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Posts posted by grincher

  1. As I am UK based and I have only ever gone down the DIY route so I am unable to help with feedback on those clinics.


    I am of the firm view research, read and learn as much as you can now and you will never need a salon as its not hard at all even making a template is not beyond anyone that can navigate a computer and the web like everyone here :)



    Turning to your questions.


    I think you are a good candidate for a system - but you need to get the density and other things just right. I think you should start off low.




    1) Be careful, most salons will retain the template (as theirs) until you spend weeks and months badgering them or until you give up.


    2) My lace systems go for minimum of 6-months. I buy in advance so I always have spares. They generally store for a few years if done correctly. I havent noticed any problems. The most important thing is when you receive the system, the hair is silky and new and not like some places have it in stock for years under bad conditions before they send to an unlucky customer. This was the case for an old supplier I used.



    3) Caps and hats will exercise more wear and tear but there are tips to help. I usually wear a cap if under strong and logn sun exposure.



    4) You need surprisingly little. Usually, you can find a local stockist or use email. I have had extended trips to Dubai and the USA and its never been an issue.


    6) In theory, any barber or salon can cut in a piece, but its seldom that easy. Most will be daunted when presented with a mop of wild hair and if they are not, then they will be scared of attaching for fear of the unknown, even though I could do it and show you or anyone how easy it is!


    A really good barber will take the effort to do their own research on the net. Unfortunately, most dont.


    In my case, I attach my piece and visit a local barber for the cut in. At first I use to visit him for the blend until he got comfortable with it and now he does my cut ins.


    The very first time, I purchased off the net and went to a salon they recommended. It worked out a fraction of the cost of a hair clinic. If you are in a big city there will be options.

  2. visiting the gym regularly shouldnt prevent a fully functioning system. I visit the gym 4/5 times a week without problems. sounds maybe a lace base best, but depends on different lifestyle factors which you best talking over with your selected supplier.


    regular names that crop up are NWL, coolpieces, hollywood lace. I have used NWL and can vouch for they are good.


    My current supplier for last few years has been uk hair systems and they ship to me when Im in the UK or working in dubai in the region.

  3. I work out 4 times a week including cycling for 2 hours and I have no issues with bond, sweat or heat. Pick lace if asked. Thats what I wear and it breathes fine.


    No more itchy than normal hair, but you can still scratch any itch like normal hair.


    The online places usually get the size from a copy or (an old piece) you send in

  4. Hi Tiger, while I cant really shed light on why you cant reach UKHS, but if you have been trying today then maybe the bank holiday has something to do with it. I would probably email them as you have done and wait.


    Yes, I have only dealt with them online though I did speak with them initially and email thereafter.


    They usually ask for a template and guide you with it. I did this and sent a hair sample. They then contacted me to discuss the options in more detail.


    You will need to let your hair grow for a hair sample at least.

  5. a hair system will give more guaranteed results and fairly instant at that.


    It would be a "partial system" and the density would depend on the hair around it. Density doesnt make it any hotter or uncomforatble, but the base is important.


    Lace would be best but if small area skin is possible too. There are a couple of guys on the forums with crown/mid partials.

  6. You have 2 choices. You can either have a 12-month contract and that varies from ?100 to ?200 per month depending on with whom you go. They will do everything for you but not sure you will learn much as its not in their interest to show you.


    The other option is DIY after reading some forums and watching some videos. Its pretty much nothing bar some products (you use all year) and a visit to the barber every now and then. You need to invest some time into reading about it.

  7. With cut in and a few products around GBP 290 a year. Thats the additional cost of my hair system.


    I would be happy to pay three times that for the results and benefits I have experienced.


    You only need a few products. Avoid clinics and clubs - they cost a lot for things you can learn yourself in an evening. Also dont confuse price and quality. There are many salons charging GBP 700 to GBP 1500 per hair system and their quality is no better and often worse than what you can buy for a fraction of the cost.


    The important thing is to find a good supplier and talk through the options. A good supplier will take time and explain things.

  8. yeah.


    they are an online supplier. when I contacted them the first time, they asked for photos and we went through everything. quite painless.


    plenty of vids on that, but first time visit a salon. they arranged one for me. it was prety easy, but good to see it first hand.

  9. Grincher


    Would be grateful if you could advise where you could got a more natural and longer lasting hair system for less than TCP. I also agree with you about the front hair line.


    Also would be grateful if you could share the place in Marble Arch where I believe you can get a regroom?


    Hi, I use the online supplier http://www.ukhairsystems.com


    I usually purchase Swiss Lace, but they have other options.


    I visited the central london salon for initial prep and attachment and that was set up by UK Hair Systems themselves. Otherwise I just go to a normal barber for regrooms and manage the rest at home.

  10. The salon I visited was in Marble Arch / West London area. The guy there was excellent and just charged for a regular cut. I felt very comfortable.


    You will need to contact the supplier to find out if there is closer. Its quite specialist and in the end its worth visiting an experienced stylist even if it means travelling there 45 mins.

  11. Want to ask one thing: when you do heavy workout in the gym, does the hair system cause any itching due to accumulation of sweat?


    And is possible to order hair system from another country and get it fixed from some stylist in your country?


    I have a lace system. It lets the sweat evaporate so no build up. On Saturday I burnt 1600 calories over 3 hours and on Sunday 800 calories at the gym and no itch.


    Sometimes when you don't expect it like at home in bed, it will need an itch and you just itch it and its fine. Its like scratching you own hair (with lace at least). It behaves very much like your scalp would.


    You can order from any country and get it fitted in your home country as long as you have someone there to do it.

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