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Everything posted by VancouverGuy

  1. Hi, Ignoring the additional cost concerns.... Does not shaving the recipient area, generally reduce the density that can be obtained by the surgeon? Does it create additional shock loss concerns in the recipient area? Thanks
  2. .... and my procedure date of December 24th with Dr. Doganay, was confirmed through Muslum on August 31st, 2015 (please confirm). Paleocapa stared his thread on October 17th, 2015. Just in case you are going to accuse us of being in 'cahoots'.
  3. Open letter to Harin, Obviously your comments were pointed in my direction, but I am curious as to what you think is my motive. Yes, I have been a silent reader for two years. Are you implying I have been 'sitting in waiting to ambush Dr. Doganay all that time'? To what end? If it provides comfort to you please confirm with Muslum that a) I had a procedure date of December 24th, and b) earlier today I cancelled that appointment. What have I personally gained by this? Absolutely nothing. I will be eating $450 in airfare cancellation fees. My game plan take off 3 weeks after Christmas is destroyed. There is no way I can find a reputable Dr. to perform my procedure before then. Yes, those are my decisions - but explain to me, where is my personal upside?
  4. I cannot speak to what their normal procedure is - just that I was not asked for a deposit.
  5. Although this is only my second post, I have been an avid reader of this forum for the past 2 years. The reason for my lack of input is that I was digesting other’s experiences, while deep down feeling I had nothing valuable in terms of advice to offer. I want to thank Paleocapa for his doggedness in following through with this issue. I think most people (myself included) may not have spent this amount of time and energy. In my opinion, a professional has both a morale and ethical obligation to do what is in the best interest of their patient/client. The conduct of this clinic is ‘way off-side’. I have a procedure date set with Dr. Hakan Doganay on December 24, 2015. I have had more than a few recent email communications with Muslum. His answers seem more like justification of their actions, with no apparent consideration to look at this issue from the patient’s perspective. Statements such as “Dr. had been decided to trained his assistance to perform implantation with him due to increased number of patient also He wasn't warm to increase price that he still want to keep the price same ( 2 euros per each grafts and 2.5 euros per each grafts for beard )”. So their rationale is that ‘we can substitute skill sets at will as we see fit - to keep the price down’. This is not a commodity we are acquiring. Subsequently, Muslum did offer that Dr. Doganay would do all of my implantation. I have a feeling they will just short change me somewhere else and justify it ‘because we want to keep the price the same”. Obviously, I will not be appearing at Dr. Dogany’s office(s) on December 24th. Paleocapa thank you and I sincerely hope everything works out for you.
  6. First, I want to thank all active members on this site - you are providing an invaluable service to individuals looking for HT guidance. I have made my decision and will be travelling to Turkey in mid summer to get an FUE transplant. Has anyone 'done the tourist thing' right after the procedure and trekked around for 5-6 days to visit one of the countries (I'm speaking from an energy level perspective)? Or, is it wiser to just go home, relax on the sofa and save vacation dollars for a future time?
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