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Everything posted by notsosure

  1. I hear so much conflicting information. What I mean many saying here is that if you're <= 30 years of age and you only have slight recession, go/stay on meds. Otherwise, go for a HT. I then hear other people talking about all of the insane problems they've had with taking "the meds" like not being able to get an erection ever, and having a severe decrease in sperm count... not to mention it's probably killing our kidneys. So... the question is, are "the meds" like propecia something that one should be using or are the side effects just way too common? Thanks much.
  2. I hear so much conflicting information. What I mean many saying here is that if you're <= 30 years of age and you only have slight recession, go/stay on meds. Otherwise, go for a HT. I then hear other people talking about all of the insane problems they've had with taking "the meds" like not being able to get an erection ever, and having a severe decrease in sperm count... not to mention it's probably killing our kidneys. So... the question is, are "the meds" like propecia something that one should be using or are the side effects just way too common? Thanks much.
  3. Hey, ok, to answer some questions: 1. I stopped accutane treatment a long time ago. Roughly 4 years ago. 2. I am not on finasteride, as I've heard of lots of negative side effects and after dealing with the side effects from accutane, they scare me. 3. Is there a good way to guestimate how far hair will likely receed? The reason I ask is, it seems to me like a strong hairline with some slight thin spots behind it would be better than a receeding hairline. What am I missing here? 4. I am thinking that in 5 years time, we may have a solution to cloning hair, in which case, we'd have an unlimited donor supply, right? Thanks much
  4. Hi everyone, I'd like your opinion on which method is most ideal for someone (i.e. me) that has overall thinning and some slight recession in the temple areas. Maybe 1 inch on both sides. I've read about FUE and it seems as though that is the least invasive and most undetectable. What would you recommend for me? I can post pictures if you'd like. Some more info on me... I had a pretty thick head of hair until about 25 when I took accutane for my acne. After accutane, my hair began falling out rapidly all over and started receeding in my temples for about 6 months. Then the thinning slowed a bit. Over the past 3 years it's slowly thinned and recessed to the point I am at now. What other info do you guys need to give me a good opinion on what you would do, and know that it definitely is on my mind every single day and bugs me. I believe I would be much happier if I could restore my pre-accutane hairline, but will admit I'm wary of the uncommon problems and/or a poor result that would leave me worse off than I am now. Would appreciate your sincere advice. Thanks.
  5. I figured you guys would have done some research on this. His hair is clearly thick and he's got a great hairline now. Several years ago, his hair was starting to get really really thin and recede. Does anyone here know what's he's done, doing? I'm sure this question gets asked alot, but I haven't seen a direct answer yet. Thanks much.
  6. Awe, ok. Well that is certainly good to know. I suppose the only reason would be to prevent further recession from non donor hair then, correct?
  7. Hey Ben, so you've had 2 HT's and have not had to take any medication? I assumed anyone that got an HT would need to get on meds in order to ensure a successful and long lasting HT. Am I wrong?
  8. Hey Aaron, I completely agree. It seems that every year we hear "In the next 5 years". Very frustrating. I'm curious to hear what comes of this whole Bosley thing... although Bosley has a horrific reputation which scares me.
  9. I'm afraid of 2 things really: 1. My scalp will remain permanently tight after an HT. I've read instances where this has happened to others, completely ruining their life. Has this happened to anyone here? 2. All of the nasty side effects from having to take finasteride or propecia for the rest of your life following an HT. Do you have to take this forever? I'm one that likes to avoid prescription drugs if possible.
  10. I'm afraid of 2 things really: 1. My scalp will remain permanently tight after an HT. I've read instances where this has happened to others, completely ruining their life. Has this happened to anyone here? 2. All of the nasty side effects from having to take finasteride or propecia for the rest of your life following an HT. Do you have to take this forever? I'm one that likes to avoid prescription drugs if possible.
  11. Hmm... After doing some reading today, it sounds like we're a long way away, which stinks. Apparently a company called intercytex was making good progress last year, but they stopped their testing (likely because it wasn't working). Have any of you guys heard anything about that?
  12. Yeah, I agree. That seems logical to me. One would think if we're able to clone living organisms, then cloning hair would be easy. Has anyone heard anything about the latest progress on this?
  13. These are probably pretty ignorant sounding questions, but I'm hopeful I suppose... Would appreciate feedback from the guys here that have done lots of research. 1. Are we getting closer to being able to implant foreign hair into our scalps to thicken and treat receding hairlines? 2. Is it unrealistic to think in 5 years there will be a solution that will guarantee to grow hair on the head? Thanks much
  14. These are probably pretty ignorant sounding questions, but I'm hopeful I suppose... Would appreciate feedback from the guys here that have done lots of research. 1. Are we getting closer to being able to implant foreign hair into our scalps to thicken and treat receding hairlines? 2. Is it unrealistic to think in 5 years there will be a solution that will guarantee to grow hair on the head? Thanks much
  15. hmm... ok, no thanks after reading this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride I'd rather be bald than suffer from these side effects. Although, it's "almost" a toss up.
