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Posts posted by Guy73

  1. Update. It’s been almost a year off minoxidil and I can talk from experience. 
    it took about 3 months before I noticed any real shedding and boy was it a lot. I thought I would be a Norwood 7 at the rate my hair was falling out. It lasted for weeks if not over a month of non stop shedding. I felt like I was losing 200 hairs a day that I could see in the sink. I freaked out and shaved my head so I didn’t have to see it anymore. I figured I just have to relax and wait and see hopefully it grows back. My hair looked horrible for about 5-6 months and I can honestly say it was best thing I ever did. It did start looking better and my scalp feels healthier. Basically I think it takes a while for your hair to go back to a normal cycle. Now almost a year later I notice hardly any hair shed what so ever. I can rub my hair vigorously and be lucky to see one hair in the sink. I will never touch the stuff again. Although my hair did look good on it I feel much better off it and hair looks healthier now. 😃


  2. I will say this mine do not leave marks anymore. Also whatever water I retained was not enough to be noticed on the scale. I would be concerned of long term affects as we get older. Also if you hold water in you lower extremities no matter how little, what about your heart? You probably would need to do a MRI of the heart to tell that. Just because your blood pressure is normal and your heart rhythm you still could have these other issues. 

  3. On 7/17/2023 at 9:34 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    I've been using the 5% foam for about a year now and have gotten great results. One thing I consider sometimes is moving to a "maintenance schedule" of applying twice per week instead of my usual 5-7 days per week. I'd suspect that once you reach about a year of daily use you've reached your full "regrowth potential" and that you can maintain your gains at a lower overall dose. No one's studied this obviously but I'd be willing to bet money that it would work. 

    You may be right. I have been using essential oils in combination with minoxidil about the same amount of time. I am going to see if they maintain what I have. I am also testing out a supplement called astaxanthin only 4mg a day. Supposedly blocks DHT very well.  Even if not, it does something to make your hair grow. I have read a few studies on this. 
    I never read anything about it in the hairloss industry but I am willing to be the Guinea pig 🐷

  4. I would bet most people using minoxidil in any form are retaining water. Here is a sure test, get a pair of compression stockings that go up to below your knees. Wear them a whole day and I will bet you would see all your lower fluid push up to your knees. When you take them off you can see this. Go off minoxidil for about 3-4 days and wear those stockings again and when you take them off barley notice much of a difference. There will be no fluid noticeable above the stockings. 

  5. So I have been using this stuff for about 6 years. I usually only use the foam. I tried the liquid but find foam easier. I never really thought I had any side effects. My heart seemed fine and never gave it much thought. I have stopped for a few weeks each transplant. Now I have a job where I am always on my feet. It’s kinda subtle but one day I notice my sock giving a impression on my skin when I take them off. Nothing crazy but my ankles. Sometimes if I bend down for a period of time the back of my calves would hurt for days after. Never thought much of it. 
    I read somewhere minoxidil can give you Endema(excess fluid trapped in the body's tissues.) now I am a vary fit person so I never really noticed visually  

    So I cold turkey stopped!! What a difference in my legs!! Seriously I can bend down for hours if I want now and next day be fine!! My socks don’t leave imprints anymore on my legs!! I feel better than I ever did! So far, it’s only been a few weeks my hair is fine. I am still doing laser and some essential oils ( which I mix it up every batch)

    Never again will I put that crap on my head!!

    I was so used to it, I never though it affected my health but now I know it does. And I was just doing the foam! Lol



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  6. A few days will be the end of 5 months. Had very little Shockloss this time but hard to say in my crown. Keep in mind I always had thin hair. My hair color in combination with thinness, sometimes certain angles it can almost disappear in certain conditions. One reason I needed sooo much work done. I do feel content. My crown hopefully fills in more. In my experience 8-10 months on crown. 
    One thing I am grateful for is it looking natural. I myself have a hard time spotting I had work done. I do feel as crazy as this sounds I have more donor left. Not sure if I will ever use but I am confident it’s there.IMG_5252.thumb.jpeg.8c37b16663b63465e4e5f8d67ea92a48.jpegIMG_5251.thumb.jpeg.d52450ef706cb42ecd046d809c2ebcb3.jpegIMG_5240.thumb.jpeg.081fc438f2361f9fa0c12ee3dd227dcf.jpegIMG_5244.thumb.jpeg.11c712a4a86c83a69c83c9f3754fe31d.jpegIMG_5238.thumb.jpeg.ad2f54222df184408a6eae973318fd82.jpegIMG_5231.thumb.jpeg.c7c62f2646665ec6b76ee0037851dfa9.jpegIMG_5085.thumb.jpeg.e33ecec4ee3d4d45d2a684249f866080.jpegIMG_5014.thumb.jpeg.ca9903634a069a35c36d4442878d5fe2.jpegThank you Dr.Nader! 

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  7. 11 hours ago, dove96 said:

    Hello fellow bald(ish) dude! I'm brand new here, desperately looking for some tips or insights...

    Ok so I have a Norwood 7 kind of baldness, with a mediocre donor area, so naturally I'm not really a good candidate for a transplant.

    Thus  I'm not looking for a 'classic' transplant, rather for one that will create a buzz-cut look,really high on the sides up until the middle of the scalp, creating a "horseshoe" kinda shape,  but primarily focusing on recreating a hairline.

    I've consulted with numerous surgeons with various answers (mostly negative, naturally..)

    Anyway I still have some issues:

    1. Did anyone ever hear about someone who had this kind of transplant? i.e. one that intended for a buzz-cut and nothing more? as I'm yet to find a surgeon who did one as such, nor did I encounter an example of someone who had one one..

