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Everything posted by PeterRabit

  1. Overall not much has changed... again. I am seeing a lot more growth on my right corner hairline and not much has happened on the left side still. Starting to let the hair grow out and see how the scar covers up. Hairline: Not getting nearly has many red spots/pimples which honestly is a bit disapointing because I am not near the fullness I was hoping for and this makes me feel like I'm not going to see that much further new growth. I guess we will have to wait and see. I know that I'm only four months in and there is some time yet but I suppose I was banking on seeing a bit more by now. I do feel like the top of my head is looking thicker, which is a good thing. But that's not nearly as important to me as my actual hairline. Donor Area:The donor area scar is still a bit visible but doesn't stand out as much so that's a good thing. Hopefully the scar will continue to thin and allow for me to have more options with haircuts in the future but only time will tell. Overall I'm not ecstatic nor am I freaking out. I guess I am moving along "normally" by this point. Praying for more significant results by month 6 otherwise I might have to start seriously considering another HT with a different surgeon.
  2. Amazing results! Do you have any "before" pictures so we can get an idea of how your density was pre-op?? Thanks!
  3. Hello all, sorry for the delayed update but since every two weeks was yielding such small results I figured I'd drop it down to every 4 weeks for the sake of (hopefully) seeing more progress in each post. Hairline: The red spots and pimples have died down considerably. I feel like I'm definitely seeing more growth in the mid-top of the head than the actual hairline. Although I do see a lot of new hairs coming in on my corners, mostly my right side corner. Hopefully that will begin to grow in thicker in the next couple months because it was my primary goal/concern. Starting 3 weeks ago I am letting the top start to grow out so maybe with more length to the top it will appear thicker. Donor Area: Note when looking at the photographs for my Donor Scar my hair is close to a Zero in length so it looks probably worse that it really is. I am still using the Scarguard MD on my donor area for another 2 weeks (for a total of 8 weeks). If it looks like the skin is peeling, it's not that's just the medication. I think the medication has been helping with keeping the scar flat and protecting it while it heals. I am now starting to let my hair grow out in the back so hopefully in a few weeks/months it will be all but invisible. I have read that the scar can take up to a year to fully heal and this out. Overall: Not too much to report other than I do see new hairs growing in and it is appearing thicker in the top of the scalp. Scar doesn't look horrible but it doesn't look great either. I am excited, anxious and scared about what the next few months will bring since this is the first sign of how the end results are going to be. I am also a bit concerned because I got more than I expected in terms of sun exposure this past Saturday. Fortunately I don't think it really burned but still I know we are suppose to limit exposure. Thanks for checking in with me and hoping you all are having excellent results! Good luck to all!!
  4. Damn that should come out really nice. Congrats man!
  5. Awesome update! Glad to see you are in good spirits and thinking about all this with an informed mindset. It is definitely a challenge, this waiting game we must play now. But hoping you get great results quickly
  6. No problem I did 3000 in one day and that is definitely a full day! haha. Are you targeting the crown next procedure or just going for more density for your hairline/top of scalp?
  7. Thank you for sharing your experience with Dr. Mohebi. Sounds like you had a good connection with his practice. Question though; you titled your Blog as an FUE procedure but from what you've described it sounds like you had an FUT (FUE they take individual grafts from the back of the scalp rather than pulling a strip of donor skin to dissect into grafts)?? I had the FUT surgery with stitches not staples and I agree that that is by far the worst part of the experience. Did not get a lot of sleep those weeks the sutures were in due to pain/discomfort. For your 2nd procedure are you planning on another FUT or FUE? Also I'm assuming it's for your crown area? I look forward to seeing your updates and process with this surgery! Good luck.
  8. I'm glad to hear things are looking/feeling better! Just remember to not let your recipient area get too much sun exposure while you are on vacation. Just wear a very loose fitting cap and that should be fine. Just keep the drinking/smoking down to a minimum as much as possible because that can restrict oxygen/blood-flow to your recipient area. This can damage/kill your grafts (I assume). As far as adding your photos follow the instructions below: 1) Go to "My Apps" 2) Scroll down to "Hair Loss Blogs" 3) Go to the blog you want to add photos to and on the far right you should see a "Edit" link. Click that link. 4) If you want to make any changes or adjustments to your original Blog post text you can do this now. If not then just click "Post Entry" tab at the bottom of the post. 5) You should not be at the page titled "Upload Photos to your Blog." You will use the "Add Files" tab to select the photographs you want to add. 6) Once you have selected the files you want to add you must attach them to the blog by clicking the "Upload Selected Files" 7) After the files are uploaded you can click "Finalize you Blog and Edit/Label Photos" if you wish to add comments or details to each photograph added. Hope this helps
  9. The first couple weeks are the most uncomfortable. I had FUT so the donor area was SUPER ITCHY for a couple weeks and really uncomfortable to sleep on until the sutures were removed. I don't know what the turn-around is for FUE but I imagine it should heal much quicker. I just look at this period as a means to an end and look forward to hopefully having a much fuller head of hair than I did at the start of the year.
  10. Overall not much has changed. I am keeping my donor area hair short to continue application of the Scarguard medication. I am going to start letting the top and hairline grown out and in a few weeks will begin going to the barber to help make it look clean. Hairline: Still getting LOTS of red spots and pimples (white heads) throughout my recipient area. Never thought I'd be so happy to see pimples but from what I have read those should hopefully be new hairs coming in! Been seeing very little change otherwise which is better than NO change I suppose. The front center of my hairline still looks thinner than before I received the surgery so that's a bit disconcerting. But the mid-top and corner-hairlines look decent for only 8 Weeks Post OP. I know that this is still early on Post-OP I shouldn't really be expecting anything but that's an expectation much easier said than done. Hopefully on the week 10 or 12 Update we will see something more obvious/substantial. Donor Area: I think the medication has been definitely helping with pigmentation of the scar and will hopefully pay-off in the end. It defeinitely looks gross with the white film over the scar and the fact that it makes it stand out beyond belief. Going to do it for approximately 8-12 weeks and I think I started about 2-3 weeks ago. So not much longer. Then I'll begin to start letting that hair grow out and we will see at which length of hair the scar becomes less and less visible. Starting next week I will be going back to doing the Laser Therapy 2x a Week and hopefully that will help with obtaining some early growth. Otherwise just doing the Nioxin Shampoo & Conditioner everyday, Nizoral 1-2x a Week, Minoxidil Foam 2x Daily, Finestride Daily. Good luck to all!!
  11. Sounds like everything went pretty smoothly, congrats! Be prepared for the torture of the long wait before real results though! lol (I'm dealing with that right now). Looking forward to seeing the pics once they are attached!
  12. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  13. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  14. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  15. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  16. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  17. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  18. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  19. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  20. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  21. PeterRabit

    From the album: 4 Weeks Post OP

  22. PeterRabit

    From the album: 6 Weeks Post OP

  23. PeterRabit

    From the album: 6 Weeks Post OP

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