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Posts posted by romperstomper29

  1. I wasnt on finasteride so I continued to lose my native hair so after about 2years post HT it was starting to look very thin. The transplanted hair was perfect but what I had around it started to disappear. I went down the SMP route which looked great for me. Funnily enough 6months ago I discovered topical finasteride and have been on it for 6months and there is something of a comeback on 🤞 to answer your question yes your hair should continue to improve for another few months yet.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Oh just to add there will be some areas where you yourself see weaknesses but largely the general public would not notice these things. People forget that nobody analyses hair they way thinning, transplant seeking, minoxidil splashing, fin popping, MPB riddled men do. We see so much more than the average person. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Thanks man, you have to be happy for others. I lived your situation back some years ago and remember how exhilarating it was when the hair started to come in. Check out my HT thread we had similar hairstyles post HT. I have serious hair envy here looking at yours 😀

    • Thanks 1
  4. look where u are now to where you were at the start. i spent many long days looking into the mirror frustrated and worried that it wudnt work. something i did to see the growth was look at the hair under very bright light and a magnifying mirror. there was hundreds of hairs that wer growing that wer too light in colour and diameter to actually see them wit the naked eye. but they were there waiting to mature. they looked like babies hair

  5. Ok. Two weeks off the six month mark. Cosmetically there is a decent improvement but the right side is very sparse and I can't see any new hair coming through. There's not even baby hair or black dots that I saw during the initial stages of growth.


    The temples don't match the density of the existing hair...yet.


    Is it panic time, or is there time for improvement?


    I'm generally really pleased so far but would like consistent density all over. If you look at my before pics, there is a great cosmetic improvement, so are my expectations too high at this stage?


    Another thing is, the new hair is very wiry and has a mind of it's own. Is this normal?


    man you are right at the good part. the hairs can be nearly invisible like babys hair so dont worry about not seeing black hairs or black dots i was very worried at one point until i use a harsh harsh light which showed up hundreds of hairs the naked eye cudnt see at all. they are there mate


    Quick update at nearly four months. Hair is starting to come through and the outline of the new hairline can be seen. Still very sparse at the moment but hopefully that's the start of it.
    right at the good part mate. In 2 months ur going to be one happy happy lad. Enjoy
  7. Hi all, recently as I have grown my hair longer and longer it has become harder to manage. I use a leave in conditioner on it a Shea Butter one which is great but I have started to need to use more and more to control my hair. Unfortunately the more product any of us use the thinner the hair looks. I'm wondering if there is any type of product/conditioner out there which can control hair but also still look dry and fuller. The alternative is cutting the hair a lot shorter, requiring less product to control but losing the density illusion you get when hair is longer. Any ideas?

  8. Everything as is. Some hairs that remained still growing. Redness gone completely. I'll start posting monthly pics from the start of February which will be about 10 weeks post op, unless something happens between then. It's hard not to be really impatient at the moment. ... there's possibly been some minor shockloss recovery since the last pic or the hair has started growing out more evenly and looks thicker. Hard to tell.
    its easier said than done dolph but u need to try forget about it til 4 months or more post op. Thats when the magic happens.
  9. not using a face mask whilst performing surgery shouldn't affect the overall result I think it's just common practice for any medical profession to avoid possible infections, even my dentist wears one whilst performing a standard check up where there are no open wounds etc ... either way hope all goes well and look forward to following your result as things develop please keep us all updated :)


    This jumps out to me as hairtransplant !


    Your entitled to your opinion and fair play. Please have a look for yourself at my post and tell me your opinions I would genuinely welcome your thoughts?

  10. Absolutely amazing romp, so happy for you, youve come such a long way, i remember you once told me youd be happy with my first results, to see how you look now is really something special, glad i was of some help mate. Hairstyle is looking killer:cool:
    Thanks man. You were a big help. All the worry and anxiety seems like a distant memory now. Have you got ur third yet?




