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Posts posted by densedream

  1. Wow! Those new pictures tell another story to what I was thinking. The results look much better than I thought or was lead to believe by most of enternaldenieds post. How could you be so heartbroken' after going from completely bald to that after one procedure. I can guaranteed after your second procedure matures it will be even better. These results are more than satisfactory.


    enternal can you confirm that this is how you started in the picture below.


  2. No, I'm not a representative of Dr. Bhatti. I just read through your case completely and I think that you are to impatient and your expectations are unreasonable. I was hoping to give my opinion without sugar coating it. I know you don't want to hear this but you were extremely bald, only 29 years old, and have a weak donor area. In your other thread you were saying how unhappy you were after your first procedure and it had only been 85 days... Did you not do any research before having a procedure? Now you're doing it again even though you have already been through this before. It's been 5 months and you are already calling your second procedure a failure. I


    think Dr. Bhatti did the best he could do with your difficult situation. Most doctors would not have even bothered because they wouldn't want to deal with exactly whats going on now. Going forward, I think you will have to be satisfied with keeping you hair short and at least now you have a hairline to help frame your face.


    Why don't you post some more pictures?

  3. Well according to you first surgery you only had 3180 grafts. I haven't seen the results of your second procedure because it's far too early. Looking at you pre-op and 10 month post op pictures of 3180 grafts I do believe you had an okay growth but I'm not sure if it was full growth or what the strategy was by Dr Bhatti. I can understand your frustrations and I think you were not a hair transplant candidate to begin with. What was your ultimate goal/expectations with a hair transplant? Did Dr. Bhatti say that goal was possible? If you could post some pictures of where you are now, it would be great. Either way don't judge your growth from the second procedure because it's not matured at all yet. Also I would like to find the three other Dr. Bhatti patients that had bad growth on their first surgery. I have yet to see anyone on this forum or internet with no growth.

  4. Do you have recent pictures to go along with your dissatisfaction. It's only been 5 months. I'm sure you know, since you're a frequent reader and poster, that it's to early to judge the results of your second procedure.


    As usual, fueonly is in here to talk about how much better the other fue doctors are... I guarantee that if you send your pictures before you had any surgeries, that most doctors would refuse to do a procedure. You were a NW7 with a thin donor. Most doctors know that they will never make you happy and it's a lost cause. I think that your expectations were unrealistic and Dr. Bhatti should have did a better job explaining that your results would never resemble a head full of hair. Saying that you are heartbroken is not a great way to describe your situation. You were a NW7 with dropped sides. You would need 15,000 grafts to fill that in with moderate density. Your research should have informed you that you would never have a lot of hair and it's impossible for any doctor to make it happen. If you don't believe me, email your before pictures to all the top FUE doctors and then post their replies here. Don't let FUEonly build up your hopes because he has no idea what he's talking about.


    Looking at you after pictures from you first procedure, you did have growth and I bet most grafts grew but it's doesn't look that great because you had a gigantic area to cover.


    Now look at this recent Dr. Hasson patient. His hairloss was nowhere near as bad as yours from the start. He had over 8000 grafts! So double the grafts and half the hairloss is the only way to get a full head of hair. I'm truly sorry about you hairloss and that it bothers you so much. It bothers all of us but I couldn't imagine your situation. But it's a reality and you have to be realistic with your expectations and not point the blame at the doctor because he couldn't fill a NW7 with 3500 grafts.


    Please post pictures after your 2nd hair transplant has had time to work.




  5. BUSA, you sound like a troll or an idiot. Dr. Lorenzo post more FUE results than any other doctor and they are always simply amazing. I haven't even see, Dr. Demisroy post in awhile. Dr. Hakan and Demisroy are nowhere in the same league as Lorenzo. The post-up of photos are inconsistent as KO pointed out and not nearly as good as Lorenzo. Dr Lorenzo is raising the bar when it comes to documentation and results. I commend his clinic for their great effort. I have no dog in this fight because I just had a FUE with Dr. Bhatti because that is what I could afford. I actually chose Dr. Bhatti over Demisroy and Hakan. But I would have went to Lorenzo if money was not issue.