    2. So you might wonder why is finding a precedent is such a big deal. The thing is, I see a fundamental difference between a 'classic' and my kind of desired transplant - the density. When had started losing my hair back in the day, I shaved it, nevertheless people kept wondering why don't I grow it, as as it was viewed as if I could have grow it fully. That state of affairs had kept going for more than 15 years, to the point that I had left with just a few thin hairs, but spread in an optimal way (that state has changed following Covid).

    So as I figure there's a huge gap in density combined with the lack of people having this (buzz-cut) as their goal from the get-go, might lead to pessimistic evaluations.

    So basically, I'm looking for someone that might have any insight regarding the proportions in density

    3. Is there such a thing as clinics/surgeons that happen to specify in Norwood7 cases?

    4. Does my desire of not growing hair at all, on my sides and back, serve me in a sense that it's plausible to have each and every hair from there to be harvested?

    5. Did anyone encountered a patient who had a successful transplant, with roughly my hair situation?

    Lastly, I'm basically looking to have some kind of even minor differentiation between my forehead and my head (sadly havn't yet to find any SMP result that seem descent..). You know how some bald guys have this, this different ,darker hue, so the scalp doesn't seem as an extension of the forehead? I have an example in one of the photos attached...

    Many thanks to the brave ones who survived thus far, really, can't thank enough

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    Looks like you have good facial hair. I think a combination donor areas can give you a fantastic look as long  as you keep it all short. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Is that David Dimuzio? Looks like he had smp

    It is. I believe this was right before his last procedure a few months ago. He had a ton of work done in the front before that and still a little see through. But I never really picked up on it in his videos because he looked soo good on camera. 
    He still looks good don’t get me wrong. 

  9. I am sure all of us watch some of these hair transplants influencers on YouTube. Most situations even when they seem to be be in harsh lighting the results amazing. But I often wondered how such great density is achieved in one pass even a second pass until you freeze shot some of their videos. This seems more realistic in harsh lighting. I myself suffered from that see through in certain conditions and was one reason I needed multiple passes. Could be my hair type also. But don’t be discouraged if one pass or even 2 doesn’t give you natural density. It’s hard to do and even these influencers although may seem like they have perfect hair,but not so fast🤔

    And both of these guys had more than one transplant.

    of course it’s all about the illusion when it comes to hair transplants.



  10. On 11/9/2022 at 11:43 PM, Let2Fly said:

    @Guy73 Did Nader give you the option to not shave the top of your head on this last procedure? A couple of the guys I sent to him didn't have to shave the top, apparently he worked around it. Just wondering if there's a reason you chose to shave your whole head for the last procedure or two? 

    I also healed super fast the first procedure (4400 graphs) last year just using the saline...however I took you up on your recco and got a couple cans of the h2ocean for this time. :)

    He did give me the option. I asked him what’s better for him? He said a shaved head. So I always do the shaved head. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, davidn said:

    @Guy73At which age did you do your first surgery? Ever been on fin? Awesome results!

    I believe I was 42. Honestly I receded early 20’s but my center tuff was still good and crown so I parted it to the side and no one could really tell I was losing. I tried to convince myself for the longest time I was born with a high forehead. Lol 

    fast forward to about 40 things became very apparent and even the crown was going. I will be 50 in a few months and have a better hairline than I did even as a teenager. 
    I tried Fin back in the late 90’s for 3 months my testosterone was through the roof back then but even then I got scared and went off. Now being older things change and not willing to go down that route at this point. I even joked with Dr. Nader. I said I read every ones regimen and then you have a guy like me with these essential oils.😂 although I do use minoxidil and laser helmet for about 7 years. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Wow incredible journey. Dr. Nader has done an amazing job with you. Is it possible to upload the photos directly to the forum? So we don't have to click on links to view them.

    I can work on that. I think some past links don’t work and it wasn’t possible to edit before. That’s the only reason I use the links. 

  13. 1 hour ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    You sprayed the donor as well? Nader said no need to spray the donor area with saline if I remember correctly 

    I know he says that but I have done it this way all 4 times with excellent healing and no shockloss in my donor.  Like I said I never used the saline he gives you. I always use h2ocean. I also used my laser helmet immediately when I get back. 

  14. 33 minutes ago, Let2Fly said:

    @Guy73 I see him this Monday and Tuesday for my 2nd (and final procedure) to increase frontal/crown density and lower my hairline a bit. Hoping for another 4K+ graphs for a total of 8K+ altogether.

    Your story was one I followed in the first place to bring me to Nader so I thank you for that. Since then I've referred about 7 friends that have seen him with amazing results as well. He's the best! 

    Awesome! I was so happy with my results I wanted to help others. Not sure if you do this but I but about 3-4 can of h2ocean spray. Use it few times every hour for about 7 days you you will heal like crazy. Dr. Nader mentioned he couldn’t believe how good my donor looked considering all the punches I had done. Although I am sure other factors at play I swear by that spray!

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  15. Well, it’s been a journey. Hopefully this is my last procedure. If you followed my first journey I would say I had decent results. This time around was more of a touch up mainly the crown although we still squeezed a few grafts in front on the one side. 
    Notably I am very pleased on the uniformity basically on my entire scalp. I can almost pull off a short buzz even with that much taken out of my donor. I credit the skill of Dr. Nader and punch size as long with my ability to heal well. I am about 7 days out here. Can’t wait!

    if you’re looking for a Doctor with Skill, integrity and a quality result that looks natural, then stop right here you found him!

    Laser helmet, minoxidil , vitamins and some natural extract oils. Seems to be keeping me holding strong!


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  16. 1 minute ago, jfally said:

    I'm waiting for a reply (and understand his response times are very slow due to nature of his staff size) but will more than likely making the trip to see him hopefully first half of next year. Excited to follow this thread and hopefully see more updates.

    Sometimes you have to send a second email. 
    I will be talking to him tomorrow!😊

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