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Everything posted by jmg544

  1. hey baldinasecond, I hear you about searching for East Asian HT. It was rather difficult finding anyone on here, but continue your research and you will eventually decide what it is that you want/can do to tackle hair loss. This community is a wealth of information that has helped me along the way. Are you able to take pics without the flash in natural lighting? My hair is like yours when wet as well.
  2. ned, looking great for just 5 months. I had my HT 2 weeks after you. Your hair characteristic gives you a fuller look than my hair even though we are almost at the same pace. I hope to see mine thicken up in the next coming months. Good Luck to you and Happy Growing! *hmm, I think I might of met you the same day or day before my surgery. You were having your staples removed. =P if not, nevermind.
  3. 1. I fear by increasing the frequency of washing my hair to daily, the rate at which I'm losing it will increase. Did you find this to be true? For someone with a full set of hair, you're bound to lose anywhere close to 75-100 hairs daily. Washing your hair does not cause you to lose more than the normal amount of hair and it certainly does not lead to hair loss. There are many factors that can contribute to hair loss. MPB, dieting, what sort of chemicals we use in our hair, etc. Also note that washing your hair only causes you to lose the hair which is in the sleeping stage like telogen and is lost normally in the cycle of hair growth, which mean you will eventually grow it back. Maybe not as thicker as before but it should grow back. If you are suffering from MPB, which many of us on this forum are, hairs that do not grow back are pretty much at the end of its cycle. [DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is what kills the hair follicle and cause us to go bald] Therefore, many of us resort to a careful master plan of our HT to restore what is lost or simply use a hair piece. Hopes this clears up some of the myths about hair washing. 2. If you didn't adopt the daily hair washing routine do you think the transplanted hairs would also have suffered from flaking and fallen out as a result of this? I can't really say if I didn't adopt the daily hair washing whether my transplanted hairs would suffered from flaking as my seborrheic dermatitis is not located where the transplant hairs are. I lose most of my hair in the affected areas but if it's under control, I lose less to almost none when I shower. If you are suffering from MPB; Are you taking Fin (propecia or proscar)? Are you using 5% minoxidil (rogaine)? These are clinically proven to help regrow and maintain what original hair you have left. After using propecia for almost 9 months, I have noticed my hair is getting a lot thicker and am losing a lot less.
  4. I too wash my hair everyday. It really helps me maintain healthy hair and scalp. I rotate between the 3 shampoo I've mentioned above and I never wash my hair twice in a row with the same shampoo. So the schedule I set for myself goes like this: Sunday- Nizoral *I've been using Nizoral for almost 2 years now. loving it. Monday- Clinicure (same as Nioxin) helps keep my hair thick. Tuesday- Polytar *great discovery I came across. Unfortunately, I can only buy it online from Canada as I can't find it anywhere in the States. Quite pricey too, but well worth it. Wednesday- Clinicure Thrusday- Nizoral Friday- Clinicure Saturday- Polytar The reason you don't want to keep using the same shampoo daily is because your scalp can adapt to the new shampoo you are using and rendering it ineffective over time. You gotta find what works for you. There are many shampoos out there you can test for yourself. Some have already mentioned T-gel Neutrogena, selsum blue and heads and shoulders. In all honesty, I've also tried those products. Unfortunately, I've used them daily without rotating and it become ineffective that it actually made my scalp even worse. Good Luck to you. Also, I noticed when I had my HT, I couldn't really wash my hair/scalp for about 2 weeks. Within a week you can see just how much flaking and dead skin I started to accumulate in my One Week post op pics.
  5. It was at a Four faded down to a One from the top to bottom. The scar is so thin now that it is hard for anyone to find it.
  6. For me, strip was a lot more affordable than FUE. Have you seen some of the prices quoted on just "one" graft? No thanks. Of course, if money is not a factor then I don't see why you can't go in for FUE. There are some docs recommended on this site that does FUE exceptionally well. Bottom line here is, I want hair and my research concluded that strip yields a better chance of graft survival and growth.