  6. You have to slow down. This is a decision that if rushed, it will haunt you for a lifetime. Sometimes you have to travel to find a good doctor. Check the recommended doctors from this site and only choose one of them. I am at the airport on my way to India as I write this to have a FUE with Dr. Bhatti. Many of the good doctors are booked way in advanced so it's difficult to have a surgery without some planning. I suggest that you keep reading this site and take your time. Do not go to just any doctor because it's convenient and fits your schedule. I promise that you will regret it. Good Luck

  7. I'm raging right now for you man. This guy is the worse hack I have ever seen. I have never seen a scar end up like that. He should not be operating on anybody! His medical license should be revoked for life. Spread this info all over the net. Did you even get a refund? Your best bet know is to get a great FUE doctor to put grafts into the scar and hope it grows. Good Luck

  8. I don't think it's that hard of a policy to implement. To be a member of this forum you have take pictures like this... and give the clinics the information on how Dr. Hasson and Wong present pictures. You don't need to be a professional photographer or know any special software. If they don't comply, they can't renew their membership or however the business side of this site is ran. There definitely need to be standards in place for documentation since photos can vary widely. Doctors that refuse to do it this way must have some quality issues to hide.

  9. Goo job man. But don't give up hope and live with the scars forever. Many doctors are doing a great job at concealing them with FUE procedures. Some use beard hairs if you have those.The are some great examples on this forum of how FUT scars cam be minimized and hidden. Good luck

  10. didn't your mother advise you when you were young that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it?


    you are a cowardly troll hiding behind an avatar of Tom Cruise.


    where's the real photos of your face?


    why do you care,


    stop half trying to help me and then mostly anger me


    u don't want to go there....trust me


    i have more testosterone than i know what to do with...if u catch my drift...that's why im losing my hair


    give dr. charles the benefit of the doubt


    so what if he's farming out work


    he's making the scene democratic so to speak, for those who can't afford the insane going rate of $6 per graft


    don't ever write to me again


    i consider this matter closed


    what u going to run to your daddy bill the managing editor and ask him to ban me or somehow reprimand me


    i spit out punks like u when i pull them over as a CHP officer because they're little wise-asses


    take that faggy University of Florida degree and shove it up ur uptight snobby ass


    good riddens, punk!



    You are a police officer??? Well everyone, this explains a lot about what's going on in today's society in regards to police brutality and violence. This uneducated vile speaking man can pull you over and make your life hell.


    You are an embarrassment to all police officers that act like civil human beings and I hope that there are not too many others like yourself. It's unfortunate that you treat people you pull over like trash when you feel they are smarter than you or understand the law better than you. ( you'll call them wise-asses) You probably abuse you rights as CHP and make all police officers look bad. What's next, your testosterone's too high so you beat up or shoot some kid who makes you anger during a traffic stop? Or maybe he has a full head of hair and hot girlfriend next to him? That would really make you blow your lid.


    You are a loose cannon that needs psychological help. Maybe you have PTSD from something that happen while on the beat and you need to talk to someone. I just really feel bad for the people in your life that don't agree with everything that comes out of your mouth.


    Oh by the way, there are plenty of doctors recommended here that don't charge $6 graft, just another tip before you blow a blood vessel from high blood pressure. Cheers!


    For clarification, I didn't write you again, this is my thread that you commented on.

  11. Once again surfmusic777 I can barely discern the point in your rambling post. It might be easier if you break it into paragraphs. Anyways, keep these type of post in your own thread as this thread is to discuss Dr. Charles and his hair transplant centers that are not at his main office in Florida. These hair centers may have other doctors performing surgery under his name since he is in the coalition here. I don't know the full story but I'm sure the doctor will have to be transparent to the forum.


