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Posts posted by Dolph1969

  1. Thanks for the kind replies. :o:D


    I'm waiting to hear back from Clemens, who is going to show Dr D the recent pics. Worst case scenario, I fly out and end up with a few days trip in Istanbul.:(


    Having seen norwood 5/6 cases on here, with not great donor area get good results, I hope I can at least get a good hairline put in to frame the face and lose the Bruce Willis look.:)


    I don't really have a lot of body hair either, apart from my legs. I'm not really a very hairy person, so i'm open for any suggestions.


    I hope I am being realistic, in that I don't want a very low hairline and will probably opt for a slightly receded look, that will fit in with my age. The point of the hairline is 7cm to my brows and I don't think it would look right lowering this.

  2. Thanks... :D:D I think good genetics, working out and moisturising has helped. :D


    I definitely don't think a very low hairline would look right on me. I'm sort of used to the high forehead, which I think is more aesthetically appropriate in middle age.:o


    I've sent Clemens Weber some more pics for Dr Demirsoy to look at. He seems a very ethical, professional surgeon and that's why, after researching this endlessly, I opted for him.

  3. Thanks for the reply.


    I'm 46 and my hair has just receded slowly and seems to have stabilised. I'm concerned about a "moth eaten" appearance with the grafting and to me, it does seem that my hairs are spaced per cm in the donor area. I'm not planning to lower the front point of the hairline, just enhance the front and have an age appropriate hairline, that doesn't look as receded as it does now. Subtle, and not over aggressive. I'm booked with Dr Demirsoy for January 16 and have e mailed some more pics to his rep Clemens. As this is my first procedure, I want to make sure it's going to go right and i'm not going to turn up and be told it's not possible to proceed.


    There's also a fair bit of grey hair at the back, which may look lighter in the pics.

  4. Im booked with Dr Demirsoy in January. I'm just concerned regarding my donor density. My individual hairs are quite thick, but to me, the density per cm2 seems low to me. I don't want to arrive there and be told I can't proceed, if there is less hair than my online consultation pics show. He recommended 3000-3500 grafts to restore the hairline and some crown. Also concerned about the donor being over harvested.


    Opinions would be appreciated. Apologies for the pic quality.


    Hair at the back is roughly 3/4 guard length.





  5. At least your hairline looks pretty symmetrical. It may be better facially framed then most folks who have a hairline procedure. How many fingers can you fit from top of your eyebrows to the start of the hairline? Is the hieght from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of your chin, the same distance up top? Usually some docs will tell you they will give you a hairline which you agree to in emails and convos then at surgery time they may pull that here is what i think card and disagree with you and etc., it is the only way for you to get in their chair and pay and they dictate some rules later after youve made the trip. So, see how this looks when grown out. See even if the doc even has had success woth the growth. Because if you have growth issues in the hairline where doc has transected or caused shockloss then it will look very conservative if you are missing adequate density. In the meantime from that pic, it doesnt look too bad but keep an eye on the growth.


    For your safety, document your progress and keep hd pics and if possible videos of your progress. Post pics when you can for input, but use multiple forums as some forums may have doctor trolls that will argue with you to play you down.


    Right now, no one knows how this will end up in terms of growth/design, but as the months progress, they should be able to get a better picture.


    Wish you the best and happy growing.


    Should the front point of the hairline to eyebrows, be the same distance as the point of the nose to the chin? Is this the ideal aesthetically?

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