DR.Shapiro , I will probably have to do FUT with either Shapiro or Cooley.

    Do you have any opinion about the difference of hairline between them ? Or preference ? I would love to hear. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Yes, absolutely you can ask him to be more aggressive. Keep in mind, you have to consider the future. 

    Melvin , I am considering to do FUT First and have FUE later to maximize the result based on DR.Shapiro study , I may need to get 2-3 surgeries for my desire density . I believe I have a good Donor at this moment and capable of doing that. 

    My only concern is if doctor hairline approach is very conservative ( Dr.Shapiro in this case)  , Will his design of more aggressive hairline outcome can be good as his routine  Conservative  hairline ?! Since that is probably not his routine work .  ( I do understand there are many factors are existing in the final result though )


  3. 5 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Are you able to post some pics so we are able to give you better advice based on your situation? All the best!

    Of course and Thank you for trying to help with my concern. 

    I have attached some pics who has been taken under good lighting and also some flash , The length of hair is very short , Number 4 , If I make my hairs longer it will cover some of baldness . 

    IMG_7331 (1).jpg

    IMG_7335 (1).jpg

  4. Hello Everyone . 

    I'm 38 years old and NW4 , I may need 3500-4000 grafts based on some consultation I had before for my first surgery to get reasonable recovery. 

    I am not able to leave the US ,  I know DR.Shapiro work is solid and very natural , However his hairline is somehow conservative for my taste , I personally like DR.Rahal hairline more as

    my reference  . 

    I will have in person consultation with Dr.Ron Shapiro next month and here are the questions I have if anyone can help  

    1- Is it possible to ask Doctor to give you more aggressive hairline ( If donor is not an issue ) compare to his routine hairline ?! In Another words is it a good idea to have surgery with doctor who have solid work but try to negotiate about hairline/density design ?

    2- Between DR.Shapiro and DR.Cooley which doctor have the best hairline/density  outcome ( I know they are par and very close but I want to know more details ) 

    Thank You in advance. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Perhaps I was rash in removing the topic. Civil discourse is important. Maintaining a good environment is vital. I don’t want to go into the Reddit realm, which is popular, but terrible. Full of shills, where people make accusations and don’t have to substantiate anything they say under the guise of anonymity. 

    I’m not perfect, I do take criticisms in a positive way, so long as there’s a way to improve myself, and the community. I’m open to finding a happy medium, where no one’s upset or feeling attacked. 

    I truly appreciate you being humble enough to accept that  and see my criticisms along others  positive , Because that was my true intention , I may didn't post enough on this forum but I have about thousand of posts on other hairloss talk forums and I've  always tried to make the forum a friendly environment and have dialogue in respectful manner .



  6. 3 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Dear Community,

    I have noticed that there have been threads come up where it will be  _surgeon vs. _surgeon. In the beginning, helpful advice is offered on how to make a choice. But then, posters begin to take pictures from various threads, and start comparing results, that's when feelings can get hurt. Now, while not tagging someone is better than tagging them. Everything you post publicly is seen by the PUBLIC. It's a delicate balance of creating an environment where people feel encouraged to share their results, good or bad, and creating an environment where people discuss results freely. I know that if you ask any world class surgeon about another world class surgeon, they will not hesitate to tell you to choose the other doctor if that's who you feel comfortable with. This back and forth dissecting of a surgeons reviews is unnecessary. Remember guys private messages exist for a reason. You can get feedback from past patients which is invaluable, and worth much more than an anonymous person on a message board. 

    Malvin , as a person who do research about transplants for years and still haven't done surgery yet , I think that thread was very helpful to me and the fact that it was getting lots of attention speaking by itself  , I post on that thread as well and I didn't mean to put any doctor under question  , Of course there is a difference between doctors quality work and I think everyone opinion should be welcome either he is a world class surgeon or not . 

    I think VS thread can be one of the most helpful thread  , The reason is thats the only way you can get more information when you are undecided about one surgeon , Looking at patient photos and their results still not make me convince . 

    I personally learned a lot about difference between doctors in VS thread we had on this forum , In that thread I do believe @anotherbaldguy went through  many good details that I was not even aware of , I searched a lot about both of those doctors and I never found any post helpful even close to that. 

    I understand if posting photos of other patients (which has published by their permission to do comparison )was making the thread to be out of the line in your eye and I respect that but I think it should be address smoother by send a reminder or even remove the specific post instead of making the thread lock.

    just as a side note , I watch your recent live surgery and asked you couple questions during that and I remember you were liking my questions ,  which shows you do have passion to educate patients  , Those good questions comes from information I got from this forum and even watching your videos on youtube and instagram , I hope you considering that to make this community more helpful . 

