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Posts posted by parsia

  1. He was flexible with me yes, but that's because of my age (41), my commitment to meds, and it being my first HT.


    He'll work with your density concerns - but realize as one of his patients you will represent his work on the top of your head, so to protect his reputation he's not gonna pack the front if your heading to a NW6, not on meds, etc...


    Lastly, the "35g/cm2" he quoted you is probably an average.


    Thanks.I see ,Honestly I was thinking about Erdogan too , But I believe if I do the FUT with Rahal 4000grafts , then the price

    wouldn't be that much different with Erdogan FUE . I was going to ask about your density but I found it on your thread.

    That looks perfect to me.

  2. Parsia, good choice buddy. When did you book? Jan16 is close, that's why I ask. Was that a cancellation spot that opened?



    Hi Ernie , thanks for your kind , Make long story short , I have schedule it 5-6 months ago for a different time ,


    Then I had to change it because of my Visa Status in U.S . So I have changed it to Jan16 , No it wasn't a


    cancellation spot with discount if thats what you mean , I have changed my procedure date couple times so far


    because of my visa issue , Before I forgot , I have looked at your result , and I've got surprised to see that regrowth


    in only 7 months ! On my treatment plan( Online consultation ) they offered me 35 cm2 for 4000 grafts which is lower


    density than what I want. was your real transplant different than what DR.RAHAL told you upon the pic ? and was he


    flexible about your desire?

  3. Honest gut feeling is to go with Erdogan, when things calm down in Turkey a little bit.

    But both doctors are great at their specialties, Rahal for FUT and Erdogan for FUE.


    I see , I personally like Rahal works a bit better over Erdogan , The only main difference is

    price , which I am not sure how much should I consider that , I also can only go outside of U.S in This JAN , So don't want to wait a year more for turkey to calm down. Due to my research you will get better dense and more hair from FUT . So I am still thinking and undecided:) Thanks for your help.

  4. Dr. Lorenzo recommends density ranges between 45-70 grafts/cm2, so even with dark wavy hair I would go higher in zone 1 than 34cm2, especially if your hair caliber is medium (though I know he did mention "average density").

    You could always skip zones 5-6 for now and monitor, to save grafts for the future or if as you said work is not required there.


    Link on density from Dr. Lorenzo:



    Yes that make sense , but I'm not sure if I can ask them to change their plan on my hair about my density ? Although they told me they would be more aggressive in the front , So between those two doctors which one would be better for my hair type do you think?

  5. Thats a good question and good point , Thanks for the reply.

    Actually I'm middle eastern , so my hair is black , Regarding to DR.Rahal I can say my hair texture is wavy type ( Although its mild wavy) hair caliber is medium and donor density is average , He said all upon my photos. He recommended 4000 grafts . average density would be 34 cm different zone 1 to 6.

    But my assumption is I don't need zone 5 and 6 , I think the photos doesn't show the reality , So the density can be go up . So what do you think now?:)

  6. Rahal does some great FUT work, but for FUE definitely Erdogan though Turkey is not so geopolitically stable at present time so consider the risks etc.


    Ok thank you so much ,I totally agree that Rahal do better job on FUT Than his FUE.But I think I have to clear my thoughts better


    to get more help from you guys , When you look at the outcome pics of Rahal and Erdogan , Which one do you prefer more?


    When it comes to design , Density , Looks natural , hairline ?

  7. You are going about it the wrong way mate. 1st you gotta choose whether FUT or FUE is preferable for you, and only hen you choose your surgeon. Provide us with pics and what is your lifetime donor supply?


    I see , I can upload more pictures for you if it can help , However upon my research on FUT You can get more yield and hairs from grafts , I only like to know which surgeon work do

    you guys prefer more? When it comes to hairline , Density and Design.

  8. Both do great work, so you have chosen two great doctors. How many grafts were you recommended?


    Thanks for your kindly respond , Actually I have recommended by 4000 grafts with DR.Rahal and hasson , The problem is the pics make DR.RAHAL mislead also , Although the pics meet his standard , At first he told me 2500 grafts , Then I sent more outside pictures and He offered 4000 grafts . All I can say is I'm in NWIII .

  9. Hello guys .


    I need some help about choosing between these two surgeons ,I will have my surgery


    in the next two months , So I'm very confused at this moment. Both are my favorite


    but I am considering Rahal FUT ( I can't afford his FUE AND He is better in FUT ) and


    I also like Erdogan works as well , Just wanna ask your opinion about which one you


    perfer? Your help is appreciated.

