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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Guys, At the end of the day, I cannot comment on this surgeons work, as i'm not familiar. He was removed off the list over a decade ago. He may have changed. I have no idea. In regards to Artas. I do not believe it is up to par with manual FUE. However, I have seen some excellent results with Dr. Nusbaum and Dr. Rose. Tools are only as good as the people using them. In the right hands, it's not impossible to get a good result with Artas. The problem is that it is often used by inexperienced surgeons who do hair on the side. Do I believe it's on par with manual FUE? No. I still believe the best FUE being performed is being done manually, either with a motorized or manual punch.
  2. The forum has compiled a list of recommended surgeons based on patient reviews and results. Feel free to use our list as a starting point for research. Take your time and do you due diligence, do not rush into anything. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  3. Good luck, I look forward to seeing your journey 🙌🏼
  4. What are your goals and expectations? Hair transplants are a lifelong commitment. It’s not a one and done type of thing, especially since you will continue to bald and require additional surgeries to keep up with your hair loss. I would reconsider medication, as it is definitely worth trying before getting surgery.
  5. I don't believe there is any distinction with 'hispanic' hair because it isn't a race. There are hispanics with afros, hispanics with straight hair, it all depends on your hair type as an individual. Do you have afro type hair?
  6. yes you can, but wear a hat or something covering your scalp.
  7. The question is like asking engine vs. wheel. FUE is the harvesting method. DHI is the implantation technique. You can get DHI and FUE, they’re not mutually exclusive. That said, DHI is all marketing. The technique is only as good as the surgeon executing it.
  8. It’s impossible to “undo” a hair transplant. You can repair it, but there will always be scarring.
  9. I would abstain from any heavy lifting that puts strain on your neck. You don’t wanna stretch the scar. I wouldn’t do anything that strains the neck for at least 6 months.
  10. Really you noticed growth after 12 months? That’s definitely encouraging to hear. My hairline grew way faster than the crown, I feel like its 40% there currently. I’m 5.5 months.
  11. First of all, I love the username 🤣 in Ireland I would get it from FUEclinic.com as referenced.
  12. It’s not miracle treatment, but I believe combined you will considerable gains.
  13. What country do you live in? My suggestion is to see a surgeon in person. Pictures can be deceiving. Look for a doctor in your area here and set up an in-person consult: https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  14. There were some ethical issues that occurred long before I was a moderator. Pat removed him from the list. I’m not familiar with his work to be honest.
  15. Yes, absolutely you can ask him to be more aggressive. Keep in mind, you have to consider the future.
  16. 18 months for full maturation, but 12 months for full growth.
  17. They are both at the top of the game. Dr. Shapiro is a pioneer, as is Dr. Konior. If you go to Dr. Konior and you tell him you want to go to Dr. Shapiro, he wouldn't hesitate to tell you to go with him. He's extremely ethical, as is Dr. Shapiro, who is partly responsible for this community, as he performed the hair transplant on @Pat - Community Publisher over 20 years ago. That was the start of everything.
  18. Personally, I feel the topical formula is safer. You only have to apply it 1x per week as well. Shedding doesn't equal balding. If you notice your hair shedding when you get on medication, it's usually a sign that it's working.
  19. Never let location dictate your choice. Select a surgeon based on results and reviews. There are some excellent choices in Florida, like Dr. Rose and Nusbaum in Miami, Dr. Glenn Charles in Boca Raton. I suggest using our forum as a resource to research, take your time, do not rush.
  20. It's a definite improvement, but by no means perfect. That said, a Norwood 6-7 will require multiple procedures. I would also try and grow the hair out a little to aid in the illusion of density.
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