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Posts posted by Dolph1969

  1. A friend of mine with alopecia, got smp done to fill in the white patches on his scalp. It looks really good, so that could be an option. Very difficult for a young lad at that age.


    I agree with perspective, although, we usually resort back to our selfish complaints about life, even when we know we're better off than most.


    I was at the funeral of a girl I worked with the other day. 47, breast cancer, with a young family.


    It suddenly put my receding hairline into perspective....

  2. I think stabilising, is knowing what your pattern of baldness is going to be. I. e, if all your brothers/dads/uncles etc were norwood 6 at 30, chances are, but not always, you'll be the same.


    That helps when planning your ht and looking at the availability of donor hair for future loss. No point in going for a really low hairline, then running out of donor options at a later date.


    The meds slow down or stabilise the progression.


    Personally, i'm not keen on taking finasteride, but might give it a go to see if i'm a person who gets sides.

  3. Have narrowed my choice down to Demirsoy in Turkey, or Saifi in Poland. It's a really hard choice. I really like the work of both the surgeons. Demirsoy is coming in best price wise, but i'm wondering is Istanbul safe to travel to at the moment, or am I being paranoid??:confused:


    Definitely going fue, as I wear my hair short.

  4. Ffs but can I do a HT in the future?? Yes or no


    P.s: i don't wanna take drugs because of its side effects


    I would say yes, but at 17, you are losing hair at an early age and you would need to see your family history and likely stage of baldness at 30, 40...


    Someone with experience would be able to say whether 17 is too young to start meds, but it would be your best chance of maintaining what's there.

  5. thanks for your reply,


    yeah, I think he brought the hairline down too far (for my budget) now I'm stuck with a couple inches of very thin hair. Yep, I normally comb and it looks ok, I purposely made these photos look as bad as possible for worst case scenario view!


    Not comfortable posting doctors name until he has done the job though.


    Unfortunately due to financial reasons 1000 is out of the question.


    What do you think would be the best possible use of the 300?


    Wait until you have the money to do it properly.;)

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