  10. You should look at Dr. Konair as well. I really like his hairlines.
    Hello Lorenzo.


    Thanks for sharing with me your opinion , Honestly I like DR.Konior work as well , He has


    booked for a year , also very expensive , He is my second choice though, I like his hairline



  11. Parsia,


    You are correct, the lower density transplants don't prevent more hairloss just like transplants with higher density do not prevent more loss but that's not what is being said. If you have a high density, low placed hairline then it takes more grafts to achieve this type of result. The difference between this and a low density transplant is that with the low density transplant you have more hair in your donor area to address the areas where you'll lose more hair.


    Dense packing is not the only requirement for a natural result. If the hairs are carefully selected to avoid a plug appearance then even a low density transplant can look natural. The question becomes one of placement. Is a "NW0" hair transplant going to look natural as you age? This depends on many factors but it is generally accepted, even with the clinics you mention, that a NW0 not only is a bad idea I doubt that either clinic will fulfill this type of ideal result for you. Density is not very difficult but when we can place at high densities we are also in a position where we have to ask ourselves if we should place at high densities. In many cases the answer is "no".


    Yes You're right , Maybe I have miss understanding some details about hair transplant , Maybe you're right and having even the low density with proper hair transplant looks natural , Even though look different than NW0 , You're right , they have contacted me from DR.RAHAL office and they mentioned they do not suggest me to do the dense packing or aggressive transplant for me , They also do not even do that because of donor area . Thanks for sharing with me your knowledge .

  12. Thanks for sharing your opinion , I honestly have seen many doctors hairline , I think Rahal do one of


    the best hairline design ( if not the best) plus dense packing which makes it like a Narwood 0-1 , I know


    some people don't like that and have a fear of losing hair in the future , However , I think even with lower


    density of transplant , You will still have the same chance to lose the hair on the other parts of scalp , I


    also think dense packing do not let others to notice that you have done a hair transplant , I agree with you that


    it can be vary from person to person , But I just share my thoughts in general.

  13. Sure , thanks for the invitation.Looks we are living in the same city.


    That would be my pleasure to come.I will be happy to join and talk with you and other guys


    about your experiences.I understand it would be stressful , but as you said you are in good


    hands , Hasson and wong are the best one in the world in my opinion ( I just like Rahal


    more because of my preferences) so you have to be relax , Listen to music and watch the




    And I will pray for your surgery to go well . You have my best wishes.

  14. parsia I am in Texas as well. In fact I leave tomorrow for Hasson/Wong in Vancouver.


    If I were you and in your situation I would go see Dr. Arocha at his main surgery center which I believe is in Houston. You have nothing to lose by visiting with Dr. Arocha and he is local. Hair Loss Houston Dallas Austin TX Arocha Hair Restoration


    You should also watch all the Doctor interviews and see if you like one of them. I watched every single interview video with every single doctor before I made my decision. There really are a lot of great doctors you could choose from.


    Interviews with our recommended hair transplant physicians


    ps: When you communicate with any of the doctors I would be very clear what your expectations are so you are both on the same page and there will be less chance of disappointment a year after your surgery. Expectations and understanding "the illusion of density" is key to hair transplant success.


    Thanks Shampoo , I'm living in Plano / Dallas , it was very nice to meet you.


    Sure I will take your advise and I wish you the best with your surgery , Hasson and Wong


    are my favorite too besides Rahal. Hope you will have a great result with them and keep


    us updated.


    Have a safe trip and wish you the best.

  15. Maybe even give Dorin a try, he designs very nice hairlines, but goes very low on the dense packing.


    Mav , Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me .


    I have left the message for Rahal office right now and they will let me know soon.but as you said most likely the answer will be NO.


    About Shapiro , I have looked at his works and as you said its conservative.


    I never heard of Dr.Dorin, Thanks for letting me know, I have looked at his website and man I got surprised. He did a great job on


    designing the hairline. I should research more about him . I like Dr.Konior work also but Rahal is something else to me.

  16. Shampoo , I really appreciate your response.


    I live in Texas , U.S and I'm 32 years old , Narwood 3 , and I like to have dense packing for my hairline.


    So I'm not sure about the graft that I needed , I have checked one time with Rahal's office and they told me they don't have service


    in U.S , I think they just do the consultations in other offices , but I would definitely call them and ask them ,Thanks for look that up


    for me. Unfortunately I don't find any other doctor in U.S who does the hairline like Rahal , the only one is Armani with many mix


    reviews . You have any suggestion?

  17. Hello Guys , I'm a member of 3 other forums but this is the first time I post here.


    I really need some help because this challenge really makes me nervous these days.


    I finally get decision to do hair transplant and the only doctor which I really love his hairline


    work is DR.Rahal , I live in U.S but unfortunately I may can't leave the country in the next


    2-3 years because of my visa status , I searched a lot to find another doctor who do the


    hairline work as good as Rahal in U.S with no luck , Some of them are good but not


    dense pack as much as Rahal does. If you can introduce me a doctor who do the similar


    job as Rahal in U.S that would be great. Any comment or help is appreciated.

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