    But since you're here, why would you go back to have surgery after you had two failed ones already? And that was with a recommended doctor. Who's you doctor this time? Just remember, even though I don't really like you, I know how hard it is to be balding so I want you to realize that you only have so many donor grafts and if they continued to be wasted, you will be unable to get a decent head of hair.

  12. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176313-no-discernible-no-definitive-hairline-border-after-3000-grafts-have-i-been-scammed.html


    I was a participant in this thread of surfmusic777 and he had some pretty bad results from a now deceased coalition member. It appears that the doctor was in business with Dr. Charles. According to surfmusic777 Dr. Charles is managing several hair mills under is name. I haven't researched into these claims of surfmusic777 too much yet but was hoping the moderators would look into the situation and clear things up. If he is indeed operating other clinics under his name, I do not think such a doctor should be recommended here for many obvious reasons.


    EDIT:I think that I rushed to conclusions and the title of this thread is inappropriate. Especially after seeing how unstable of a person surfmusic777 is. I think the title should be changed to, "other hair clinics" instead of "hair mills". I think emotions take the best of us when we see bad results and we want to know exactly why. After surfmusic777 starting posting more it was clear that he's not the most credible source and could have a serious case if bi-polar disorder. I think some should research this guy being a police officer and make them aware of some of his postings to the general public. I can guarantee he abuses his power.

  13. I'm thinking bout using this dr also, rashid also suggested i do 1000 Grafts, would love to know what your experience was.


    Do yourself a favor and go to a recommended doctor from this site. I think Dr. Arocha is the best from Texas so you wouldn't have to travel far. Do not go to a doctor that is not approved here because they are cheaper, you will regret it most likely.

  14. Pump your brakes young man! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT have a hair transplant with a hair mill such as bosely. In the top right hand corner there is a search for recommended doctors in your area, use that to help guide you do find a doctor who has been scrutinized by the owners and community of this website. Even if you have to travel, it is well worth it because you only have a limited lifetime supply of donor hair and you can't afford to waste any of it. Choosing a coalition doctor is your best bet if you can afford it. IF not, you may have t board an airplane to get a surgery that is affordable and top notch. Keep researching because all the answers are on the website. Also if I were you since you need relatively few grafts, I would look it to a FUE procedure. Good Luck.

  15. You have pretty severe loss for a 22 year old so I would take my time to choose a good doctor because you will need every last donor hair and can't afford to make a mistake by choosing an incompetent doctor.


    If I were you I would looking to a FUE procedure with a top doc if you can afford it. There are also some economical doctors in Turkey and India as well I am having an FUE with Dr, Bhatti in three weeks but I am 32 and my loss isn't as bad as yours yet. You could get a FUE to make a hairline and wait for some time to see how your balding progresses. You need to get on Finasteride ASAP. Skip the minoxidil(Rogaine) because that just gives short term gains and can damage and age your skin and is not worth the hassle.


    So do Finasteride for one year and then FUE to make a nice hairline. I that will boost your confidence and help your depression. I know it must be hard to be so young and lose your youth to the bastard of male pattern baldness. Good Luck

  16. I think you need to open an economics book up and read up about the free market and supply and demand. I doctor can charge whatever he wants so long as he still has the demand from patients. The better skilled doctors that get better results can charge more because they are booked 3 months in advance. If the doctor is new to hair transplants and doesn't have a lot of recognition and results, he can't charge that high of price because no one will have surgery at that price. This is one of the benefits of capitalism since doctors have incentive and will strive to be the best in order to charge more money and profit more. This is good for them and us the consumer. Shitty doctors that don't want to improve or just do the status quo will be eliminated from the market. Even though people that do no research can still fall prey do crappy doctors at any price. You can find talented doctors who charge less but you will have to leave the comforts of the USA and Canada to find them.

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