  7. 15 hours ago, Guy73 said:

    I mean, they look ok but not the greatest pictures to really see. Plus I would like to see what the break down of grafts were. I have been through this 3 times and had hairloss in front and crown. I have researched everything you have. That is what I learned through the process. Plus I take no meds only Rogaine. Not sure about these other people. I know fue expert most of his case require propecia for a year before the procedure. Look at most his videos in the details before it starts. 

    I know the first patient has done by DR.Diep .

    Do you know who did the second Patient ( Bald guy ) , Was that by DR.Diep as well ? Or is that by another surgeon ?

  8. 10 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Hey man, 

    If you can why not. I have yet to see any non-clinic posted results, so you’d be the first. I’d be very eager to see. 

    Hi Melvin. 

    I have seen one of the patient result on spanish forum other day  which has been posted by another user on this forum , I tried to find it again and provide the link for you but with some reason I wasn't able to find it, I am sure you have access to it . I believe thats the only one which has been shared on this forum. 


  9. 2 minutes ago, Der3k7 said:

    A ticket for me to Madrid is only 950 or so and there's a tattoo artist I like there too 

    Lol , So you kill two birds with one stone then .

    I see many users want to find a surgeon overseas ( Outside of US) just because of the price , I do not agree with that. 

    We don't get hair transplant everyday , SO why not going with the best? However if that BEST is not in US in my eye , I will spend more or less to do that with him.

    Best luck with your journey . 


  10. 20 minutes ago, CosmoKramer said:

    I agree!

    And, yes, if you’re familiar with internet marketing you know there are marketers and server ad farms paid to skew reviews, I’m not saying those of Dr Couto’s & Dieps are fraudulent, just take them with a grain of salt is my view.

    Exactly , The point here is we are talking about a Spanish doctor that doesn't have any support here on the forums  because he is not in U.S , So people don't know him as much as they know US surgeon , Also I think the result stand by itself and of course nobody here should push their opinion , You just share your view and depends on the user to either agree or not .

    If I see any superior result to Dr.Couto I will give up on him just right now , I have watch more than 100 videos of him and I'm a very detail oriented and perfectionism  guy , I tried a lot to find something to make me to dissatisfy from the work , I couldn't find any so far.  I don't think nobody can be even close to him..I used to be a fan of DR.Rahal for long time and I still think Rahal is one of the great surgeon in world , BUT the result of Dr.Couto is in highest possible level and really made me amazed. 

    The only concern is those patients are most spanish/italian which has different kind of texture than white blond people which is valid. However since I have same type of italian hair ,  I don't think that will be valid in my case. I also like the fact that he ask some patients to have in person consultation and then validate them in person.

    I remember one time I had consultation with Rahal back then and first he quoted me 2500 grafts , I just added some photos to convince him that I need more then he changed it to 4000 grafts since its hard to evaluate patient donor area on online consultation . 

  11. 23 hours ago, CosmoKramer said:

    Ah gotchya....well the thing is never go by google reviews for any surgeons...but Couto and Diep are on my list of top docs.

    Very Good and thoughtful answer , I am doing E-Commerce and I can write a blog about how the review can fool you , Especially in some certain industry , No question that we all got fool by review before , But as long as you learn more and deeply about how internet industry work , Then you will realize what exactly you deal with it ( Not to mention we have less than two decades of internet history ) 

    Back to the point , Dr.Couto  , We are talking about a doctor who doesn't even have website , Doesn't have any REPRESENTATIVE here to represent him..But by just looking at his videos , I never seen any doctor who can even be close to him . I read on this forum some people even question his work , Well here is my answer , You can even deny when its dark and night and tell me you are seeing light of sunshine !  You can always put question for everything in the world no matter it is a legit question or not. 

    But what I see is he is doing Great Job and doing a perfect work because of couple different reason

    1- He is providing high quality video , Not even pictures . 

    2- He is using comb all through the hair of patient and I can't even see any bald spot

    3- His hairline is very nicely design 

    4-He doesn't do many high graft and put all in front like some turkey doctors do .

    There are many other reasons I can add to this post but I don't want to make it long. 

    I agree that dr.diep is one of the top surgeons in US , But I saw some work from him that has large punch and not a perfect result that can beat Dr.Couto. 


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  12. 12 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


    You’re the first person to get a hold of Cuoto, there was a guy here who acted like a child, who said he never returned his emails, but maybe I just answered my own question lol.

    Actually I sent them the email and they replied to me 24 hours after , They online consultation is booked now for couple years and they advised me to call them to make in person consultation for next year , I will call them next week and see how it goes. 

  13. Ok, thats good to hear.


    He did not so much give me a choice, he more told me what the options were, and told me that the second option was the best, and I agreed with him.