    Pls post some pictures of your donor areas before you had the ht


    Also I hear some docs don't go past the ears for FUE?

    there is pictures of donor area before HT on the first page of this thread. Never heard anything about the ears but my doc said everything he used was in safe zone.


    hey mate I noticed that on the before pics that you have thin hair around ears and a slight bald patch behind. do you have nape thinning? and did minoxidil help there?
    the minoxidil helped a lot on the patch behind in the crown. I use it twice daily.On the ears part iv always had light hair around the ears even as a kid. I don't think I have nape thinning but it has again always been a bit lighter in the nape and around ears just my hair characteristics I guess.
  11. So it's 10 months and I think this will be my last update coz I can't really imagine any more growth considering the number of grafts I got. I'm very happy with my result. It's been life changing. You can judge for urself from the pictures whether u wud be happy urself. I don't get on here much anymore which is strange because at one point I was constantly on here to a point of obsession. Some1 once wrote that the guys happiest with their HT usually disappear and stop updating because they are busy enjoying life and that really seems to be true for me. I wish everyone here the very best of luck and don't be afraid to take the plunge if u do ur research well. It will be worth it in the long run. Don't set unrealistic expectations and you will be happy. Ull never have that 18yr old hair again but you can make people believe you do. Remember it's all illusion if u are a high Norwood. To the ppl who helped me I will always be grateful and to anyone needing help I'll try my best to do so. Special mention to HT_soon, Dolph1969, buzz2 and jacekplacek





  12. Stunning result mate - absolutely made up for you .


    I'm just hitting the 4.5 month mark , so looking forward to how it develops over the next 2 months . Like you say , with your kind of result , the best thing that money can buy .

    Thanks very much man. Just checked out ur post it looks to be coming along perfectly get ready for the good stuff to start happening literally everyday

  13. I agree it obviously helps having a forelock and some existing hair in the hairline ,but even though it's still a great result, Dr Saifi is very mindful of donor depletion so no problem to fix any issues in the future, but as you said you can enjoy your hair now while you are still young, I spoke to Dr Saifi ,he personally phones every patient, he came across as very genuine not in any way over selling himself , he obviously doesn't feel the need to join this site ,but he's definitely produces great work , congratulations again.

    Thanks for the feedback Mick I'm familiar with ur own HT nice result mate. In my case the fact there was existing native hair would have presented more of a challenge for Dr Saifi than anything. From my own experience and the research of he's other patients I think he is a top class surgeon and wud hav no hesitation recommending him. He's a very ethical guy. For now I'm going to enjoy the next few years of hair :D

  14. These results are simply amazing, the yield you got for 2,000 grafts is ridiculous, you still got plenty of hair left in the tank too. Congrats romp I bet you can look back at the time where you had doubts as a distant memory.

    Thanks very much mate. I'm well happy. I look back now at that time and laugh it really was all worth it. It was great to draw on u for advice at those dark times and I'm very grateful for all the support u offered and I'm sure are still offering to many on here. I wish u the very best


    I dont understand how its possible to get that much coverage with only 2K grafts... does anyone know why most docs cant go it the same?

    Pretty much what esrec said mate. All of those variables contributed to a solid result but I take nothing away from Dr Saifi having spoken to former patients as part of my research pre op I knew I was going with a great surgeon


    If you look closely, he has a very strong forelock and relatively solid hairline, on one side in particular. Theres a good amt of hair, it's just shaved down. Most of the thinning is mid-scalp, which is most easily covered of any area when the hair is long and slicked back.


    At first glance I agree its fairly surprising to achieve such coverage, but having your hairline and most of your crown intact creates a strong illusion of fullness. Great results so far Romp!

    I was laughing when I read this because u summed up my pre op state perfectly almost surgeon-like. Yes he said the forelock wud be a great asset to the HT and yes one side at my hair line was still quite strong. Course I have to worry about losing native hair down the line but for now I'm enjoying it. The transplanted hair basically set out to compliment the existing native hair. When I asked about losing the native through stockloss Dr Saifi said that, that kind of shock loss can be down to a bad surgeon smiling. There is an arrogance about him that is very reassuring :cool: I hope u are coming along well. Are u currently updating a post?


    Rocking that quiff dude!!

    Cheers mate u will be rocking ur own soon ;)

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