  16. Hey guys, thanks for the response. I totally hear what you're saying. I think those pictures must have been taken at a good angle or something. I would say my hair is receding a good inch on the side, from where it once was. Does that change your opinions or no? I guess I didn't realize the problems that would come along with an HT. In my mind, I saw this: 1. you get a scar on the back of your head that nobody ever sees, because it's covered up by hair. 2. You have a nice and bloody/nasty looking scalp in the front areas where hair was transplanted, which lasts only a week or so. 3. The HT hair falls out on its own, and in 3 months and beyond, the HT hair starts coming in. Those 3 things didn't sound bad to me at all. Am I missing some major component here? Sorry to be so naive. Again, thank you for your honest opinions.
  17. Ok guys, here we go... I've taken 3 pictures. It was really hard to take them of myself. Especially the back one, so please excuse the blurriness. I tried the best I could. Hopefully it gives you an idea what my Norwood scale is. I do want to preface this by saying I never want to take propecia. Nothing against those that use it, but the potential side effects just aren't worth it for me, as my wife and I hope to have another child soon. Anyway, on with answering the questions: 1. Are you taking any kind of Finasteride/Dutasteride or using Minoxidil? Answer: No. I tried rogain about 2 years ago and it did nothing for me, other than stain up my pillow at night :-) 2. I would guess my Norwood scale is a II with overall thinning. Below you'll find the pictures. I know my hair could be a lot worse, and for that, I'm very thankful, but this really bothers me and I feel like something needs to be done. Other things to note: - My hair started noticeably receding around age 24 after I finished treatment of accutane. My hair thinned overall and then I'm guessing it just happened to be the time that my hair decided it wanted to recede as well. - My father has a receding hairline in the temples mostly, and overall thinning at age 58, which I suppose is pretty normal. There is no major balding that runs in my family. - Price isn't a concern, as I just want good results that leave me better off than I am now. I'm VERY afraid of having the surgery and ending up worse off for the rest of my life. Like I mentioned above, my hair isn't completely ruining my life by any means, but I find myself always thinking about it and how it gets worse and worse by the day. Anyway, please take a look at the pictures and let me know your suggestions. I'm very eager to hear what you would suggest. If any of the doctors out there would like to comment, I would be much appreciative. Thanks so much in advance!
  18. Ok, I'm considering an HT to fix receeding areas in my temple areas only. I'm 30 years old. Mainly just getting a nice receeding hairline, and a little overall thinning, but nothing major. 1. If I get an HT, am I required to take propecia or will all of my HT hair fall out? 2. I'm assuming the reason drugs are prescribed after an HT is to prevent future loss of non HT hair, correct? 3. I see all of the side effects from propecia, so it's just not worth the risk for me. I've heard of the "laser comb". Is this legitimate, or not? Thanks guys!
  19. Ok, I'm considering an HT to fix receeding areas in my temple areas only. I'm 30 years old. Mainly just getting a nice receeding hairline, and a little overall thinning, but nothing major. 1. If I get an HT, am I required to take propecia or will all of my HT hair fall out? 2. I'm assuming the reason drugs are prescribed after an HT is to prevent future loss of non HT hair, correct? 3. I see all of the side effects from propecia, so it's just not worth the risk for me. I've heard of the "laser comb". Is this legitimate, or not? Thanks guys!
  20. 1. I live in central Indiana (Indianapolis) and am looking for a really good HT surgeon. I am 30 years old. My hair is thinning overall (although nobody else notices when I tell them it is. To me it is VERY obvious). The temples of my head are receeding. I spike my hair up and comb it in a way that it's not severely noticable, but again... for me, it is very noticable and getting more and more by the day. So, the question is, if you had to recommend 1 surgeon for me, who would it be? Cost is not a problem, as I am willing to pay for the results if that's what it takes. Again, this would mainly be to correct the receeding areas of my temples and maybe a tiny portion in the very front. I really respect everyone's opinions here and am looking for some solid advice from those of you that know enough to offer REALLY solid advice. 2. Currently, my only main reservation to this is I'm afraid of the "tight scalp" sensation that I've heard people have after the surgery, and perhaps forever afterwards. Is that even a problem anymore? I feel very uneducated about this, even after reading lots of posts. Thanks so much for the advice!
  21. 1. I live in central Indiana (Indianapolis) and am looking for a really good HT surgeon. I am 30 years old. My hair is thinning overall (although nobody else notices when I tell them it is. To me it is VERY obvious). The temples of my head are receeding. I spike my hair up and comb it in a way that it's not severely noticable, but again... for me, it is very noticable and getting more and more by the day. So, the question is, if you had to recommend 1 surgeon for me, who would it be? Cost is not a problem, as I am willing to pay for the results if that's what it takes. Again, this would mainly be to correct the receeding areas of my temples and maybe a tiny portion in the very front. I really respect everyone's opinions here and am looking for some solid advice from those of you that know enough to offer REALLY solid advice. 2. Currently, my only main reservation to this is I'm afraid of the "tight scalp" sensation that I've heard people have after the surgery, and perhaps forever afterwards. Is that even a problem anymore? I feel very uneducated about this, even after reading lots of posts. Thanks so much for the advice!
  22. So, did it sound like the person I was speaking with was correct in saying the things he said? Thanks
  23. Hey Eman, is your hair starting growing in from the HT? And were there any negatives to the results you have gotten so far? Anything at all?
  24. Ok, thanks. Yeah, I can't remember who it was. I essentially just wanted to speak with someone that was, atleast, supposedly knowledgeable on the subject. Everything he said I took with a grain of salt. I just wanted to hear what he had to say.
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