    I have attached a photo of the top of my head the day after surgery - this is the first time I saw it. This is 4175 grafts, and if you zoom in, you can kinda see how close together the grafts are.


    This is about 50ish grafts per sq cm average.




    Oh man , thats very kind of you to show me the picture , Its interesting that you haven't look to that also before , The area of your hair transplant looks large to me , it looks like they have treated zone 1 to zone 6 , Yes the grafts are close but I've got surprised about the area of treatment , do you have any info for the cm2 area of the treatment?

  14. Well I trusted his judgment entirely, and there is always going to be a limit to how many grafts he can get, so the choice is, higher density and cover a smaller area, or spread the available grafts out to a larger area, and still get acceptable density, in my case, 50 g/sqcm.


    Id rather have decent coverage than have a very thick area right at the front and the top of my head being close to bald!


    Having said that, he did leave a patch in my crown fairly thin, which I agreed before hand. Im going to consider going back to fill that in at a later date, but for now, im happy with the area he covered, and im confident the density will be good.


    I think the best thing is to trust him and ask questions, but don't be surprised if you get a blunt response. He is a very no nonsense kind of guy, and he does not seem to sugar coat. He knows his stuff, and my tactic was to just say YES to everything he said, as I totally trust his judgement.


    No point going to one of the best if your just gonna tell him to do it another way!





    Pete , I really appreciate your help and your very detailed answer , thats very kind of you to try to help me , actually I've got an email today from patient advisor and he told me the average density for hairline would be around 50-55 and the frontal scalp and midscalp range from 40-50 , That makes me happy , because on my treatment plan the average density was 32 , So that was a more detail respond with new photos that I have sent it to them . AND thanks for explaining me his character , I was curious to know how should I deal with him in front , If I'm not mistaken he gave you two choices to chose either have a very high density or having 50cm density with good coverage area ? And you chose the second one.

  15. I was quoted 45 grafts per sqcm, and I ended up with 46 average. I think he puts more in at the hairline and stuff. When the grafts were fresh and they still had the original hair in, the density looked good.




    Thanks Pete .


    So it was very near to their estimation , is 45 grafts was from online consultation ? then it


    was pretty much the same what they did , 45 is near to the average density and its good


    enough , mine is 35 , thats why I like to ask them to go upper , Definitely the hairline would


    be more dense and you're right . So was he flexible about your desire ?

  16. I think whatever happens, you will end up with a good result from Rahal. He is known as the 'Hairline king', and even though my hairline has not grown in yet, I have a friend who saw Rahal last year and his has grown and it looks amazing.


    Just go to rahal! (pending your visa application)




    Haha , Thanks for mentioning my visa application pending ! lol .


    ture yes I totally agree with you , to me , the Rahal design the best hairline which I have ever seen , after him , I believe erdogan


    and hayatdavoodi are the best. When it comes to chose the surgeon it depends on how do you evaluate results by your eyes , I've


    got impressed from Rahal works even from the first day , Although some of those pictures and wow results can not apply to my


    case , because they were NW2 or even NW1 And repair their hairline , however many of other results of him are great too .


    Something that made me surprise was when I get quote from DR.Erdogan , they told me its not included the tax , and if I pay the


    cash , I don't need to pay taxes ! That looks strength to me.

  17. Ive just had a Rahal 4175 FUT two months ago, and I cant comment too much on your exact query, as I have no experience of Asmed, but I can tell you that Rahal himself and his entire organisation is a very professional and impressive place.


    Im two and a half months in, my FUT scar is pretty much gone, and my grafts have started growing. FUT seems scary, removing a whole strip of skin is a scary thought, I totally get that, but when your there, in the chair, and its happening, its really not that scary. I will learn more as my grafts grow in, but I have high hopes.


    Id trust Dr Rahal. He is a very straight talking no nonsense guy and he is very well proven. Canada is also a really nice safe place too.


    Go to Rahal, you wont regret it!!


    Hi thanks for reading my thread and sharing with me your experience , I love rahal works too and he is my 1st choice , My only concern is if he just don't give me the average density that I'm looking for , Since what I've got in my treatment plan is around 35cm2 , And at the same time I am waiting for canadian embassy to review my visa request , So I'm not sure which one will be work for me .

  18. Yaz89,

    thank you buddy


    I am following your thread, think I'll be pretty jealous of your hair after next few months.


    Totally agree with Propecia/Proscar improving existing hair caliber and quality.



    thanks man.


    Great result man , Can you please tell me what was your density in this hair transplant?


    I believe the average is 32 cm2 when I have divided the total grafts by the area of


    transplantation . But I curious to know the density in hairline and frontal area.

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