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Everything posted by hairbank

  1. Probably not the best time to ask about Dr. Goertz. Personally, I've only seen one pic of his work on this site and it was not good. If you're in WA, no question, go to Hasson and Wong in Vancouver as they are excellent. Dr. Goertz was responsible for starting a hair loss website apparently moderated by someone under his influence (in my understanding).......seemingly as a possible direct slap in the face of this site, HTN. A few of the Docs recommended here supported the site for a brief time, then, after a short while the site was disabled and still is, I believe. So............if you're wanting a Good-Bad-Neutral opinion..........I'll opt for Bad from the quality of work I saw and say that I believe his character is in question........just IMO.
  2. I've noticed that the time seems to have improved for pictures to load.........anyone else?
  3. I've never heard a thing about Dermmatch blocking pores............I used it sporadically before my last HT and never had problems with it. IMO Dermmatch is superior to toppik because it will not come out in the rain or if you sweat..........it has to be wash out with shampoo.
  4. Ask a Doc for a medical opinion. IMO (I'm not a Doctor nor do I play one on TV ) no.........one has nothing to do with the other and I've never heard of a problem taking Finasteride with anything else.
  5. Looks good, Mikeman.............really starting to fill in for you. Great to hear you still have more growth coming...........the crown seems to come in rather slow.
  6. Looks good. It appears you've kept several of the grafts, correct? I'll be anxious to see you're updates...........thanks for sharing.
  7. I don't have information on the Dr's in questions. Your 2nd paragraph says it all to me...............if there is even a hint of risk of abduction while traveling there, it's not worth it. I'm not sure where you're from but, if possible, don't limit your HT choices based on location. The HT hair you receive will be with you for life so make sure the procedure is first class all the way.
  8. You guys..................ah, now I REALLY wish I could have made it. Seriously, the pics look great...........the hair looks even better! Hey, who's rug bit the dust, eh?? Looks like a great time was had by all. Looking mighty fine, my friends!!
  9. WranglerSD, Hey buddy, fill me in?? I heard of something H&W was using to minimize swelling.........so it's true, eh? No swelling and Lasix was administered?? That's awesome!! I'll have to check with Mike Ferko, maybe I can find out a little more about it. Cool.
  10. Forgot the first one...............one of my fav's and I chuckled as I read it. I loned by Tombstone DVD out to my best friend and have yet to see it returned over a year later......wait a minute, maybe he's not my best friend after all !! One last quote and I'll quit: Curly Bill (after shooting the mexian police): "We're the cowboys........next time we come to town, y'all had better step aside........I ain't kiddin', neither!"
  11. A word of advice. If you merely have a receding hairline and Finasteride has helped you stop so far.........leave it alone and stick with the meds. If you continue loss you can do something as your loss patter is more established. At your age, you have no way of knowing how far your loss may or may not go. This is just IMO but I think you're too young to consider getting a HT.
  12. Good advice everyone..........yes, you can get prior HT hair shocked out but it comes back. Mine did and it came in around 2 months or a little more.
  13. Not sure I totally understand your post, Warren, but Dr. Cooley will do you proud. He's one of the best. Best of luck to you.
  14. rawdog, Others can share more but I don't know what more you need?? There is a large element of artistry to the hairline so I agree that you need to be selective. I'm not going to rank them for you...........I'd choose any you mentioned for hairline work and also throw in Dr. Wong along with Dr. Konior...........there are others that do nice hairline work......as I type this I think of Dr. Cooley and Dr. Feller as well. As I've mentioned on other threads........I think Armani is very talented, but I simply do not agree with his philosophy toward dense packing low hairlines for younger patients. IMO I don't think you need 4000 grafts in the frontal 1/3 in most cases to have the illusion of density.........every case is different however. John_in_NC makes a nice point which I somewhat agree with. Rather than a dense wall of coarse hair up front, I think a transition of 1's not too densely packed with the density behind the 1's (if you get my drift) maybe looks more natural. Also, one of the reasons I like Dr. Wong for hairlines and am continuing with him for HT #3 is the jagged or irregular hairline pattern I've seen him produce (as well as others). I believe it looks much more natural. Look at a poster here by the name Biscuit for reference of one. And, don't forget the blend into the temples. I've seen some left untouched which I think can cause an unnatural look also. Anyhow..........it's your choice. With the surgeons you've mentioned I think you'll end up with a nice hairline should you opt for a HT..........it's your call.
  15. You've got tons more native hair than I did before HT #1, my friend, so not to worry. I think it's gonna be awesome for you! Not to mention you'll be in the hands of an excellent Doc!! We'll definitely have to track progress together, bro!
  16. Hey NN, No.......I did not know that. Stands to reason though..........he was really receding during the 70's though his hair was still thick. Seems like he's held on the last 10-15 years maye a little too much to be natural !
  17. I think you can do this by going to your pofile and simply editing the name. You may want to try it anyway. Check with the site owner, Pat, if you have problems and want to change.
  18. Sorry to hear it didn't work for you folica and that you had the sides bad enough to make you stop taking it............especially since it was helping. Good post..........just proves everyone is different when it comes to Fin. I've not had any noticable sides after 1 yr 4 mo of taking it and it has mildly helped me....probably will help maintain more than regrow. For anyone considering taking Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar), do your homework and make sure you know all the pros and cons before starting.
  19. Aq and B- Sorry..............think I likely missed Trob's foul post and Aq's reply. Sounds like things have landed where they likely should have. If the comments were that bad.....i agree, they should be taken out. Peace,
  20. Hey NN, Just realized when reviewing your thread that I'm going in with Dr. Wong only 4 days behind you, on Aug. 17th. So, though it will be with different Docs we'll sorta be on the same journey/timeline.........Cool!!
  21. I'm envious RTC and would have loved to have been there. Please post pics and stories, my friend. The more I get involved on the forums, the more I'm interested in meeting those I've gotten to know. I may plan to try and make the trip next year, who knows. Nice of you to host the shindig for everyone. I'm sure it was a great time.
  22. Good point....as usual, NN . Also brings to mind something I keep mentioning as of late............I hope more posters and bloggers will start posting outdoor and indoor pics of similar angles to show what things look like in bright sunlight. It's really the best way to show everyone the "true" appearance of HT hair.
  23. Hey Crazy, Keep me posted. I'm headed to BC in a couple of months to see Dr. Wong so we can compare notes. I think it's a wise move heading out the next day. From what I've seen, normally the swelling doesn't kick into high gear the first day so you should be able to travel okay. Yes..........careful with the hat. I'm a little more nervous about it since I'm having some temple and hairline work done. Think I'm going to search for head gear and possibly experiment with a doo-rag of sorts......maybe a larger beret.......I don't know for sure?? Good luck to you,
  24. LOL! Sounds like it...my friend. Yes........Tombstone is one of my all-time fav's for westerns. Wyatt (to Johnny Tyler): Are you gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?? or Cowboy: Why...you're the piano player, your so drunk you're probably seein' double. Doc: I've got two guns.........one for each of ya! BTW......I was in Walmart tonight with my wife and almost picked up "Once upon a Time in the West". Remember it.........Bronson, Fonda, Robards.....all at their best. Great lines with a very unique story line. Western movie trivia for you........did you know that the spaghetti westerns role of the man w/ no name was initially offered to Bronson before Eastwood?? (maybe I've mentioned this before??) Crazy! Anyway............I can always get away with mentioning Eastwood on HTN 'cause he had great hair........specially back in the Rawhide days!
  25. folica, Care to share why the change of heart? If not, no problem but I'd like to hear your prospective. Peace,
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