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Posts posted by densedream

  1. I had surgery with Dr. Bhatti about 3 months ago. Let me know if you have any questions about the journey. I'm already seeing results as the grafts never shed like they do for the majority of people.


    Tips: 1. Take the flight to Changdirah, not the car ride. The roads and driving are not what you're used to and can give you heart palpitations and blood pressure through the roof. 2. Don't be alarmed by the outer appearance of the area that the office is in. I had to remind myself that this is India and it's a poor country because everything is dilapidated and dirty looking but inside the office it is to western standard. 3. Enjoy the amazing food!

  2. I said before but I will reiterate that you case was extremely difficult and you had such a vast area to cover. I do think you have come a long way and you had good growth. Is you hair wet or damp in your 7 month post-op? That will certainly make it look thinner.


    You still have time for the results to mature. After that I would look into SMP maybe for all over you head including donor to give a better illusion of density, then maybe shave down to a 1/3 inch. It could give a Jason Statham look. I posted your pics to remind you again where you came from. Good Luck



  3. Stop the rogaine for good! I consider it a poison and it only temporarily boost gains and then you go back to baseline or worse. I shed more than I ever did when I started rogaine, it was the worse decision I ever made. I was barley losing hair at beginning and then I took rogaine and started losing hair at a crazy rate. After it grew back for about 6-12 month, it looked pretty good. After 12 months I started shedding again and went below my baseline and never recovered I think if I never took rogaine and just took finasteride I would have stayed where I was at the start. Rogaine offers temporary gains and then traps the user to keep taking it for life.


    Anyways, don't get back on it. Let the transplant and Finasteride do the work.

  4. Sorry you've been through such heel with your first hair surgery. That doctor was a hack and had no artistic ability. The good things is that your scar is quite good luckily.


    I would choose Dr. Koray over Hakan if you're going to do a FUE. Seems like Dr. Hakan's response were short and he doesn't even do most of the procedure. Dr. Koray uses the manual technique and is much more involved an dthe price isn't much more.


    Since you already have a strip scar and because you are very young, you might want to consider going for another FUT and saving the FUE grafts for down the road in case you have future loss. I think patients with high norwoods are better off getting the most out of FUT and then using FUE.


    Good Luck with your choice and I hope it works out well

  5. I disagree with BUSA. Where in turkey can you get 2500 grafts for $4700? Please give names, not just yeah somewhere bla bla. The only person I see that I would go to is Dr. Koray Ergodan at HDC and he charges 2.5 euro a graft which about $3.12 right now... so that would be $7800. Dr. Bhatti is better than Dr. Doganay and performs way more of the actual surgery than him as well. In turkey ,many doctors hand the work off to the technicians. Dr. Bhatti removes all donor hair and makes all donor recipient slits. The techs only place the hair.


    Dr. Bhatti is recommended on this site and respected by his peers as you can see from his attendance to the many global IHARS meetings and he regularly presents his cases and adds new information and findings for the other doctors. You can check his results from many patients on this site for more confirmation of his abilities.


    I had surgery with him 2.5 months ago and I'm very pleased with my experience and that I already have hair growing this early in the process. You being from India would be even better since you would be extremely comfortable and I'm sure Dr. Bhatti has performed surgery on countless other Indian people.


    Good luck with your search. If money is an issue like it is with many of us, Dr. Bhatti is by far the best doctor for the price. And the low price doesn't come at a compromise of quality. I guarantee that he can do a better job then many doctors in the USA charging 10/graft.

  6. This.


    This and This. This thread is so blown out of proportion it's unreal. Hairframer should be the one apologising to Dr. Wong and Joe for the insults and defamation of their names. Yeah your hairline is ever so slightly crooked..but it's still hard to tell with pictures that don't show your eyebrows. You scar must be amazing since you can shave your hair so short and it's not even a concern. Density is also superb. Yet we have a 15 page thread of libel and defamation. It's about time for this thread to be locked up and disregarded in my opinion.

  7. I, too, think you should post some quality pictures to show these devastatingly terrible results. All of these accusations and mud slinging but you haven't even posted photos of your results.. the main piece of the puzzle. I would definitely side with a medical doctor that has done 1000's of surgeries and had countless documented cases of satisfaction on this very site and others, over someone with possible Aspergers and extortionist tactics that won't even post clear and non disputable pictures. The burden of proof lies with hairframer at this point

  8. Can you post some more photos? The photos I see show a very good result... The photos are far away and a bit dark. Until I see more revealing photos, I only see this as a good result. You may have unrealistic expectations on what hair transplant can accomplish. Pictures when your hair was long and so terrible to style would has be good. If you are going to go on a smear campaign you might as well post enough quality photos to prove you bad result because so far I'm not seeing it.

  9. is this because someone complained about an experience with H&W. cmon....


    BUSA.. you've been a member here for a mere 2-3 months and are already making some serious insinuations. H & W have been posting amazing results for years on end. One complaint from a guy whose hair doesn't even look that bad, plus his pictures weren't good enough to give honest feedback, is not going to change all of their accomplishments and the hundreds of satisfied patients.

  10. I will just put forward a few points and then I will shut up because I dont want to indulge in a blame game


    1. Yes, I was eager to get a HT and yes I was counseled but No, I was not told that my results could be as poor as this.


    2. Yes, I did not do thorough research. Blame it on me. I take it hands down.


    3. The picture darling buds has posted which you are very impressed with denesdrem is not telling the true story because my hair in that picture is combed in a way to hide baldness. Its the right scalp that is bald . If you comb it from left to right to hide the baldness, that does not make it wow. What more, there's toppik sprayed over. Comeon Dr Bhatti, I still respect you. Why are you ruining it?


    5. Screen name of patients that had to do multiple visits to darling buds.





    1. You results are not poor. LOOK at you before pic. You were completely and utterly bald. Now look at the picture that Dr. Bhatti posted. You have way more hair. Maybe you forgot where you came from and how much progress you made. It's a common thing, it's called hair greed. Many people on this site will tell you that this feeling is real and we often forget where we actually started. I posted a picture of your bald melon and it's apparent that you have come a long way


    2. You expectations are a bit misguided. You will never be able to have Elvis hair or be able to pull off a cool model like hair style. It's just not possible no matter who you doctor was. You unfortunately had too much hair loss and I'm sorry for that.


    3. The picture is telling of the story. Everyone with hair loss has to comb their hair in a certain manner to make it look it's best, even after hair transplants. It's an illusion of density not true density that the hair transplant creates. After I started thinning I know I could not put gel in my hair and spike it up because it would look thin and terrible. Instead I have to settle for a comb over styles that creates a layered effect in which it looks thicker and fuller. Your situation is the same. You need to have a comb over effect in order to give an illusion of some density. You can't just do any style that you want because you only have 3200 grafts in a place where before you were balding had 15,000 grafts.


    It's pretty low to accuse the doctor of putting Topick in your hair before taking this picture. This site is not made for the purpose of extortion. It does hold doctors more accountable for their work but in this case it's very apparent that you are someone that has unreachable expectations and no patience sense you can't even wait 12 months before calling your second procedure a failure. It is a very serious allegation to suggest that hair concealer was in your hair in order to make it look better than it was.


    Once again can you post some pictures of your current situation in natural light? Not sure why you are avoiding this.

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