  7. You, more than likely, have seborrheic dermatitis. Like me, I have it throughout my entire scalp since I was 10 years old. My scalp only itch during certain times of the season, but they leave lots of dandruff (white flakes) that i can peel off. Some of my hair are pulled off in the process as well. See a dermatologist to determine your condition and in the meanwhile try to rotate between shampoos that combat dandruff. I personally rotate between, Nizoral, Polytar (tar-like substance) and Clinicure. It works great and gives me minimal flaking. I had a HT and no it has not cured it. lol. It cannot be cured, so i'm told, but can be controlled.
  8. I made the mistake of putting my bottle of shampoo in my carry-on bag and was made to throw it away cause it exceeded the weight limit. I never got the chance to use it but instead used baby shampoo for the first two weeks and then went to my regular shampoo.
  9. WOW!! Your hair is like teh sex.
  10. I faded my hair from a 4 down to a 1. You can hardly guess where my scar is at. It's covered up very nicely. As far as working out or any strenuous activities should be avoided at least for 2 weeks or contact sports for 4 weeks. You don't want to stretch that scar do ya?
  11. very nice omar. looking forward to see your results as well. haha, we americans have our dates backwards. i did a second take on that one as well. i thought that he showed a lot of pink to have had his surgery done back in May. but infact it was in November. hehe, silly europeans.
  12. Hey jmg, you plan on updating your pictures soon? I'd be interested to see how you're looking at 4 months+ Thanks Umm.. i don't want to hijack this thread but i can't seem to get into my blog to update anymore. something went wrong, maybe Billero can help. i did, however, recently post two pics at 3 months w/o DermMatch and two pics at 4 months while experimenting with DermMatch. it's in the Shampoos, sprays, and concealers forum. the dermmatch was poorly done, needless to say. lol
  13. So yea, after reading the many posts on here as well as seeing how Thanatopsis recommends DermMatch and toppik (nanogen)whenever he gets the chance, I've decided to give it a go. I just got my DermMatch in today and here are the results compare to what my hair looks like without any concealers. Can you tell I have it on? lol, if so.. I might just give up on it. An hour and a half into it doesn't seem productive. Although the nanogen has yet to arrive. I'll give that a go once it is here.
  14. congrats and happy growing on your recent HT. hehe, the doc said the same to me too except I asked him to go as high as he could on the donor area as I like to fade my hair out with a 2. I too, was surprised at how wide the scar was, but after seeing a few other patients in the waiting room with their heads shaved and the scar stretching from one end to the other, I thought 'meh'
  15. I'm not sure but compared to mine, I had a little over 3k and excluding the extraction of the strip plus the punching holes in my head and all the breaks I had... I would say it took anywhere between 8-9 hours to insert all my grafts with two techs as well. I say this because I went through 5 'full' lengths movies. Went in at 11am and left at midnight.
  16. Bring a neck pillow. One of those traveling ones. I found it best to use it just after surgery to sleep. However, I tried it on the plane ride coming back home and the neck pillow made it worse for me. They provide you with a solid black hat already and a really big one at that. Make sure your bandanas are big and loose enough to wrap around your head. The ones I brought were tight and I had to settle with the hat they provided me.
  17. I had over 3000+ grafts. I went in at 11 am and I didn't leave until midnight. I would say I took anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours for breaks (including lunch and dinner). I had two persons on me the whole time.
  18. 1. Immediate numbess = 10 2. 3-months = 3 I'm almost at 4 months and the only numbness I have now is in my donor area all along the scar.
  19. Congratulations Nicky!! I love reading these. Hope to see some pics very soon.
  20. Nine days!?? We both had our HT on the same day. Mine is schedule to come out on the 19th of August. So a total of 14 days. Wish I can take them out now.
  21. azn, To be honest, it was late when Dr. Hasson showed me the graft counts in single, doubles, triples/quads, so I don't remember. I'll have to ask Joe to see if he can email those numbers. I did however remembered seeing only 151 grafts for triples/quads. Both singles and doubles were in the thousands and then you had this really small number. lol. I'll pvt those numbers once I get it. That probably just has to do with Far East Asian hair characteristics. I made sure to inform my Doctor to see whether it would be a problem and that if I might have to postpone the surgery, but again was told that I would be just fine. By this time I have already been using Polytar for a good few weeks so it helped out my dry scalp a lot. I stayed away from Nizoral as it made my condition worse for some reason.
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